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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I am a NYC native now in Ohio. In the Midwest, I am reminded by people on a daily basis how cold and insensitive so many people think we (natives) can be.

Well, I can tell you this. There is no better time to observe a community than when it is in crisis. To see our police officers, fire fighters, rescue workers, steel workers, DELIBERATELY defy such pathetic odds to help others brings an unprecidented level of pride in my roots.

This, my friends, is the sheer beauty of the New York character that so many people often miss. Your valor and courage literally bring me to tears throughout the day, every day. I thank you, I respect you, and most of all I love you.

To your families, I can only offer my greatest gratitude and prayers and a simple reminder of your loved one's fragile, yet steadfast, dedication to humanity and their fellow New Yorkers: "No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for a friend."

Each and every one of you is a hero of the higest, most uncompromising degree!

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I'm looking for a friend of mine's younger brother. His name is Michael Napier. He was working for Morgan Stanley. If anyone knows his whereabouts, there are a lot of us who are very worried about him. Please email me at with more information. Thank you and God Bless


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looking for clarence and debora mcduffie...and anthony presley...please contact">

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My prayers go out to those of you looking for a loved one,friend, or co-worker, I am looking for a friend in NY and can't seem to locate her. Annie Ruth Townsend, lives upper Manhatten on Columbus, worried she may have been south that morning, she works for Sephora, if you know where she is, contact me please.My deepest sympathy to all those who have lost a loved one, I will pray for you. Let us stand together and keep strong. God bless America and her people.

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Searching for Michael DiAgostino of Cantor&Fitz please email with any info you may have:

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I am looking for my good friend and room mate,he is dark in color about 6ft5in weighs about 200ibs bald head. His name is AJALA,GODWIN,from africa.He works with SUMMIT at the world trade center. He is in his 30s. He ties white cloth on both legs near the ankle.If you have any information about him - please contact me at
thank you.

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We are looking for an NYC Firefighter Aaron McKinney

If anyone has any information on him please e-mail Kirsty at"> or Kellie at


God Bless America

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My name is Shanti' Thompson-Mitchell and I am a member of St. Thomas Church located at 3804 East 39th Street. I would like to say on behalf of our pastor and co-pastor we are very sorry about what happened, we also know it was a great lost. We want you all to know that St. Thomas is praying for each and everyone of you and we pray that these terrorists are brought to justice. God loves each of you and we do too.We will always keep you and your families in our prayers.You can e-mail me at God bless you and we love you all.

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May the Lord bless and keep us in this time of great sorrow and give a sense of peace to those who lost loved ones in this senseless act of violence. To the people of New York, D.C, and Penn.and all the familys that lost loved ones on 9-11 know that you are in the hearts of the world and in there prayers.


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I moved to colorado from the east coast over 2 years ago. Through those 2 years, I have always felt somewhat "disconnected" because of the cultural differences. Over the past few days I have felt more connected than ever. I am so amazed to see the caring and hopeful energy flowing through not only colorado but from all over the world. I am a full time college student, and I can say that for me and many others it is extremely difficult to focus on anything, because of the pictures and thoughts re ocurring in my mind. Originally from NJ, I have been to NYC many many times and it is hard to imagine it as anything but the hustling, moving, city of people with purpose. But as I watch TV hour after hour my whole perspective has changed. I cannot comprehend what has happened there. Something in my mind won't accept it as reality. I just have to say that I pray for all of those who have lost or have not yet found your loved ones and that even here in Colorado, every hour is filled with words and thoughts of sympathy and hope in the fact that the people responsible for this cowardly act of destruction will meet their doom in the worst way. I have the ultimate respect for all of those brave souls who are knowingly putting their own lives at stake for the sake of others and I am sorry for all of those who have lost. May God bless you and your loved ones.

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it's not the same at all...Afganistan is not nearly the economic or military power that the US is (or Germany was).

Seriously, a war with Afganistan can only have one outcome: total destruction of Afganistan. The US will utterly destroy them, it's not even going to be a fair fight (if there is such a thing).

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I am looking for my friend Mark Wiltshire who worked for Lehman Brothers. If anyone knows him and/or hears from him, please tell him to call Trivia. My heart and prayers go out to all of you, especially those who had a significant other who was a fireman. My husband is also a fireman. I will continue to keep this nation in my prayers. God bless you all.

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I am looking for my cousin Robert Fazio. He is a NYC police officer one of 40 that are missing. They cannot tell us anything at all. They do not know where he was dispatched to or when. If anyone knows anything please email me back at thank you and hoping everyone finds who they are looking for

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I have felt so deeply hurt by all that is happening in our world today
although i do have to say that this is almost the end and i know that not all people know about God or even care to hear but in my opinion i do believe in him and i do know that he will not leave us in times of turmoil and pain.
my prayer is that all that do not know him and all that passed on that did not know Him that He have grace upon there souls. to me i believe that as long as we stand together we will be ok. as long as in our minds and hearts we bond as one nation under God we will be indivisable because for liberty we will stand. i send my condolenses for all that are going through so much pain and i will continue to pray for you God Bless You and keep you always if you need a helping hand and prayers just email me and i will be happy to add you on to our prayer chain my email address
and also

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I am in Australia, and have no means of finding out if my friend MATIN EMOUNA is ok. If you know him, get him to email Marion at .....
Thanks and good luck everyone....

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