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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I saw Mark Bingham's name (San Francisco) as a victim on United Airline Flight 93. Does anyone know if he is the same Mark Bingham originally from Friendswood Texas?

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My heart goes out to everyone...i pray for you and your loved ones..that we will all make it through this..This is a tragedy that shouldn't have happened..God Bless..everyone..

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When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit ~
Rest if you must, but don’t quit.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when its seem afar,
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit ~
It’s when things go wrong you mustn’t quit.

God bless to all and my heart is with you.

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From the UNITED States of America, we thank you for your kindness and prayers. We know that most of the world are not like the insane people who did this unspeakable act of terrorism, and would never cheer at a disaster like this (no matter what country it happened to). We know that most of the world is grateful for our help and compassion in times of disaster, in our humane treatment of prisoners in times of war, and for our efforts in keeping FREEDOM and Opportunity to Succeed ALIVE in as much of the world as we can. We constantly mourn (and try to help) the victims of poverty and ignorance, of zealot groups and governments, of religious persecution (which includes all the women of the world who are kept down with violence and kept from having an education, to make their own choices)etc., etc., etc. There is no reason to attack at us, and it is so silly to try, and think of it as a victory against us! We will not be broken! Many terrorist groups had their death warrant signed yesterday, whether they were a part of this or not. Rest assured that we are still UNITED, and will ALWAYS BE SO. We will not be cowed by this. We will forever work to eradicate anyone who might ever dare to commit this kind of cowardly and cruel deed. We are still, and will ALWAYS be "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave". Thank you once more.

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This Moment of Silence message is dedicated to the thousands of innocent people that have died in this horrible event. Please take a Moment of Silence for these people and then read on.

Our prayers and Condolences

Laurissa Goodman,Andrew Bennet,Breanna Kennedy,Jessica Legget,Kristi Clark,Eddie McCray,Bruce Landrum,Justin Bristow,Courtny Bullock,Miranda Marin,Tyler McLaughln,Rodney Mobley,Michael McClellan,Ryan Putala,Dustin James,Conny Davidson,Joseph Rivas,Travis McDowll,Westly Bower,John Ganas,Jack Fulford,Zachary Bown,Ashley Roberson,Krystal Johnson,Maxi Aldridge,Amanda Roberts,Tiffany Williams,Charity Felton,Jerry Coleman,Whitney Burris,Keith Kemp,Will Pillows,Eddie Lowe,Ms. Kandas Rice,Mr. Will Jacques,Sarah Sanders,Amber Miller,Sam Taylor,Ronnie Ward,Lindsay Burnett,JR Bladen,Kyle Thompson,Alexis Russell,Amanda Rowe,Brandon Thomas, and many more are praying for them. These people are Middle Schoolers like myself that are just as involved in this as the adults of this nation.

Our well wishes,
Ware County Middle School Students

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We are hoping and praying that Firefighter Tommy Schoales has survived this tragedy...along with all the others missing....

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The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. Amen

God Bless America, and Amen

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dear Lord this was a very traggic day today and I pray that you help all the victims both in the hospitals and the ones still buried underneith the building...i pray that you give us strength to get past this and the up coming days and giving the families of the victims hope and strength and that we find out who is responsible and that it never happens again! Lord Give the president guidence to these days and guide him along to help him make the right decisions ... Lord just help all the people in need at this time thankyou Lord amen September 11 2001 my thoughts and prayers and condolences go out to everyone in The United states You will get through this especialy the people who are effected by this loss. The UNited States will and always will stand strong and NO One or anything can bring it down ....Canada is with you all the way! WE will stand with you through everything

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I have cried and prayed for everyone. God bless all the workers and volunteers. You will have a star in your crown. I deeply feel for those that have lost small children the most innocent of the victims. My prayers are with you all.

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US Pride Day

Tomorrow is US Pride Day for all the people who were lost in the tragedy of the terrorist attacks, everyone wear US colors. Try to be wearing as much red white and blue as you can. Send this message to as many other people you know. Let's get the whole country into it.

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I am sorry, I dont know that person. I will say a prayer that you find these people safe. In the meantime I am looking for another PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER. I am not sure about his last name but he has sandy hair and is a big guy. He was just promoted to Leutenient. His name is Eric. I know there must not be that many with this discription. Anyone know who I am talking about??? Please let me know and post it here. Thanks!! cheri

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Looking for Denise Cronin who worked in towers.

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I live in Colorado springs and would like to know if there is anything I can do to help. I was extremely shocked at what happened yesterday especially because my husband just came home from a business trip from out of the country on Saturday and that is to close for me in what happened.Contac me if you are needed in donations of food, clothing or any other item.If I can help please let me know.My thoughts are with you all. My e-mail address is

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US Pride Day

Tomorrow is US Pride Day for all the people who were lost in the tragedy of the terrorist attacks, everyone wear US colors. Try to be wearing as much red white and blue as you can. Send this message to as many other people you know. Let's get the whole country into it.

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MICHAEL ASCIAK - works for Carr Futures he was on the 92nd Floor of Tower 2, please, if you have any information on his whereabouts e-mail me at"> - our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims and their families.

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