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Archive through September 13, 2001

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From La Paz - Bolivia. My heart goes to the relatives and friends of the victims of this tragedy throughout the United States. As a former New Yorker, I know how difficult is to struggle each day that passes by, and how tough the big apple brings you up, just at everything! Well, buddies.. you'll have to move on just as you're used to... getting up each morning to catch the N train to work, or fight the cabdrivers as you get your way off Brooklyn Bridge... For them, the children that a few years from now they will see its city with pride, as rose up once again from these terrible moments. Keep It Up NEW YORK!!!

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My thoughts and prayers go out to the families that were afected by this terrible tragedy,May god give them strenght and comfort.

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To you and your family, you are all on my mind and in my prayers. Please let me know that you are okay... I will keep my eye on local papers also. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help... always, Joyi

Contact me at">
Thank you in advance for any available information.

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Desperately looking for Leonard Castrianno of Cantor-Fitzgerald. Please email me at"> if you have any information whatsoever.

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Looking for any news about Lt. Yolanda Ray, USMC HQ. Contact Mama Winslow ASAP, Yolanda! Anyone who knows how she is, please contact me at

Thank you. God bless all of you in Washington DC who are living through the loss of so many friends and loved ones.

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As an Iranian - Canadian I feel so sorry for what you have to go through, I pray that you can be strong in the days to come and please remember that time helps the pain that you must be feeling.
peace be with you

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My prayers,thoughts,hope and love go to all of
the victems and families of those we lost and too those THANK GOD,we still have with us. May God
comfort us all; expecially the families in this horriable,unspeakable crime against us Proud and Free Americans. My heart and soul are with you all...Amen


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Does anyone know the whereabouts of Frank Buser, US Army, formerly from Bowling Green, OH? He is a friend of my son's; we think he may have been there at the Pentagon and we would like to know if he's OK. Anyone with news, contact us at or if it's Frank, call Mike at our house.

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Does anyone know the whereabouts of Frank Buser, US Army, formerly from Bowling Green, OH? He is a friend of my son's; we think he may have been there at the Pentagon and we would like to know if he's OK. Anyone with news, contact us at or if it's Frank, call Mike at our house.

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Looking for JAKE JAGODA....Jake works for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 103 floor of building 2. Please contact me if you have any information on Jake or other employees of Cantor Fitzgerald. My name is Michael Bernier (Cousin)and can be reached via email: or by phone 631.425.0815

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Looking for Larry Schwenk. He works in the Pentagon. I have left messages for him and he dosent reply. If anyone knows if he is okay message me..Contact me at

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We are desperately looking for Thomas Edward Hynes. He works for Vestek in 2 World Trade Tower
on 78th floor. We know he spoke to John, his wife Carolyne and his parents
after the first plane hit. We have not heard from him since then. We know
that all but 3 (including Tom) of his company are accounted for. He is 6ft,
285ls. 28 years old. Full head of brown hair. He has a scar from below his
right eye to his chin, and it continues down his neck. IF anyone saw him at
all during hte evacuation, etc... please call us at 212 505 2084 any

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I am looking for my mother's cousin, Clarence Jackson. I don't know much about him other than he worked at the Pentagon and his mother's name is Zell.I believe they are originally from New York. Please e-mail me at with information

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Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 1 has the best survivor list of DC/Pentagon Survivors I've seen.

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to the president bush,all the emergency services and to the people of usa you will be in our prayer today and always.may god bless you all.

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