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Archive through September 13, 2001

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My love and prayers go out to any and all victims and families of victims of this terrible tragedy. As a daughter of a fireman, I know what it is like to fear for a loved one. I can only imagine the heartbreak of those whose lives have been forever changed. We as a country, no matter what our race, ethnicity, or religion, must stand together and prove that we will not be beaten and will continue to pave the way for freedom and democracy. I am truly touched at the outpouring of love from countries around the world and am heartened to know that this terrible destruction has had the opposite effect that these terrorists wanted. Instead of tearing us apart it is bringing not just Americans, but much of the world together with a common goal. God bless us all!

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Joe Maio 104th - help with info

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Wichita Kansas send our prayes and love to all through this very hard time.
My god bless and keep us all safe in the coming days.

Friends Always
The Ward Family

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Here are the phone numbers from the above site:
If you are in one of the attack areas and in need of assistance, contact FEMA at 1-800-426-9029
The Justice Department’s Office of Victims of Crime established a hotline for families seeking information about victims and survivors. The number is 1-800-331-0075.
Families of American Airlines passengers can contact the airline at 1-800-245-0999.
Families of United Airlines passengers can contact the airline at 1-800-932-8555.
Navy and Marine personnel who were in the building at the time of the attack can call 1-877-663-6772 number so that the services can put together a roster. Army personnel assigned to the Pentagon should call 1-800-984-8523.
Family members of military personnel seeking information should call 1-800-984-8523 (Army), 1-877-663-6772 (Navy and Marine Corps.), 1-800-253-9276 (Air Force).
Morgan Stanley has an emergency contact phone number. Employees and their families can call 1-888-883-4391.
Cantor Fitzgerald Inc. has an emergency contact phone number. Employees and their families can call 203-662-3600.
Aon encourages all families of its 1100 employees who worked in World Trade Center Tower 2 to call 1-866-256-4154.
FirstGov has a comprehensive list of U.S. government resources and information at
Web sites are available for people who still haven't been able to contact their family members: , , ,

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I am looking for Ted Skally, I know he worked at the Pentagon. His brother Ed in Australia is very concerned for him, i believe he was in the military but not sure which department. Ted if you read this or someone who knows him, please contact me. Your brother is a very close family friend of ours, and we are all very concerned. Ed has tryed to get info and cant. Ted please contact me Ed is going into hospital tomorrow and I would really like to let him know you are ok.
Bronwen Murtiff

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My heart and prayers go out to all the victims and families as well as the brave resuce teams. I am in upstate New York and would like to help in any way possible. I would like to come into the city tomorrow morning (Thursday)if I can be of any service what so ever. Even if to give out food and drinks or console people. Please let me know. God bless us; one and all.

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Subject: Americans Show Unity Against Terrorism - Friday, Sept. 14, 2001

Friday Night at 7:00 EDT p.m. step out your door, stop your car, or step out of
your establishment and light a candle. We will show the world that
Americans are strong and united together against terrorism. Please pass this
to everyone on your e-mail list. We need to reach everyone across the United
States quickly. The message: WE STAND UNITED - WE WILL NOT TOLERATE

Thank you.

We need press to cover this - we need the world to see.

The families that are grieving need to know, we grieve with them. We stand with them!

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I am wondering if Jeremiah Johnson is ok? He worked at the Pentagon. Thank you and god bless everyone who has suffered through this tragedy.

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I am looking for Rhonda Rasmussen, accountant, worked for the U.S. Army at the Pentagon. Please contact me at She is my aunt and the family has not heard from her. Thank you for any information you may have. God bless all the families at the Pentagon and World Tade Center. Kelly

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Our famiy is desperately looking for information on our brother ROBERT MACE. He worked for CANTOR FITZGERALD on 101st floor. Please contact us at the following numbers with any information:

Ken and Kathy Mace 412-835-2584 or 412-498-7241
Janette White 1-800-762-3744 x2615

Please contact us at any of the numbers provided or e-mail us with any information. Thank you for all the prayers.

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ANN NELSON --- I am looking for information on Ann Nelson (104th floor). I have seen her name on survivor lists but we have not been able to verify them. We have called dozens of hospitals with no luck. Please e-mail if you have any information.

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I am in the Des Moines Iowa area, and willing to lend my hand, in need, to help in any way, as volunteer, phone calls or even emails, this is a devasting events, that will effect all of us americans, fiancial and emotionally and would help in any way please feel free to email me, I would be willing to gather supplies, and help family members,and even drive them to ny,and help in getting donations set up in our great city.for the family and people who have experience this horriable unbeliveable event. sandy

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I would like to express how deeply sad I feel for all those who have suffered due to the tragic events that took place in the United States. I live in Toronto Canada and although I am far away from the disasters I feel a great pain for what has happened. I'm so very sorry that this has happened. I wish to send my most heart felt prayers to all the people who are suffering.

Doula Garnavos

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If anyone has any information about Kevin O'Rourke FDNY Rescue Co. 2 please email me at

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To all our fellow New Yorkers, our prayers and love are with you every step of the way.
We are formally from Staten Island, New York, and we now live in Wichita, Kansas.

Jesus is our way of help dealing with this unspeakable disaster. Jesus is looking down now and holding your hand, hang on to his hands
in his name we pray, I wear a Red, White and Blue braided ribbon in your honor and the Honor of the United States of America one nation under our lord.

Love to you all and Prayers from Wichita, Ks.

Diane & William Moore
Wichita, Kansas

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