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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Hi - trying to help out my sister. We are looking for Michael Duffy of NYC (81st flr) and Rob Scandole of Cantor Fitzgerald.

I found "a" Michael Duffy on one site but no others.

Please contact me at

Thanks and God Bless. Sgd

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I am paralyzed by the horror and sadness of what has happened. It is beyond me to express the sadness and concern I feel for everyone who is suffering today.
I am sending healing thoughts and energy out to everyone who cannot help but be changed by this and eventually made stronger in our resolve to stand together against such heinous, inhuman behavior.
With Care, Trisha, ME USA

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My name is Alex and this message is to Brandy Turner in AZ. I'm from TX, don't worry about your fiance getting drafted. I am in the Army and there is plenty of us ready to fight. The animals and the ones who support them will wish they never messed with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm looking for my next door neighbor Bettie Jean Milbury who worked at the WTC. I don't know which building or floor. She lives in West Midtown.
My name is Dorothy and my number is 212-8421719

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If anyone would like help looking through these pages or possibly other for information about loved ones or possible correspondence, please contact me through my email.

If you'd like to help with this, please post your email address as well.

This is about all I can do to try to help out because I live in Texas.
I'll try to help as much as I can.

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I am looking for an AON worker named Jim Berger. He works on the 110 level of the second building. He is a yardley native. We are trying to keep his three young boys from knowing that he is missing so please help us email me as soon as posssible.

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I am looking for four friends of mine Andre Horatio Jones of Brooklyn, Deanne Jones of Brooklyn, Xavier Hastings, and Daniel Hastings. I cannot contact Andre, Deanne or Daniel, but I have left several messages on Xaviers machine as well as e-mailed him. If you guys are all right call T-Bone (Darryl Turner) 860-298-9938 or


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If anyone would like help looking through these pages or possibly other for information about loved ones or possible correspondence, please contact me through my email.

If you'd like to help with this, please post your email address as well.

This is about all I can do to try to help out because I live in Texas.
I'll try to help as much as I can.

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I am looking for my son's best friend, Charles(Chuck) Palmer. He worked in the WTC in tower 7.
I have spoken to his father and he says that he has heard from a reliable source that Chuck is safe. I want to get a message to him myself. I am just praying that he is safe. I am praying for everyone at this point. My heart goes out to everyone involved. God Bless America.
If anyone knows Chuck, please tell him Jaudie Pauge, (that is his knickname for me), I love him

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Looking for Denise Cronin who worked in towers.

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i live in Ireland as i watched the news unfold yesterday i could not belive that humen people could do this to others they must not be human when you think about it just evil. NYC and Washington are in my prayers for the people who died,who servived and all the people who have lost someone. for everyone in the USA ireland is praying for ye.

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I am searching for my dear friend John Farrell. He was last heard from on the 103rd floor of WTC Tower 2. If anyone has any knowledge of his whereabouts please contact me by e-mail at @AOL.COM">PRGERRITY@AOL.COM

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I am looking for a dear friend, Alanna Vasquez, if anyone knows anything please email me at Thank you.

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It is at this time that we all as a people must band together and pray. My heart goes out to all the people affected by this awful tragedy. Here in Chicago, we are all grieving for the lives lost and for the people injured. All I can do is pray. God bless you all, my heart goes out to you.

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Looking for info about Eugenia Piantieri who worked on 97th floor of WTC 1...Marsh (Marsh-McLennan Insurance). If anyone has any info regarding Eugenia, or the state of affairs on the 97th floor, info is appreciated.

thank you

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