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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Looking for my husband, WAYNE DAVIS or anyone attending the RISKWATERS conference located on the 106th floor. He is 6'1", 220lbs, brown eyes/hair. Scar on left forehead. He has a black band tattoo around his left bicep. He is 29 years old. Feel free to call or email. Thank you.

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For those who read this... our President is declaring 9/14 a national day of prayer, and asks everyone to use their lunch and go to church to pray for His childern. I will take my lunch tomorrow, get my three children from school and go to Orchard Hills Baptist Church, Garland,Tx
to pray for our nation, our president, and for all of you. God Bless America. Love and pray for one another.

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looking for Charlie Heeran. Worked for Cantor and Fitzgerald. he is listed as being fine, but no one from his family has heard from him. If anyone has information please call (646)207-5677 or email me at the following address:">
thanks and my prayers to all

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Those governments purposefully put civilians in those areas they know will be bombed to be able to cry foul.

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Our deepest sympathy and prayers goes out to the people of America in this most tragic time of sorrow. We fear for the safety of all innocent people of the world at the hands of these cowardly terrorists and at the possible consequences of their actions. God be with you.

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Looking for any information on Nick Lassman who worked at espeed in the North Tower (1) or any information on any employee from espeed who survived. Please call (917) 696-5642.

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What the media has failed to mention or even discuss is the fact that there "WERE" day-care centers within some of the business' that conducted business in the WTC.

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To All the heroes of this American Disaster:

We are in West Virginia and have watched this horrible tragedy take place. Our hearts are heavy with grief and saddness for all of you who may have lost someone, or have lost someone. Please know that you are in our thoughts and our prayers each minute of each day that passes. And for all the firefighters,police personell, and rescue workers,you have done a magnificant job and are truly heroes in every sense of the word!! Thoughts and prayers....The Dunlap's in Waverly, West Virginia

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Janet Gutowski - Asahi Bank Ltd. Suite 6011
One World Trade Center Please e-mail"> with any information

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These attacks were taken directly out of strategies in the book "The Art of War" written by Sun-Tzu. The terrorists are extremely smart.

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Michelle S. Carbonara

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Looking for Vincent Gallucci, Sr. Vice Pres.,
Marsh & Co. 97th Floor Tower I - 38 yrs.old
6'1" 220lbs blonde hair, blue eyes, tag watch,
wedding band.

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I'm a 17 years old Spanish boy and since I was born alive the terrorism day after day in my country, because of it I'm hurt and I give my more felt condolence all the Americans and specially whon there had beings wanted in the towers, the Pentagon or in the planes.
This it is my mail in order tht you write me, since I would like much:;
I encourage and continue forward!!

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God Bless every American. Live each day like there is no tomorrow.

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If there is anything that I can do, please let me know. I live in San Antonio, Texas. I have been praying for all of you as I believe that is the best any of us can do. Please know that my message is not in vain, if there is a need and I can help, I will.

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