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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I am trying to contact Major Eric R. Fox who was assigned to the Pentagon last July after serving in Huntsville Alabama for the last year and a half. If you have any information, please contact me at"> or

Ed Hagen

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Looking for LINDA OLIVA she work's for CARR FUTURES if you have any information please e-mail us we are very worried about her and every one else and our hearts go out to you keep the faith and dont give up thank you @AOL.COM">KRISTYLEE234@AOL.COM

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The only people on the planes who were scared were the ones who didn't believe in God.

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This is the most complete list I've found so far.

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If anyone has any info on Tommy Bowden please email me at"> He was on the 104th floor and we haven't heard from him at all. If you know anything please please call, he has 2 little girls waiting for him at home!

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I am looking for a friend. Her name is Marianne Simone. She works for Cantor Fitzgerald. If anyone has any information about her please email me at"> I left a message on he answer machine at home, but I haven't heard from her. I don't know how to get in touch with her children. I'm very concerned about her. Thank you.

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I am not missing any one BUT I just want to send out my deepest sympathy to those who have lost, and prayers for thoughs still looking, I am a gilrfriend of a volunteer fire fighter and cant help but feel your pain and sorrow. I just sit here wondering what I could do to help, I wish I could find your loved ones, and take away your pain. (if you need some one to "talk" to please email me at

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If you have any information on Brian Williams
please let me know. He worked for Cantor on the
104th floor. My prayers are with all of yo

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I am an MSW and have many years of experience in providing crisis and trauma counseling. I'd like to volunteer my services in any way I can.

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Looking for info on HILARY SEEFELDT MCCARRON and DANIEL MCCARRON. Hilary is a college friend who works for the Port Authority. If you have any info, please contact me
Thank you and God Bless.

Melisa Bishop

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Based in Tokyo - Japan, if there is anything I can do ie for contacting friends/relatives/searching lists etc... god bless.

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I live in a suburb of Chicago and I wanna help out in some way. My name is Lisa and i'm 16 yrs old and I heard that you can give blood if your 16 and have your parents permission. Is that true? Also I want to have my school collect money where would we be able to send the money collected? Please Please email me at

My prayers are with everyone as America is forced to deal with this horrific tragedy.

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I am looking for my friend Julie Larido who work in Guy Carpenter in New York, in the 74 floor, i apreciatid any information abaut her. Than kou

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Looking for Jeff Simpson. He works for Oracle. He travels to NY from VA. every Mon-Wed to work. He
stays at the Marriott at the WTC. He is a trained Emergency Medical
Technician. He was last seen Tuesday morning when he stepped outside of the
hotel to see where the noise from the first attack came from. We believe he
may have gone into Tower # 1 to help the injured. Any information would be
helpful. My thoughts and prayers to all of you!

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To the indivual who refers to himself as

You wrote:

"We did not call for the extermination of arabs,
we call for a unified American boycott of their
businesses and businesses which allow their
actions to affect innocent American civilians.
We also call for their exportation because it is
impossible to identify existing and potential
terrorists. If we only remove some of them
from our society, it is inevitable that more
sympathizers will fill their shoes. Our
responsibility is to Americans, not people who
claim they are Americans"

The actions you call for are sickeningly
reminiscent of those actions taken against
Asian-Americans following the bombing of
Pearl Harbor. Thousands of innocent
AMERICANS, people BORN in this country,
were taken from their homes, and from their
families. Why? Because we, as a people,
could not come to grips with our own fear.
Who's next to be sent to prison, or into exile?
You? Me? No amount of terrorism should
make us lose sight of who and what we stand
for as a country: We stand for freedom. Not
only for Caucasian people, not only for
Christian people, but for ALL people. It's
people like you who would have us throw 250
years of fighting for that freedom out the
window, under the guise of "defending the
innocent" when what you really mean is
"defending the anglo-saxon." It saddens me to
read your posts because I realize that you truly
have no idea what democracy is all about.

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