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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I am looking for my friend, Jim William, and his parents who lived at 125 Cedar Street just south of the WTC. There loft was on the corner of Church/Trinity & Liberty St. Is this building still there? Their phone is not in service. Any suggestions on how I can locate them? Please contact Paula Keyes at 407-682-4513 or">

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looking for frank j fiorenza

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looking for Lih-Hsin Guo stewardess. Please message me at or call me 613-841-4709. love you very much.
peace & love,

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Family and friends are looking for any information regarding Christopher Gardner, an employee of Aon. A Chris Gardner is listed as okay on but we have had no contact, don't know who submitted it and can't get the biographical data on the person. Please email any information that hasn't already been communicated to the family to Thoughts and prayers are with all.

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All my love, prayers, and highest hopes to my American brothers and sisters! I am deeply and profoundly saddened and angered by what has happened. My heart goes out to everyone in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania who is suffering in mind, body, and spirit. I love you and I love this great nation of ours. Nothing or no one can kill the unity and love we have in hearts!

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From Spain a drop of hope to those who lost a loved one.

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What a terrible disaster. I wish we could help,but there is so little we can do.
We only can send our love and condolences to you.
Over here in the Netherlands (Europe) we are shocked, sad and angry.
the Netherlands

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Phyllis Hope Smith,Catina Michelle Smith.African-American female they are mother and daughter Catina is 25yrs.old.5'6 in height blk. hair and brown eyes.Phyllis is 5'6 dk. brown to black hair and works security.Any info will help email is"> or call 832-771-0767 for Holly or Doris.

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I am trying to find out information of Chaw Chaw Khin Gyi - I've lost all contact and not sure if she was affected by the tragedy in New York, if anyone knows or her - please urgently let me know

Thanks Aurassi from Australia

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We are thinking of you all and praying for you
here in Green Bay, WI

The Ronsmans Family

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I am trying to contact JULES ROINELL of WINDOWS ON THE WORLD, this is Peter Totillo, former WTC Club cook. I know you are O.K. Jules so please E-Mail me back at
I have a lot of info. regaurding staff, you are the only survivor I know that may have a computer.
I spoke to Doris' mother today, and I need to speak with you Jules. E-Mail me back please.
You are on the O.K. list and i got an E-Mail that you were on the radio Wed. morning speaking.....
Get in touch with me.

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It is with great and infinite sadness that I watched, on TV, multiple terrorist attacks of an almost unfanthomable magnitude occur in New York and Washington DC.

I have not ever had to deal with a situation so profound, that so inevitably changes the course of world events, and will make such an impact on how Americans view the world, and how we are indeed viewed by others. I have feared for quite some time that this day would come, and I can only give thanks that nuclear weapons were not factored into the equation this time.

I am often saddened by the fact that my fellow American citizens perceive that America's governmental actions have no bearing on people in other parts of the world. While anger is certainly justified in this situation -- my heart goes out to anyone reading this who has lost a loved one, a co-worker, or witnessed the devastation firsthand -- I am very saddened by the venom, hatred and confusion that I am finding in this forum.

I wish to ask this question to you all -- Why us? Why are we the target? Why not the nations of Europe, who are more easily accessible and also have wealthy societies that champion liberty? What have we done to have such venom and hatred unleashed upon us? And what can we learn from this? If your answer is solely to build bigger walls, strike with carpet bombing, create an even stronger Fortress America, then you have learned nothing from this catastrophe. This is not to, for one iota, condone terrorist activity -- I stick firm to my mantra that terrorism has no place in any society -- but if we do not learn the arguments of others, and realize that our very own concept of freedom has been attained through the brutal domination and manipulation of poorer societies from around the world, then we are doomed to have this event, unparalleled in 225 years of American history, repeat itself again and again.

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Mark McGinly, 26, drk brn hair, 6ish feet tall, 200 lbs, blue eyes. Worked at Carr Futures on the 92nd floor, North Tower. My boyfriend's brother. Please, ANY news, word, info on him, whatever it is, would be greatly appreciated. E-mail or call (310) 360-9794 or (323) 634-1240

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I'm looking for my aunt. Her name is Aine (Ann) McHugh. She was on the 84th floor of the second tower that was hit. She worked for Euro Brokers. She had a slight irish accent, red hair, 5'2-5'3 (overall she was short), hazel eyes.

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I am looking for Adam Arias. He worked on the 84th floor of the 2 wtc. If any one has any information please email me at His wife has not heard from him since tuesday at 9. any information after that would be greatly appreciated. our prayers are with everyone

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