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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Tuesday My Cousin Family Harry Ramos Works for the U.S. stock exchanges,
MAY DAVIS GROUP#1-87th floor He's Missing,
following the deadly air attack that destroyed the
World Trade Center in Manhattan's,He was wearing a white mock turtle
Neck, dark slacks wearing traditional gold wedding band and a white,
Faced two toned sliver & gold rolex watch.
Regroup and rescue workers scoured the debris of
the collapsed World Trade Center's twin towers for survivors,
My Cousin was on the 36th floor he perish with thousands feared dead.
Please pray for my cousin and family,If you have information please
Call his wife Micky Ramos.
Thanks for being there and
thanks for caring for him.
Please Call Micky Ramos at Home #973-484-8982 OR
Angelo Cruz cell Phone: 973-809-7767
Mcguire family Home: 908-964-3910
John Morales
DME TPS Hardware Eng.- CASS Offload Program

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Keep the faith and don't give up!
may god bless you all!

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I am looking for Linden Robinson.... I know you were in the area and we haven't heard any news, and cannot get through to NYC... please contact:

(That is also for Family of Courtney Robinson in England..... to all the family.... please give neil, winnie or anyone a call!)

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works at Deutsche Banc, 130 Liberty St., 28th

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Looking for Vincent DiFazio. Male, caucasian, 43 yrs. born 05/20/58. Brown eyes, BALD, 5' 11" , 200-210 lbs. Worked at Cantor-Fitzgerald. Home address 66 Country Acres Dr. Hampton, NJ 08827.
Arline DiFazio is contact: 908-735-65

Please call if you know anything.

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Does anyone have any information on Robert (Bob) Brook. He is a security guard at the world trade center. He is 24 years old, puertorican and dominican and a student at John Jay College. I haven't heard from him since Monday 9/10/01. Please email me at or

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Was "Hitler" the idiot who claims that those videos of Arab kids in the streets cheering are from 1991? That's Bull-••••! Their clothes are too new in the pictures to be from the early 90's. It's mearly "Sand-Nigger propaganda".

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As an individual, I feel helpless. I find myself wishing I had magic powers to be able to right the wrongs. Or even if I had the magic to remove all the debris in one spell only to find people alive and not.

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Dear America,
I want to tell you that we here in South Africa are truly sorry about what happened to you. It's unbelievable to think that there are people in this world of ours that can do something like this. I hope that there will be justice, because a deed like this shouldn't go unpunished. Feel free to ask for anything. I am 18 years old, and the feeling of knowing that I won't ever see that 2 buildings again in my life is really frightening.

God Bless and like we say in South Africa:"God is met julle" which means that God will be with you.

Our prayers are with everyone that lost a love-one.

Mils Krüger - South African

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I am looking for one of my college friends that is currently attending graduate school at NYU and I haven't heard from her and I would like to know if she is okay. Her name is Kerri Herlihy. If anyone knows how I can reach her, please email me or call me.

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There is a time to kill, the Bible states that there is a time for everything. The time is now, the end is near for those poor souls in the middle east.

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muhammed please contact sunnie in ohio or email her sister at"> or even add your name to the survivors list at we are very anxious to hear any news

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To everyone involved in anyway!!!!!!
Our hearts and prayers are with you all! Please know that EVERY minute of the day we think of you and pray! I wish there was some way to wake up from this nightmare we are in! God bless each and everyone of you!!!!!!

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I like your username "Cricket"

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I am looking for my husband, Nicholas Andrew Bogdan. He is an employee of Marsh & McLennan Companies. He is 5ft 8in tall and 320 lbs, caucasian with dark brown/black long hair, he has a full beard and mustache. He is wearing a Hightstown High School ring with a blue oval stone. Any other information about Marsh computer room employees would be appreciate. Please send any information to

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