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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Americans are in deep sorrrow and disbelief right now over our loss of our loved ones. But understand we will surive this tremendous loss . We will gain our composure and we will hold our head up high and when we do we will come after Bin Laden and show the basterd what we are made of. There are no innoccent people in Afghanistan. This is a country that starts teaching their children to hate Americans as soon as they can understand. Bin Laden teaches these kids to be terriorist as soon as they can hold a gun. They go into training as soon as they can walk and talk. These kids are the future terriorists of the free world. What kind of world will my grand kids have to raise their kids in as long as we have all these future Bin Laden terriorsts in the world. Afghanistan is not an country that raises their children to be innocent, loving and forgiving kids. They teach them death and hate and to destory the people that dont see their way of life. God forgive me but these people need to die and the USA needs to be the front runners in that mission of death. Bin Laden and his many followers will burn in hell.

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Perhaps I overspoke myself. For that, I

I never claimed to know what everyone else is
feeling. Nor did I claim that all people who
experienced feelings of anger this week are
ignorant, blood-thirsty, and bigoted.
Nevertheless, you cannot deny that there are
contributors to this discussion that fall into
one, or more than one of those categories.

When I read through the posts that are meant
to be "patriotic," many of them sound, not
brave, but very sad, very scared, and
occasionally, very small-minded.

My concern is this: If we allow ourselves to fall
victim to our fears, to put hatred above all else,
then we have not defeated the "enemy." We
have become the enemy.

I agree that we must be strong. We must be
proud. We must be brave. But above all, we
must also be compassionate. Then, and only
then, will we rise above this horrible situation,
and show the world what we are truly made of.

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I am an training to go to West Point at New Mexico Military Institute (the Gary Owen Batallion) in Roswell, New Mexico. I am personally ready to defend this country even if it means going enlisted instead of West Point and commision, but all in due time. For now I stand with 'Pixie' and think we should be 100% certian of our target before we shoot ourself in the foot.

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I have full trust in our armed forces, our defense department, and our President. Good luck to you all. Good night. -Linda Stuart

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A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

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lisa, please post the web page, we can't see the pic

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Dear ticked:

I read your post, and it made me very sad.

How can you not see the irony in the
statements you just made? Can you not see
how similar your statements are to the
statements made by terrorists around the

What it someone said to you:

"There are no innoccent people in America!
This is a country that starts teaching their
children to hate Arab people as soon as they
can understand. Americans are the scourge of
the Middle East. What kind of world will my
grand kids have to raise their kids in as long
as we have all these future George W. Bush
white supremicists in the world. America is
not an country that raises their children to be
innocent, loving and forgiving kids. They teach
them death and hate and to destory the
people that dont see their way of life. Allah
forgive me but these people need to die and
our movement needs to be the front runners in
that mission of death. George Bush and his
many followers will burn in hell. "

Can't you see that the hate that you spout is
the same garbage that fundamentalist
extremists in the Middle East have been
spouting for years? Come to your senses. Be
better than that. America stands for more than

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you know, i am only 18 but this hits me really hard because i have a small child and hearing of all those orphans hits real close to home. what would my son do if my husband and i were involved in such an incident? i agree that the terrorists need to be punished but war is not nesseccary. there has to be a way to gain justice without everyone in the world thinking that we a "warmongers" or even terrorists ourselves. it is just mind boggling to me that ANYONE could do such a thing to anybody.

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All the world's faiths and their books teach love your neighbor, the Torah, the Bible, and yes the Koran. The highjacker terrorists were pityful and sadly misguided zelots. They let their leader(s) twist their good faith into an instrument of evil. True faith and true good will not result in evil. Don't fall into the same trap! Pray for peace along with justice. Avoid the temptation for vengence; it's one of the lowest of human emotions. Too bad it's so strong and easily enflamed.

