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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I am looking for my friend Eskedar Melaku she used to work inside the WTC on the 93rd floor she is about 5'2 and 115 pounds ,light skinned, black hair and brown eyes. If any body has information on where she is please e-mail me at or JEMBEROCH@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM
Her friends and family are looking for her.

Thank you

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Looking For Bruce Simmons and Frank Salvaterra. Both worked for Sandler O'Neill on the 104th floor. Bruce's wife is Kathy; Frank's wife is Sally. Any information would help. can be reached at"> or 516-313-6729

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I would love to help the little ones who have lost their parents. If anyone knows of a child who is in need of a family to care for them we are wanting to help! Contact me at

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We are still looking for Melissa Barnes. She worked as a clerk in the remodeled section of the Pentagon. If anyone knows any information please contact us at
From her family and her friends

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From CALI, COlOMBIA our deepest love:
We are praying so much for all our brothers & sisters from the US. Every time we watch the news, its simply too unbelievable. Several of my teachers at school are from NYC & Washington, the atmosphere at school is terrible. Nevertheless, if I have learned one thing from the American education I've received is this: The US is a nation that will stand to anything, anything at all with pride & unity. May all the souls that perished be in God's kingdom. We love you.

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I am assisting Sharon Sisson, of Canyon Country CA., in locating Mark Simpson and his life partner Ross. They were to attend a "Bewitched" convention in New York and have not been heard from since the weekend. Mark, please call Sharon at 661-252-7797 as soon as possible or send me an e-mail at"> and I will relay the message to her at BB&B. Godspeed one and all!

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Never mind - Allison's mom called my mom and she's ok. 🙂

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Dear skye911:

I'll bet that even some of the "God-fearing"
people on those planes were scared. Fear is
a very real and natural force in our lives, and
belief in a higher power does NOT make us
immune to it. The only people who are never
afraid are those who are either too crazy or too
dumb to know better. In the end, I'll bet even
the hijackers themselves were afraid. As the
airplane you're on suddenly explodes into a
1200 degree fireball, totally engulfing you, if
you're not afraid, then you're not human.

I don't know anyone who wasn't at least a little
scared by the events of the past few days.
What's important is not whether or not we are
scared, but whether we let fear control our
lives and our actions.

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Missing: Jennifer Y Wong of Whitestone, NY. Works for Marsh McLennan, Client Services Division, on 90+ floor of Tower 1 WTC.

She had on black top w/ khaki pants.
- 25 years old
- Chinese, but look mixed
- fair skin
- about 5'5", 120 lbs.
- long black hair

Please contact Eva @ 718-428-2792 if you know anything of her whereabouts.

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We are asking anyone with information on Harvey Gardner to contact us. My brother, Harvey, worked at General Telecom on the 83rd floor of building one. We spoke with him after the first crash and he and his friends were "ok" and on route downstairs. No one has any info since that time. We have seen Harvey's name posted on the list as injured, as well as Curtis Noel (we know he was with Harvey)--we can't locate either of them at this time. We believe all 13 of the General Telecom people stuck together. Also, Harvey's friend Joyce would be with him and in this group. Please contact us with any info. We love you, Harvey--come home to us. To everyone affected by this tragedy, you are in our hearts and minds forever. Please call Anthony at 973 259-9118, or email"> with info...God Bless America and our family and friends that are missing...

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This is it! We (and I really mean we) spend 7 to 9 months out of each year sitting in the sand protecting god knows what for people who think we are a pestilence on the earth while our home and our families are un protected. Yesterday for the first time in my military career I am completely ashamed. zI swore to "uphold, protect and defend"and where was I and 30 percent of our forces. Not in NY or Wash. To you who say that violence begets violence I say "you come into my house with a gun and threaten or act out violence against my family and I will chase you til the ends of the earth and until one of us takes our last breath". I did not know anyone personnally on the aircraft or in the Bldgs but I tell you this they were my family at that moment. and that was my home. At this point our fight is for our rights, our right to live. I have to say I never payed close attention to the happenings in isreal but when I saw death and distruction on the screen no american would ever be caught dancing and laughing in the street. That behavior would never be tolerated by any mature adult in the vicinity. And I would kick the Crap out of my son if he ever showed disrespect to any persons demise. So here we are on the brink and I am ready, I say to the children of the parents in the tower, I will not fail you again, until I breathe my last breath, I will not fail you!

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I'm from Cali, Colombia, I'm looking for my brother and sisters that live in the US. The last I heard of them, they were living in Chicago and Buffalo, but I currently don't know where they could be, please if you happen to know where they are and if they are okay, I beg you to contact me via e-mail:
Their names are: Andres Felipe Pereira, Ana Fernanda Pereira, Claudia Alexandra Pereira
Thank you so much & God bless you all in your search for your relatives.

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If anyone has any infomation on Felix Vale of Cantor.
Please e-mail:">

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Please God Help... Looking for cousin..I am desparate... Brooke Jackman, 23 years old, floor 104 worked at the agency desk for cantor fitzgerald. This is horrible. Please let me know if u hear anything about any survivors from cantor... 516-3641649

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ALLEN BONDARENKO - WHERE ARE YOU? worked WTC2 ~91st floor. Last seen taking stairs between 78th-74th floors when co-worker opted to take elevator (co-worker got out ok). tall, glasses, 50-ish, brown hair. any info, please e-mail.

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