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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Looking for AARON HORWITZ, 24 years old, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, 6 ft. tall, 170 lbs,Cantor Fitzgerald 104th floor. Worried family desperate for info. Please email

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Please contact us if you have any information about AON empolyee Dan Van Laere.
He worked on 98th floor of Tower 2.">">

Thanks and good luck to all who are searching.

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We are looking for Kevin O'Keefe and Kevin Marlo. Both worked for Sandler O'Neill on the 104th floor of Tower 2. If anyone has any information on either of these men (mid 20's) please contact me. God Bless America.

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I live a little over an hour away from NYC. If
anyone needs a place to stay and does not want to
stay in or near the city I am willing to help in
any way I can. Also, if people want help
searching on this list or others for loved ones,
please email me at

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I am looking for my friend ****** IAN PICOFF ******* , he lives in Manhatten and i cant get a hold of him. If somebody got some information about him, please e-mail me
Thank you

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If anyone knows what happened to Katie McCluski (not sure if last name is spelled correctly) Please notify me at I know she was working on the 94th floor of the WTC. Not sure in which bldg. Please notify...even if it is not good.

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Monica Holec - my sister - from Toronto, ON, Canada, who was working in
the World Financial Centre has called me and she is safe and OK.
She is staying with 2 friends - Sabrina Liak - from Mississauga, ON, Canada
and Nidhi Chaeda - from Edison, NJ - who are both OK as wel

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Please Help! I am looking for information on Bill Steckman. He works for NBC and was in One World Trade Center on the 104th floor. If anyone knows him or has any information on where he is please e-mail me at"> His family desperately awaits his return. We love you Bill!


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Looking for Brian Warner, of eSpeed / Cantor Fitzgerald, floor 103.
Please click here to see a photograph
Photo of Brian Warner
If you have any information, please contact me at

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I would like to offer any kind of help, to anyone. I have 6 children and still do not know what would happen to them if I were gone. I am unable to help financially, but offer an ear and shoulder for those who just want somebody to talk to. Maybe there is a way that I could provide clothing or food also. Please feel free to contact me or

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I would like to send all my love to the American people. You are in my prayers. I am from Canada and it is a terrible act of war that has happened. I believe that the US is strong and will overcome this one day. Stay Strong. We are thinking of all of you.

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Does any one have information concerning Maj. William Zemp, his wife is Amy. Maj. Zemp was recently stationed at the Pentagon. He was previously my husbands Battery Commander for B/427FA in Baumholder Germany. Maj. Zemp, you have soldiers at Ft. Stewart who are deeply worried about you. Please email or">

GOD bless you from cpl bowman, sgt perdi, sgt deese and cpl johns.

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Looking for a dear friend in NYC - Morgan Van Taunay. Please email at
God Bless!

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Shanna Summers is found and doing fine. Was stranded in a hotel room overnight in Manhattan. Thank you for your prayers...she had an angel over her and me.

God be with everyone

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The incidents on Tuesday took thousands of
lives. But in a sense, we are all victims of
these attacks. One of the unfortunate
consequences of terrorist attacks, one that
many terrorists count on, is the atmosphere of
fear and anger that it creates. By giving in to
that atmosphere, by allowing ourselves to
become angry, vindictive, and hateful, we
inadvertantly give the terrorists exactly what
they strived so hard to achieve.

One mistake that I think Americans, myself
included, tend to make, is to assume that this
kind of attack is entirely unprovoked. After all,
what did we ever do to them? Anyone who has
studied American foreign policy for any length
of time can tell you that we are not entirely
blameless or innocent. Sometimes, we make
mistakes. Sometimes, we tread on the rights
of others. Sometimes, innocent people get
hurt, directly or indirectly, by the actions of
American military forces. Is it really
unimaginable that a country as large as the
US might have made a lot of enemies, both
abroad, and at home? Is it realy inconceivable
that some of those enemies might have a
legitimate grudge against the US?

I am ABSOLUTELY not trying to justify the
attacks, or the intense pain and suffering that
resulted. I am trying to say that we need to be
cautious and consider our response VERY
carefully. To use our MINDS, instead of our
GUTS, as we make the critical decisions
regarding our possible response. We must
strive to be better, and, if possible, more
noble, than those who perpetrated these awful

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