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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Tuesday My Cousin Harry Ramos Works for the U.S. stock exchanges,
MAY DAVIS GROUP on 87th floor He's Missing,
following the deadly air attack that destroyed the
World Trade Center in Manhattan's,
Regroup and rescue workers scoured the debris of
the collapsed World Trade Center's twin towers for survivors,
My Cousin was on the 36th floor he perish with thousands feared dead.
Please pray for my cousin and family.

Thanks for being there and
thanks for caring for him.
Please Call Mikki Ramos at Home #973-484-8982 OR
John Morales
DME TPS Hardware Eng.- CASS Offload Program

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hi, i'm looking for a friend that worked in tower 2 . on the 86 floor. please if anyone has any information on him please email me at his name is BARRINGTON L. YOUNG .may god bless every one going through this horrable state now. my prayers are for all. god bless.

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The pain and anguish, such sadness, no words can comfort you with such losses. Let it be known that all of Michigan feel your pain and are greatly saddened. The pictures and horror of this will be with us forever. May God comfort all of you and ease the pain. As Americans ,, we will stand together and rise up from this tragedy and stand united together ! May God bless all.

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"By Frank from Florida:
What the hell is "AMERICATHEBRAVE" talking about? I don't see anyone named Hitler on this meesage board. Who hates this country? The only messages I see are from people who want revenge on these dirty terrorists. If you have any sympathy for them, I pity you."

Frank-- scroll up near the top of the board for the day and you will see two messages from username 'hitler'.

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Looking for Arlkadiy Zaltsman.
About 5'11''
Dark hair
Speaks with a faint East European accent
Sometimes stutters
Possibly works for Mancini Duffy Architects (not sure)
Last known to be in one of the towers on the morning of September 10. If anyone knows him, works with him, or saw him, please e-mail Boris Vaynman, Thank You.

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Make no mistake about this comment either. You can be well assured that GW Bush has, is and will continue to seek advise from all living former Presidents, Clinton, Bush, Ford and Carter.

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I am missing a friend named Lance Tumulty. He hasn't been heard from since Tuesday morning right after the first plane hit. He worked in Tower 2, 84th floor, for Euro Brokers. Any information, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. His family and friends are obviously very concerned. A picture and additional information can be found at Also any information could be sent to"> or Patty at 917-934-9967. Thank you for all your help.

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Yes indeed, terrorism needs to be eradicated. Bin Laden needs to be taken out (even if he's not responsible for these latest attacks). What needs to be addressed is the fact that many, many, many more innocent people will die as a result of taking him down.

So what if Afganhis were lining the streets cheering? You think everybody likes the US? Hell, the US used to supply arms to Bin Laden years ago...way to go guys.

Moral high ground...rise above. Show the world the real strength of the United States.

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So many people want to help the victims and their families. I myself want to send money to the American goverment to help to buy equipment against those who are responsible for this hate.If anyone has an idea where i can send money to the goverment please give me a hint. - i am definately not a good human,but what happened in NY is against everything what humans ever can imagine.And definately those who have died,did NOT deverve it ! Thanx Americans who have brought the free world to us germans,thanx so much to spend cigarretes and ham to our grandfathers and moms,i have many american friends who used to live in germany and i really feel with you ..brothers --- thank you RK.

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I'm from Texas and my family sends Our Prayers and Hearts out to the Victims,Survivors,Rescue Workers and to all Families that this tragic act has effective. May God Bless You All and Never Give Up when all may seem lost. UNITED WE STAND!!!!

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To everyone in America.
My heart is with you all in this horrible tragedy.
I hope and pray for more survivors.
And I hope that when it is time to strike back America will give Bin Laden hell on earth.
Cecilia from Malmoe in Sweden.

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Our famiy is desperately looking for information on our brother ROBERT MACE. He works for CANTOR FITZGERALD on 101st floor. Please
contact us at the following numbers with any information:

Ken and Kathy Mace 412-835-2584 or 412-498-7241
Janette White 1-800-762-3744 x2615

Please contact us at any of the numbers provided or e-mail us with any information. Thank you for all the prayers.

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Missing: Jennifer Y. Wong of Whitestone, NY.

Works for Marsh McLennan, Client Services Division, on 90+ floor of Tower 1 WTC.

She had on black top w/ khaki pants and blackcarnigan.
- birthmark/mole under left collarbone
- 25 years old
- Chinese, but looks mixed
- fair skin
- about 5'4", 140 lbs.
- long black hair

Please contact Eva @ 718-428-2792 if you know anything of her whereabouts.

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WE ARE NOT FIGHTING TERRORISM WITH TERRORISM! Terrorism is an act by a radical militia NOT supported by ANY government carried out by cowards with no moral spine. Retaliation, or even war, is supported by many governments, and carried out by armies with humanity in mind. Zane is right in the sense that terrorism never works, but US involvement around the world HAS worked for the most part. That is why one cannot compare the actions of the US to terrorists!

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Sorry, America the Brave... I did not see that post from HITLER. But I do agree with you

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