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Amazing...I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading in these posts ~ Why the "pissing contest?" Rarely in these posts have I seen neutral, positive, nor supportive respect for other's opinions. As if we don't have enough to digest...some of these messages are nothing more than Ego filled posturing. It's painfully obvious that one cannot voice their true feelings or opinions without being Judged. That seems to be the entire theme as of late...too much Judgment and attmepts to "convert" others to "their way of thinking." I trust my government to do the right thing, for the right reasons, at the right time. If Kharma holds true, "they" will get theirs, now or later, but it will come back to them, 10-fold. Those Posting, please relax with the anger and venom, use that pent up energy for more positive things...Help someone, do some good, make a difference (it's the quiet ones we have to worry about). ~ Peace ~

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Mind if I join in? Thanks in advance. I just want to say, maybe some of the anger vented above, even the choice of targets, is simply a way to vent the fear and helplessness we must all feel about now. It's so difficult to be attacked so savagely, and have no way to react. I've sometimes felt my head nearly explode, it's was such an incredibly vicious attack. Since it's only been a matter of hours, I think a little anger and rage is reasonable. And more easily felt than hopeless or powerless. Yes?

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This week, thousands of fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, and children were lost in the most devastating crime of the century. March 1, 1932, the crime of the century was the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby. The world was aghast at the thought that someone could steal the infant son of the world famous flier, Charles A. Lindbergh. September 11, 2001, the world learned a new meaning to crime. Terrorist suicide missionaries kidnapped 266 people on four separate jet aircraft, methodically driving them into structures intended to maximize the human, political and economic cost to the United States and its people. While the total cost is unknown at this time, expectations of thousands of lives lost seem, for the lack of a better term, reasonable.

Boca Raton joins the city, state, nation, and the world in offering its condolences and support to the quick and just conclusion of the darkest day in our history. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who sustained a loss in this tragedy. May all who bear responsibility be brought to the court of the people for final sentencing.

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Sorrow in Wisconsin:
Bin Laden needs to come out of hiding and face the facts. We can not kick all middle eastern people out of this country BUT we can stop them from coming in! It is wrong to kill more people but it is also wrong for the US to give tons of money away to other countries every year and we run to everyone when they have problems, even when they don't want us. Will we have enough money NOW when we NEED it to get through this? We need to start thinking about us forst and our safety! I cry all day for the families, victims and for all of the USA. God bless us.

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I believe, like others that this was the most cowardly horrible thing anyone could ever think of, let alone do it. I PREY that when we will find out who did this, we will exterminate them like roaches that they are. We should show everyone that no one messes with us like this and gets away with this. I know that if we will bomb their asses, it will not bring the many people that died, but at least it will prevent future attacks on us. We were stupid enough to let them into our country and accept them as our own, we were punished for our own hospitality, but I really hope we will not make the same mistake twice. Arabs (the Muslim ones) are taught as babies how to kill Jewish children, they were showing on TV a textbook of a 3-year-old with a picture of a Jewish kid being thrown rocks at, what do you honestly expect from them? Some say that this will be a second Holocaust only for Arabs, but there is no way this can even be compared to what happened to the Jews, Jews did not kill anyone to begin with. Bay Ridge (Brooklyn) is overcrowded with Muslims right now celebrating our horrible loss, there is no way we will let this go. I am just so incredibly angry, I can't even put this wh0ole thing into words. I hope all those cowards will burn in hell for what they did!!!

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Steelehorse I have read your post also.

It makes me sad that this has happened to our country. I am not a hateful mean person. I am a very trusting and loving person. I am almost 50 years old and have raised 3 kids and have 5 grandkids and another one on the way. I have not taught my kids to hate and destroy. Nor will I teach my grand kids to hate and destroy. They will learn to love and respect people even if these people are different then they are. But have you been watching TV and reading the paper. It is heart breaking to see all these people that have lost so much in their live.It is hard to watch our firemen dig their coworkers out of rock and stone dig out policemen, kids and women. It is hard to watch all these bodies hauled off to a make shift morgue. They are aunts, uncles, sons, mothers, fathers. This leaves alot of orphans. We (USA) DID NOT sneak into Afghanistan and destroy thousands of lives for no reason. Bin Landen tried in 1993 to bring the trade towers down, he failed. We did nothing. So he tries again in 2001. He succeeded this time. What do we do? Do nothing again? Do we let him think here we are at your will and mercy. Do what you may. I think not. I love my country and we need to protect it. I respect your views on the subject, please respect mine even if you dont agree. Our leaders will do the right thing.

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