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Archive through September 13, 2001

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FELIX VALE*********

If anyone has any information please contact">


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Thank you. I just say what i feel. I dont want to grow up in a world of terror.
I believe Tony Blair is a good man he expresses the feeling of the whole country. There are many hundreds of Britains missing so this tradgedy has a direct affect i suppose.
Life goes on and we cant run scared.

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Looking for Barbara Habib. She was in Marsh McClennen. Please email with any information.

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Looking for David Litt. Works for Morgan Stanley.e-mail"> Cathy

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Looking for Thomas M. Brennan; employee of Sandler O'Neill, 104th fl. 2 WTC.
Pls email w/any info.

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I am looking for my friend , who I have not heard from in three days , his name is Francois Liebenberg , and he only got to New York four days ago, if any one has any information , please let me know
Thank you and God be with us all

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MARTIN MADEAVAN, Please if anyone has any information about this lovely, kind friend of mine. I am out of my mind with worry. I know he worked for Morgan Stanley within the Data Warehouse Team,(IT sector) but the name i have for him is his spoken shortened 'americanised' name. His real name is very long and unpronounceable and i dont know it. He is originally from India, Madras. Please contact me with any info on :

Please God may he be safe.

My prayers go to all that have been affected by this awful tragedy.
Bee (London)

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I am looking for details of Robin Larkey, who worked No 1 Tower, 105th, Cantor Fitzgerald. Last seen 50-60th floor before building collapsed. Any info email

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Here in the great northwest corner of the USA we are trying to get something started that we feel might help a lot of shaken, battered and frightened people to begin to heal. It is just a little something but we feel it would carry a powerful message.

Tomorrow night Friday 9/14/01 at 7 Pacific Standard Time we ask that every American stop what they are doing, step outside and light a candle to send a message of love and support to the victims and their families and also to the purpatrators of this horror that they have underestimated us. We are not broken, we will not be beaten and we will not tolerate terrorism or anyone who allows it to exist.

With President Bush designating tomorrow a day of remembrance and prayer we have an opportunity to get a message out to the world. They are all watching us now, lets show them what UNITED means. We all feel such a sense of helplessness and our hope is that by standing together in this way we can all feel as if we are doing something, anything, to help. We ask that you contact everyone you know, have ever known, or can think of, especially radio, television etc in your area and ask them to do the same.

Thank you for your time.

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I am looking for JOHN RODAK, he worked for Sandler O'Neil and was on the 104th floor at the time of the attck in the 2nd Building.....he called once on his cell to say he was ok then nothing yet....please email me at if anyone has ANY WORD OF HIS WHEREABOUTS......Thanks you! My love and prayers for everyone out there!

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I want to express my condolences to all american people and all people who have lost a loved one in this act or terror.
I'm deeply shocked and terrified and... I even can't find enough words for it.
My thoughts are with all the victims and their friends and families.
Stand together!

Sandra, Germany

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Hi folks - may I add my 2 cents worth? I feel that the only way to solve this is to eradicate the people behind this type of behavior. I have a 19 year old son who will go if called inspite of the fact that he says it is so scary. I consider him a very brave young man. My husband served 3 tours in nam and my first husband died because of his service in nam. Violence is never to be condoned however, in this case, I say GO GET 'EM! I dont want my son or other americans put in any more danger, but that is the price of freedom. Innocent women and children? What about those women and children dancing in the street over this? Sorry people - call it collateral damage if you will, but those children are the future terrorists of the world. God bless all of you, whatever your opinions. We are in this together and we will prevail! GOD BLESS AMERICA

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Does anyone know Mary Wieman? Did you see her at all on Tuesday? She works on 1o2nd floor for Aon wtc#2 Contact me. Karen Wheet

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If I can help in any way possible please feel free to email me at, I live in Jacksonville, Florida.

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Please contact me at if you know anything about the 38 missing employees from Alger. We're trying to find a good friend, Brad Hoorn, who is still missing. Any information would be welcome. Thanks and God Bless

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