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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Hi I am from Australia and I just wanted to send my condolences to all the friends and family of all the victims of this tragic event. I too no what it is like to lose a loved one in tragic circumstances and my heart goes out to you all. I pray that you all will be able to seek comfort from God during this time. I and many members of my church are upholding your country in our prayers. I wish that there was more that I could do and feel at a loss because there isn't. All I can do is pray for you all. God Bless from Brisbane, Australia

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From Cresskill, NJ,
We are here to help
Please let us know what we can do
Where can we donate clothes or our services

Our thoghts go out to everyone touched by this disaster

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Looking for my Nieghbor U.S. ARMY CAPTAIN ANDREW DZIENGELESKI works at the Pentagon he hasn't came home yet(09/12/01) any family or friends of"ANDY"
PLEASE let me know of any info you might have.
My prayers have been sent God Bless Us All !!!!!">

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Lisa True a.k.a. Lisa Bloom a.k.a. Lisa True Bloom is fine. She was not near the WTC. She is the stepdaughter of the late artist Stan Bloom, the daughter of the late physicist, Tom True and Geraldine True a.k.a. Gerry True, the designer. Lisa True can always be reached at (212) 560-4380.

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Heartfelt Condolences from Mississippi.

Words cannot express enough, the pain myself and my family feel for the great loss our nation has suffered. We have shed many tears for all of you who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. Although we are many states away from this grave disaster, the falling of the WTC, surrounding buildings as well as the Pentagon has shook our lives forever. We are praying for all of you and this nation. We are doing what we can to help. Our 13 y/o son has started a donation drive at his school for the many needed items. We all feel like this just isn't enough. Although our President may do what he can to bring justice to the person(s) responsible, no amount of justice can bring back the countless loved ones. I just hope all of you who have lost friends/family members in this crisis will remember, the nation is with you and here for you in your time of need as is our family.

God Bless,
The Tidwell Family in Oxford/Watervalley, MS

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Trying to locate Major James Blalock, US
Army. His office was 1C634, Pentagon. He
was in his office early Tuesday morning. His
work associates are very concerned. Please,
if anyone has seen or heard from him, send
email to">

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I am looking for SGT Tamara Thurman. She works at the Pentagon as a 71L, Admin SGT. Please email me any information that you may have on SGT Thurman. May God Bless you and your families as we go through this most difficult time.

Larry Daniel
Email -

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Please accept our deepest sympathy’s from Australia.. There just are not the words to describe how this is true tragedy and our thoughts are with the loved ones and families of the victims..

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looking for Jeannine Jones... she works on the 104th floor, and info. about Cantor Fitz. PLEASE EMAIL!!!- @aol">e1roach@aol

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I am looking for the status of three brothers...2 are firefighters, one a NYC policeman. Last name is Geiger. They are from Baldwin, LI< NY. Names: John, Eddie and Thomas. Does any one know about them??? Cathy from Columbus, Ohio

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I'm looking for my cousin Mark Hindy who worked for CF floor 102. We heard from him right after the first plane hit and haven't heard from him since. Please if you have any information big or small good or bad email me at I would also like any info on any survivors or anything that can restore hope in my family. thank you

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Looking for NY Firefighter PETER NELSON. Please send me a message at"> if you know of any information of him. He was battling the blaze at the WTC and we haven't heard from him. Are there any hospital listings that anybody knows of that we can check to see if he's there but unable to call home. Thanks for any help you can give.

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Searching for Mike Munson worked at Pentagon. His friends haven't heard from him.

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I feel pain and very sorry for the people that have lost family members in this very sad and sudden attack and for all the hurt this whole country is going through right now at this moment and all I can say is that its going to take everyones prayers to help the country and its people to come throught this!!!!!!!!!

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I am looking for threee people, they are in our minds and hearts, and we are very hopeful that we will contact them. if any info.please forward immediately.
Khalid Shahid
Bella Bhukaran
Dipti Patel

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