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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I am looking for Donna Giordano who worked on the 100th floor of #2. Any info please e-mail"> or call (973)571-2061.

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Looking for




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American Airlines: 1-800-245-0999
United Airlines: 1-800-932-8555
AON Risk Mgmt Corp: 1-866-256-4154
Marsh & McLennan: 1-212-345-6000
Keefe Bayeffe and Woods: 1-800-726-0006
Cantor Fitzgerald: 1-866-326-3188
Morgan Stanley: 1-888-883-4391
Fuji Bank: 1-888-537-3845
Carr Futures: 1-800-755-7620
Lee Hecht Harrison: 1-201-782-3704
Thacher, Proffitt, & Wood: 1-800-698-4567
Fuduciary Trust Co: 1-800-632-2350 ext. 22578

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Colin Powell's legacy will be that he assembled the largest alliance coalition for the united purpose of eliminating terrorism completely. US, Russia, China, Saudia Arbia, Britain, Europe, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Japan, Pakistan.

Osama Bin Laden just give yourself up. Your head will be delivered to the US on a silver platter....LITERALLY.

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American Airlines: 1-800-245-0999
United Airlines: 1-800-932-8555
AON Risk Mgmt Corp: 1-866-256-4154
Marsh & McLennan: 1-212-345-6000
Keefe Bayeffe and Woods: 1-800-726-0006
Cantor Fitzgerald: 1-866-326-3188
Morgan Stanley: 1-888-883-4391
Fuji Bank: 1-888-537-3845
Carr Futures: 1-800-755-7620
Lee Hecht Harrison: 1-201-782-3704
Thacher, Proffitt, & Wood: 1-800-698-4567
Fuduciary Trust Co: 1-800-632-2350 ext. 22578

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Trying to help friends locate Evan Parker who worked for Morgan Stanley. They are desperate to here any news here in Vero Beach Florida. God Bless You All. New York, we all feel the pain and send our prayers. any news on Evan Parker, please e-mail me at

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To Any Windows on the World employee/family... Do you have any information on Jupiter Yambem. He was at the restaurant 106 fl N-WTC at 7:45 am. ANY one who is associated with Windows on the world, please contact me at or 408.929.2489

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Is there any specific web site to search for patients at different hospitals in NY?

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As I read your messages and have talked with people, I am incredibly saddened by how much hate there is in our hearts. We lost much on Tuesday and are grieving heavily because of it. Let's not lose our humanity too.

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To Any Windows on the World employee/family... Do you have any information on Jupiter Yambem. He was at the restaurant 106 fl N-WTC at 7:45 am. ANY one who is associated with Windows on the world, please contact me at or 408.929.2489

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Tuesday 11th September 2001 is a day that will change the world. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost someone, or who still waits for news. I'm not usually a girl who prays, but even I have been saying my bit to the big guy upstairs. To all the emergency service workers, may you have the strength to continue your efforts, if I could, I would be on a plane and over there in an instance, anything to help. As it is, in the UK we are humbled by the resilience and bravery that is being displayed by you all. You remain in all our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless
Anne Michelle Jaques

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I have set up a memorial site to honor all of those who lost their lives in this horrific disaster. You can visit it at:

You may actively add memorials to loved ones there. -Oliver in Oregon

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Alejandra, not that I am aware of. I've been looking for links to everything, and I haven't come across one yet!

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TRUDI ALAGERO-95th flr tower1 marshmac-anyone knowing her- contact father

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Please if anyone has any information regarding Gary Herold, he worked for AON in the South tower. On the 98th floor. A co-worker reported that she saw him and a manager leaving the building. But no has heard from him since. PLEASE let me know if you have heard anything about him. Thank you. Please email at">

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