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Archive through September 13, 2001

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i am looking for my brother-in-law chad nelson, i am hoping he is at the toronto airport. any information would help....i would like to be able to tell his wife and children that he is ok.


i can be emailed at

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I'm looking for FRANK KOESTNER he works on he 104th floor of Tower 1 at CantorFitzgerald if anyone has seen or heard from Frank please call Michelle Stabile 516-785-4050

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Looking for any information on CSM JAMES CHENEY.
Your friends at Ft Wood are praying for you.
Also any information on the following people would be appreicated:
CSM James Cheney
GEN Flowers
CSM Dils
Peggy York

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I am a Red Cross volunteer in Dallas. Have CPR/First Aid training. Am able to travel at a moments notice, so please let me know. And if there is anyone who is needing to get in touch with friends, family, etc. in Texas, please let me know and I will do my best. 214-868-4271. Liz

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Your friends at FT Wood are praying for you.
Please contact me at
with any information. GOD BLESS

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I forgot to mention in previous message, please call anytime - day or night if you need help with getting in touch with someone here, or if you just need to talk. my thoughts are with you. Liz

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I have heard today that dry clothing was needed for the emergency workers and they are collecting it somewhere. Does anyone know exactly where the collection of dry clothes is taking place?
Please write so ASAP if you know this information. You can email me at
Thank you!

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World Trade Center Survivor Database (

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Being young college students we feel that there is little that we can do to help. We wish that there was something more we can do, but unfortunately there isn't. So for now all we can do is pray. In this time of sorrow and anger we hope that our prayers will help ease your pain. Just think of it this way, you may have lost loved ones, but heaven gained angels. With our greatest sympathy, Erika and Jackie from Los Angeles, California.

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Charles Fadem - made it out of the building, would like to hear from someone at ManciniDuffy. Please send message c/o

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Looking for Peter Owens worked for Cantor Fitzgerald 104th floor tower 1..any info email us at

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Looking for Peter Owens worked for Cantor Fitzgerald 104th floor tower 1..any info email us at">

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I am looking for flight attendent - Darlene Smith, Miami Lakes, FL. Please call me in Sebastian, FL. Or email -


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This moment of silence message is for the families of the dead and the survivors of this horrible event.Please take a moment to reflect and then read on.

Our Prayers and Condolences

Laurissa Goodman, James Cox, Breanna Kennedy,Kriste Clark,Jessica Legget,Eddie McCray,Bruce Landrum,Justin Bristow,Courtney Bullock,Miranda Martin,Tyler McLaughln,Rodney Mobley,Micheal McClellan,Ryan Putala,Dustin James,Conny Davidson,Joseph Rivas,Travis McDowell,Wesley Bower,John Ganas,Jack Fulford,Zachary Bown,Ashley Roberson,Krystal Johnson,Maxi Aldridge,Amanda Roberts,Tiffany Williams,Charity Felton,Jerry Coleman,Whitney Burris,Keith Kemp,Will Pillows,Eddie Lowe,Sarah Sanders,Amber Miller,Sam Taylor,Robbie Ward,Lindsey Burnett,JR Bladen,Lindsey Day,Kyle Thompson,Alexis Russell,Amanda Rowe,Brandon Thomas,Andrew Bennett,and many others are praying for them.

Praying for them all,

Ware County Middle School Students

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As i watched this tradedy unfold from 6 a.m. until the wee hours of the morning,my heart was full of sadness as i saw so many lives shattered. I feel so helpless, not knowing how to help anyone. I had a friend who was in the first Trade Center bombing, and fortunately survived, and i know how terrifying that was for her. I want all the survivors and the families of those who lost their lives in the center and also on board the airplanes, all the rescue workers, firefighters and police officers and their families, to know that although we live 3,000 miles away, we have cried many many tears, our hearts are aching, and we have prayed a million prayers for all of you. we are americans and we are proud, and we shall get through this. I am proud to be an american, and i am so very proud of all the lost americans. We are all praying for justice, and the strength to carry on. Stand Tall, Stand Free!!! God Bless America, my home , sweet, home.

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