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Archive through September 12, 2001

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Anyone with information on Lorraine Antigua, who worked on 104th Floor in Tower 2 for Kanter Fitzgerald, please call her husband AL and her children Arron Jason and Caitlin.
Pager # 732-671-2141.

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First I would like to say my condolances to all the victims and families. My thoughts and prayers are with you. As for the cowardly terrorists, we should hunt them down and eliminate them, not by a tidy trial as with the first WTC bombing, but by a speedy execution. I have never been in favor of war, always preached peace, etc. I am too young to know the feelings evoked by Pearl Harbor. I think I understand now, only this is worse as so many innocent people died and the attackers did not even show their faces. It seems to me that the Middle Eastern countries, if in fact they are responsible, need a wake up and some punishment on a grand scale for their behavior. As a child I always feared World War III but I think we have arrived there. My thoughts go to the innocents in the Middle East, but it seems they are no so innocent if they are celebrating this disaster.

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We are looking for William Hunt from Norwalk, Conn. He is employed at Eurobrokers in the second building to be attacked at the World Trade Center. He is 6ft+ tall, 200+ pounds, red hair and born July 27, 1969. No one has heard from him since yesterday right after building #1 was attacked. Please email me: if you know anything about him. I can email a recent picture. Does anyone know of a website to go to at the NY hospitals so I can send the picture?

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CALVIN MARTIN WILLIAMS,worked at WTC, young cousin of Marie Harris. Family wants to hear from him or any knowledge about him.
If you have information, please e-mail me at And God bless.

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ALL people are of value and worth honor. Dispite groupings of family or border, dispite no religion (whether aware of the Holy One or not) or Moslem, Christian, Hindu, Jew, Animist, Bhuddist, everyone of the world's people knows grief and happiness. WE ARE ALL AFFECTED by September 9, 2001 . Please use it to improve.

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My heart and prayers go to all of the United States. I do believe that whoever is behind this should be punished. I do hope that we do not have to kill thousands to do this. I was reading on the internet and it to me sounds like the women in Taliban are prisioners and so are the children, this saddens me that anywhere could be this way, they are beaten for wearing make up, beaten for teaching children. This isn't right. I do pray that no more inocent have to die. This is very tragic. Again I pray for everyone.

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I am looking for my father, Joseph Mistrulli. He was a carpenter on the 106th floor of the World Trade Center. He is about 6' 190lbs and 48. He has brown hair,brown eyes,beard and a mustache. Please help we miss him so much and love him. My heart goes out to everyone else who has lost a loved one, or one is missing. Good Luck :

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We are looking for friend, Chris Larrabee. He works for Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor. Please contact or call 509-750-2323 for any information...any hour. Thank you.

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This event was very sad. Let us look to the future though. As a country i pray that this helps us to unite and appreciate one another. i dont want to be selfish and complaicent anymore.

Trust in the Lord God. He's the only sure thing we have in this world!

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Does anyone have any information about ADAM WHITE.
Cantor/Fitzgerald employee, 101st. floor, please e-mail. Any info is greatly appreciated.

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I am a University student in Michigan and I was shocked to see the complaceny of the students as we were dismissed from our classes at noon on the day of attack. I want to take a stand saying that I, as a young person, feel a deep loss and i am doing the only thing I can to help-pray for our nation, the victims and their families, the President and all the staff, adn all the people involved in the rescue efforts. An absolute tragedy has happened and it is felt by everyone. I pray that everyone will feel comfort that God is with us and that "Vengence is Mine sayth the Lord"! I too cried on my way to school when I heard a local radio station play "I am Proud to be an American" with sound bytes of the media. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.

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HEATHER - what the terrorists (who happen to claim Islam as their own) did to us is not truth and peace - you are totally right. But just because they say "we are muslims," you automatically hate ALL muslims. There are different people in the world who do horrible things to others - the people who did this to America yesterday, the Timothy McVeighs, different terrorists through time. The INDIVIDUALS are the ones responsible, not the Nationalities or Religions. Those and all terrorists must be the targets of retributive attacks. Attacking the group you call "they" will only repeat the heartache and sorrow we all feel in some other location with other innocent people. Locating the terrorist criminals, verifying their crimes and then swiftly killing them is right. Dropping a bomb on the Middle East is wrong.

Medic 15 said a clear thing - we must work together to begin the healing and practice love and tolerance to our neighbor. Nothing that caused the horror yesterday was right or good. Love and healing came from the spirit of togetherness that the emergency people poured into the wounds in NYC and DC - that is what we should look to as we gather our loved ones who survived, and mourn those who did not.

If you were watching a movie, a fictional movie about the Nazi times - and you saw a scene in which an Aryan camp was attacked, and then the prisoners in the camps were shown celebrating their enemies defeat - would you be shocked? That is what the people in Palestine were doing yesterday - celebrating as their (perceived) enemy was weakened. Not good, not right. But they are human, and theirs was the fault of a man - not an incomprehensible monster. After all, bombed out buildings and murdered loved ones are a way of life there now.

But do not stoop to the level of the people on the other side who thought - I hate these Americans, these soldiers who support Israel and are are sworn enemy. Let us go drop a bomb on America and show them! That will solve nothing.

If America is a sleeping giant, let it be swift and just in its' retribution!

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looking for Tom Dowd-Cantor Fitzgerald employee- any info please e-mail

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I am looking for a friend of the Families his name is Frank Salvaterra. He worked on the 104th floor of the second building. Please contact me at is you know any information about him. Thank You

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i am looking for news on my father, FRED KUO. He was at work on the 91st floor of tower 2 when the 2nd plane hit - he was on the phone with my mother - we have not heard from him since. if you know anything, please, please contact my family at thank you.

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