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Archive through September 12, 2001

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I am looking for my brother sean schielke, he worked for cantor fitzgerald in tower 1, someone posted his name on msn survivor list, but neither family or friends have seen him, or been contacted, please call with any information at (203) 264 - 6223.

thank you

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I haven't prayed in close to ten years but last night as I lay in bed, held my children close to me and wept for the families that are suffering so terribly I knew no other outlet for solace but to pray for all of us and those that we have lost. What a release of such anguish and sorrow, tonight I will pray again for each and every one of us.
With Deepest Sympathy,
Laura Fairchild (AZ)

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I sit here and begin to read some of the messages that come from all around the world and tears come to my eyes. I was a few blocks from the WTC yesterday, and to see what happened will stay with me forever. However, when I read the words of sympathy and support from all different nationalities and people from different countries - it gives hope to all of us. Americans are very strong and I know we will never give up, but it is always important to have people be there when we need them. This message board proves that there is a lot of love in this world, and that the peace loving individuals all across the globe will stick together no matter what happens. Thank you everyone for your words of strength and hope. In such a dark time in our life and in our country, people like you bring us a ray of light.

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I am trying to find information about Paul Curioli. He had an 8:15 am meeting on the 102nd floor with S M Global. If anyone has any information at all please have him call Tammy or Kristy at 203-858-5274 or email or

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God Bless America our hearts ache for you all we stand with you in sorrow and prayer and wish we could do more. God will repay these people for what they have done just move in his wisdom and strenght God bless you all love from and english family of 17 we all stand with you the Clynch family.

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My heart goes out to all the families and friends of yesterdays horrible attack. I live in PA only about 15 miles from the site where the plane went down in shanksville and i never would of thought something so horrible could possible happen here. I will never forget this day , I was never so scared in my life. But this shows this can happen ANYWHERE! Each and everyone of the victims families will be in my prayers . Thank You to all the fireman , police and , resue workers who are doing all they can to help. God Bless each and everyone Sandra, PA

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This is such a shock ! My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families that lost a love one or a friend in the horrific tragedy yesterday. The people in West Virginia will keep you all in our hearts & prayers.
To all the Emergency service's our prayers are with you , you are truly the brave ones.

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This is such a shock ! My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families that lost a love one or a friend in the horrific tragedy yesterday. The people in West Virginia will keep you all in our hearts & prayers.
To all the Emergency service's our prayers are with you , you are truly the brave ones.

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Sending all my prayers to the people in New York and the Pentagon. May the Lord be with you in this time of need.

Aloha from Hawaii

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To all Americans-We have all lost loved ones in yesterdays tragedy, loved ones, wether we knew the victims or not. We are all in this together.

For the families and friends of those directly affected-how my heart aches for you and yours-you are in my heart and my thoughts and prayers.

May we all come together for the sake of each other.

God be with us.

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My mom is looking for friends of hers that worked in Tower 1 at the Bank of America. If anyone has any information about whether or not anyone from the bank was evacuated on time please let me know and if you have any information on any of the employees of this bank please let me know. Thank you and may God be with all the victim's families and those that are helping with the search.

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By Carmen

If Any one knows Silvia Castellanos, can they call me at 909-427-9439, We Maritza and Carmen from California are worried about her and her family, She is salvadorean and lives in NY City.

Thanks for your help, and God bless.

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All of Montanans' thoughts and prayers go to the families of the victims and to the heros of New York and Washington DC. May the Lord bless and keep all of you safe and may he aid in finding those you lost. God Bless you and God Bless AMERICA! We are sending angels to all of you through prayer, and may they be of some comfort to you.

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Sending all my prayers to the people in New York and the Pentagon. May the Lord be with you in this time of need.

Aloha from Hawaii

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All of Montanans' thoughts and prayers go to the families of the victims and to the heros of New York and Washington DC. May the Lord bless and keep all of you safe and may he aid in finding those you lost. God Bless you and God Bless AMERICA! We are sending angels to all of you through prayer, and may they be of some comfort to you.

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