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Archive through September 13, 2001

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read his words! And also... try typing slower 😉 j/k

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I'm looking for my nephew, Jason Oswald. He is
6 feet tall, blonde hair, brown eyes and is 28 years old.

He worked in Twin Towers 2 on the 101st floor or the 102nd floor. Any information will be greatly

Please e-mail me at with any information that you may have.

Thank you and God Bless America

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My heart and my prayers go to the families directly affected by the horendous acts of terror that took place in our nation this past Tuesday. I continue to pray for the rescue workers and that there may still be those found alive beneath the rubble.

God Bless you all

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Hi i'm looking for bryan sabir, razia shareef,
ibrahim sabir, and ali kamran they were going to visit the world trade center sept 11th at 9:a.m
bryan always got every where 15 to 30 minutes ahead of time i have not herd of them since they would have checked in a hotel after visting the wtc that day they were going to be in nyc for a week please e-mail me fast if u hear of them

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Sorry, too busy applying for a job at the White House. All my typing skills HAVE TO BE CORRECT TO THEM not here.

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I am looking for STEVE O'HAGEN NYC FIREFIGHTER in Harlem. Please contact me @

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Looking for Mercina Cator, works in Liberty 1 for Merrill Lynch petite w/long dark hair sister in AZ Steleta Maggio is very worried please e-mail me on her or
She needs to know you're safe......
God Bless you all
Lori.....Steleta's co-worker

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Looking for my uncle, Isaias Rivera Trujillo - works for CBS at WTC.

Please, if anyone has any information reply to us or call 1 800 474-6627 in the Catering department. My extension is 6618.
Or at home 787-801-0697.

Alternate e-mails or

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David Verity, a wise man you are

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looking for TIM BETTERLY WTC 104floor call 770-943-4359 or 770-998-1709

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HELLO. i am a 16 year old canadian student and i am DESPERATELY sorry to all of those who lost a loved one. I am doing a project on the surviors of this dramatic tradgedy though, and i was wondering if ANYONE could help me get in touch (over the internet) with someone who survived.
I would greatly apprecieate it.
my prayers are with those of you who are suffering.
Deepest regards,

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FRANK NAPLES of WTC #1, FLR 105, Cantor Fitzgerald. Last heard from at 8:58 at which time, whereabouts were not disclosed. ANY NEWS AT ALL ON FRANK or ANY Cantor Fitz employee that has survived this would be appreciated. We are praying here in California for a safe recovery for all with missing loved ones. PLEASE CALL FRAN's cousin KIM at 530-676-8308 or email with any information REGARDING ANYONE at Cantor Fitz. No word is what is making this even more unbearable. Thank you and God Bless.

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I am looking for Lesley DeRosso (Derosso) a us airline attendant normally flying out of the NY area. Her friend in the uk "slaineagle" is worried and wishes to hear any news available
email any info to me and i'll forward it. Thank you Lesley, if you read this please email whitesmoke right away

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Posts: 9

I am STILL amazed at the number of people
who keep saying things like:

"Them" and "Those people" and "They" and of
course, endearing terms like "sand-niggers".

Who the hell are you talking about? Do we
know who did this? No. Do we know who
supported them? No. Do a lot of the folks on
this bulletin board have access to some kind
of inside information that the rest of us don't
have? I don't think so. If they do, that
information is no doubt classified, and they
should be considered traitors.

Let the US intelligence agencies do their job,
and figure out who the true culprits are. Then,
and only then, can we start pointing fingers,
and making threats. Until then, we can only
make matters worse by accusing people who
may or may not be guilty.

In short, put a cork in it. Don't showcase your
ignorance to the rest of the world!

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I just want to send all of you my prayers. I also want you to read this poem that I wrote:

Can you believe it?
Can you believe how badly we were hit?
Neither can I.
It feels like a part of me died.
It feels like it could neva be.
But it did, as you can see.
Why do we live in such a cruel place?
Some don't like others because of their race.
I can't believe those therrorists-
They left NYC in a puff of mist.
Then they hit the Pentagon..
I can't believe that all these things are gone.
They think that God will repay them if they kill the US.
But I believe He will punish them for their injustice.
Face it, we're in history...
& it's where we'll ALWAYS be.
How would THEY feel if it had been their last day,
& missing their loved ones because they're so very far away?
Was this so great to them to make it worth while?
Because my muscles seem to forget how two smile.
I don't know what the world is comin to.
But remember that I will alwayz love you!

Unfortunetly someone took my rough draft and posted it on AOL. But I hope to get this poem published or put on TV.. if that's possible for someone so young as me.


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