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Archive through September 13, 2001

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My hard-headed brother lives around D.C.& does engineer work for gov't.He retired 5 years ago after serving the Army for 20 years. His wife works at Ft. Belvore. if anyone has any information about Ted or Nilia Sweeney please have him contact his family in Wa. state, or call (360) 748-1731. Thank you and God Bless.

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I agree with Toby Wallis. We must not blame all people of middle eastern origin whether they be moslem, arab, or afgahanistan, etc. However, the people who support terrorism activities and views should be punished wherever these people are from, even if they are American. If we do not get rid of these kinds of people they will reform and continue to attack our country and places like Israel where many innocent people reside.

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Anyone from the helpdesk of Morgan Stanley on the 69th floor? email thank you.

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"Well they should turn him over to us and let everysingle family who lost a loved one ,sit with him and let him know who the person was who he took thier life from."

I am sorry to inform you, but those that are willing to die for the Jihad will not be moved by such a punishment. If they have already declared war on us, how are we supposed to stay alive if we do not fight back? Tell that to the families of anyone who has been killed by these terrorists-- and I'm talking about other countries who have lost as well. You cannot rationalize with these men, you cannot stop them from killing anyone who they deem an 'infidel' and anyone who is not part of their zealot way of life is an 'infidel.' One more thing: that can also include other Muslims; did you know that the Taliban condones stoning of Muslims for not praying enough, growing their beards out or for women's ankles showing??? And you have a problem with going to war with them???

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Tuesday My Cousin Harry Ramos Works for the U.S. stock exchanges,
MAY DAVIS GROUP on 87th floor He's Missing,
following the deadly air attack that destroyed the
World Trade Center in Manhattan's,
Regroup and rescue workers scoured the debris of
the collapsed World Trade Center's twin towers for survivors,
My Cousin was on the 36th floor he perish with thousands feared dead.
Please pray for my cousin and family.

Thanks for being there and
thanks for caring for him.
Please Call Mikki Ramos at Home #973-484-8982 OR
John Morales
DME TPS Hardware Eng.- CASS Offload Program

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my name is Diane Gauff and i am desperately looking for a great frien of mine. His name is Daniel Crisman. He worked for Marsh USA in WTC1 and is missing. he is 6'2" and weighs about 180lbs. he has short brown hair and brown eyes. distinguishing marks are: 2 tatoos one on each arm-tribal art and the other one are rays of sun. he has a bump on his head and a red birthmark on one of his legs. if you have any info regarding this man please contact me at 201-677-1384 or email me at

Thank you,
Diane Gauff

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Yes, we in the West are "enlightened"...we definitely form our own opinions, but we are definitely brainwashed. Unless you see it with your own eyes, and proof is offered up, I don't think you can believe everything you hear or read. There are definitely things that are not being said, not being shown to the general public. The governments of the world have their own political agendas, people are just a means to achieving those agendas. All you need to do is convince the people that there are no alternatives, that war is the only choice. This is wrong, you can't fight terrorism with terrorism. The middle east has been doing this since biblical times, you can see how far that's got them.

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Yes, we in the West are "enlightened"...we definitely form our own opinions, but we are definitely brainwashed. Unless you see it with your own eyes, and proof is offered up, I don't think you can believe everything you hear or read. There are definitely things that are not being said, not being shown to the general public. The governments of the world have their own political agendas, people are just a means to achieving those agendas. All you need to do is convince the people that there are no alternatives, that war is the only choice. This is wrong, you can't fight terrorism with terrorism. The middle east has been doing this since biblical times, you can see how far that's got them.

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We have become the world's "doormat" while endlessly and naively rolling out our "welcome mat". We are a nation guilty of blindness to man's faults. Humankind is not inherently good but struggles daily with evil impulses. The WTC attack was "murder"; response in self-defense with military force is "killing" not "murder" . There is a huge difference. If we have as a nation, stepped on toes, show me where we have ever targeted civilians in a pre-meditated manner. In the case of accidental collateral damage against our enemy, we have apologized and in some instances offered assistance. We have become a nation that lacks common sense or street smarts. We've got to stop trying to explain and rationalize evil in our fellow man. The world's moral compass has been lost. It is up the USA to once again recover it and give a sense of righteous direction to mankind.

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I am writing to just say that my thoughts and all my prayers are going out to the families,friends, children,spouses,and co-workers of those lost in this horrific time in our history. I have been deeply saddened by this ordeal, and i have shed many tears. But I know that this was an act of war , not an act of God. And I also know that God is going to take care of everyone who has lost someone in this tragedy,and i have faith that there are still some survivors. Y ou know the horror we feel and the sadness we feel may never completely go away but God will give this country the strenght to get thru. I have been glued to the t.v since this all started and i have heard some terrible things, but the funny thing is that all of the phone calls received and the e-mail i heard of received from the victims, even though the were in a such terrible situation, they all seemed to have a faith and a reasurrance that everything was going to be ok. And that is what we need to grasp onto right now. I am only 20 years old and this is so far from what I could of ever imagined happening to such a wonderful country, and i wish there was something i could do to help. But unfortunatly all i can do is pray. And it seems like so little. So anyone reading this message if you can find anything for me to do please, please let me know. My e-mail address is I live in North Carolina , but i will try my best to come to where ever needed. Even if you just need to talk I am here. May God bless you all, and be with you in your time of need. I may not know you but everyone affected by this has a place in my heart. Please contact me if i can help.

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Re:Richard Guadagno,one of the victims of United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco, please send me his family's current address and/or phone number to my email address, which I neglected to include in my prior post: Again, I re-iterate my condolences to all surviving family members of the victims of the terrorist attacks on our America.God willing, we will all have the deaths of our loved ones avenged soon. God Bless America!

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In all honesty. When the war does begin, it's advisable that "ALL" Middle Eastern Muslims leave this country or pay the price of ignorant acts of violence being commited against them by young American adolescents. I don't promote the action but I am smart enough to know that such acts will indeed be inflicted.

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My heart and soul go out to all the families of the people that were effected by this horrible crime of humanity. My heart just aches for all of us. I hope our country will unite and have faith in God that we will all make it through this with our heads up. God Bless everyone in America!

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I am looking to hear word from Michael Diamond. He did a couple of episodes of Sex and the City this past season. Last address i have for him was W. 95th street. Please pass any may have on him. Prayers to all!!!

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In answer to some statements, this is not about revenge, it is about justice and pricipal. Americans have the right to be angry and want war; I do. War will also help our economy. We (the USA) DO need to eliminate BIN LADEN and the many others like him. I just can't help but feel horror for those trapped alive in the WTC wreckage, waiting for rescue. While we don't have all the information, it is foolish to think that our government would act hastily and put us in direct and intentional danger. We are not losing our humanity by fighting back. I am a school teacher. While we teach "bullyproofing" I also tell kids that standing up for themselves and fighting back normally shows the resolve NOT to be messed with. An eye for an eye can go a long way and Bush is the man to make it happen. Could you even think about the way Clinton would have handled this?? Or lack there of!

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