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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I cannot begin to express what I am feeling right now but I would like to extend my condolences and prayers to all of the families that have lost a loved one in this horrible tragedy. Justice will be served and remeber that HEAVEN HAS GAINED MANY BEAUTIFUL ANGELS THAT WILL WATCH OVER US AND GUIDE US THROUGH THIS TIME. God bless you all.

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Looking for MarthajoRudd...civilian spokesperson for the Army at the Pentagon...She is my cousin and I am so very worried about her....If anyway knows abouther please contact me a"> you.

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can u donate blood if u are 11!! BECAUSE i want to help in any way i can!! could i donate clothes!! please e-mail to tell me what i can do

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My heart goes out to the victims and their families of this terrible tragedy and in a way we the American people, have all been victimized. We are down here in the South feeling quite inadequate other than giving blood so if there may be some way some thing that we can do please let me know. Julie hm 972-442-1142

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Looking for condition of Laura (Laurie) Haffner of Guy Carpenter & Co., 50th Floor, WTC2. Wife's best friend from school, she's very concerned.

Please email:, or">

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looking for nyc fireman michael macari, please
if you know anything about my brother, please
email me @">, thank you and
god bless to all........

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Looking for Pauline Garcia from MDW on the 69th floor of WTC 2, Pauline please call or email me to let me know you and Eric are ok. Also, any word on Scott Burns, Liz, Matt, Mike and the others? We have heard briefly from Evelyn. Call on our cell phone, its a toll free #888-289-5124. My prayers are will all of you. Lori

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Looking for MarthajoRudd...civilian spokesperson for the Army at the Pentagon...She is my cousin and I am so very worried about her....If anyway knows abouther please contact me a"> you.

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I am not looking for anyone but just wish to add my prayers for the men and women and their families and friends. God bless you all and know that they will be forever in our hearts and prayers and will never be forgotten or their bravery.

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I would first like to express my deepest sympathies with all of the families and friends who lost loved ones to this tragic event that has happened in the United States. This is a horrible occurance and it is an event that will stick in the minds of everyone. I am 18 and from Indiana and these tragedies are effecting me also. These events will effect everyone. September 11 will be a day of remembrance from this day forward. BUT do not let this day hold anyone down. God has a plan for every creature on this Earth and someday he will reveal those plans. Just keep the faith that everything will be alright. I'm sure that the responsible party or parties for this occurance has not been identified yet and if they never are God will punish them. This is an event that cannot be overlooked whether it is by the U.S. forces or by the great leader himself. The world just needs to come together and fight for one great purpose right now and that is to help all the victims of every tragedy. I pray that these events will not take away any faith that anyone has in America. This is a strong country and to overcome this will be another accomplishment in itself. Love and hope goes out to everyone in the world.

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Relatives and friends who wish to inquire about employees of Canter Fitzgerald should call (from inside the US) 866-326-3188, (from outside of the) US +44 (0)207 894 7321.
Found this number online. I hope it helps you.
God Bless,

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My name is Nancy Bowles. I work for AAIS, based in Wheaton, IL. We had affiliates that worked in the World Trade Center. If anyone has heard anything about any employees from AON, Fireman's Fund or anyone else who may have been involved with AAIS (American Association of Insurance Services) - please give me a call at (800) 564-2247 Ext. 243 or send me an e-mail at We are a small company and are very worried about our friends and acquaintances. Thank you

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I just wanted to add to the millions of people letting all the victims of this horrific crime know that my heart aches for you all. I stood stunned as I watched the second plane hit the other tower yesterday and my heart sank and I began to weep for the victims in both cities. My family and I are constantly praying for all of you and for the rescuers that work deligently and that gave their lives trying to help victims escape from harm. We pray for the families of the victims and for those that are injured or missing. God Bless you all!!! Keep your faith and know that these cowardly criminals will pay for their dastardly deeds they have committed against us all. Just know that there are people out here that are here for you and are praying.

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Manuel Damota~His date of birth is November 26, 1957. He is missing. His wife and 3 sons do not know where he is at the moment. He is 215 lbs. and 5'9" in height. He was entering tower 1 at 8:20 a.m. going to the 107th floor. If there is any information. please, mmediately e-mail us at"> or please call his wife at (516)-561-2472. God bless all. Thank You.

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Manuel Damota~His date of birth is November 26, 1957. He is missing. His wife and 3 sons do not know where he is at the moment. He is 215 lbs. and 5'9" in height. He was entering tower 1 at 8:20 a.m. going to the 107th floor. If there is any information. please, immediately e-mail us at"> or please call his wife at (516)-561-2472. God bless all. Thank You.

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