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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Now I am lost in this big city again, don't know what to do and wondering where to go. Scare and lonely again, locking myself in my small bedroom and can only see THE WORLD from the small window on my table. But one thing for sure, I somehow feel sad and lost with each and every moment that passes, and all the event that happen around here make me cry and wanting to go home.
To the fireman, who lost his life in trying to save others like me, words cannot express how I feel and felt. Imagine seeing the strong build man and his wife arms with her small baby boy with their forever smiling face greeting you whenever you walk pass their house. This time in his smart uniform and with his brave face and heart leading you out to the light when you are in the dark, just when you needed him most. And when you had gone home, just finished washing away that thick dust that someone had pour on your body and many others, some don't even can wash themself forever. Then you heard voice and when you look out of your window which is on the wall and not the table, you saw that same lady without her man, this time holding her baby up in the sky, kneening on the gardern that they had both build for years, asking YOU to return her, a man, a strong brave and caring man who had sacrifice his life to safe someone like me. A man of steel but with you people killing each other even the WTC which is make of million tons of steel collaspe, how a human with only a heart of steel can survive that.
The window that used to lead the sunlight into my bedroom does not bring in light anymore and it is covered with dust and maybe human ashes that had no place on earth. I look out and saw


Lura B. casafino

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hi looking for micheal marti any info send to">, anyone else looking for loved ones may your search be a good one

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Hurrah for steelhorse, and, I have to insist that
when stating a purely subjective, purely
personal opinion that is not to be interpreted
as an attempt to make a proclamation to be
obeyed as in a dictatorship or monarchy, the
proper way to go about it is with the capitalized
I, e.g. I believe, I think, I feel thusly or also
something in the nature of My, e.g. My
personal opinion is.....etc. As to a previous
statement that we must act in a unified
fashion and avoid infighting, as long as
people are calling for the deportation of all
persons of arab (or any other) descent or the
extermination of all persons of any ethnic
group, religous group or all citizenry of any
particular country, we will never unite and
never agree. Believing myself (and personally,
I purport to speak only for myself ) to be
morally correct, I myself, would never back
down and agree to any such tactics.
When "americans" discusses the
scapegoating of the Jewish and other peoples
in Germany and challenges me to know my
history, I find it truly amazing that they do not
see the lines that they write reflecting back to
them the reality of what is repeating itself right
here right now .

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I'm looking for DEBBIE ROBINSON - WILLIAMS. Any news, please contact me.

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By Shannon Liew (Littleton, Colorado) on Wednesday September 13th, 2001 at 11:10pm

I am trying to locate my sister-in-law (Judy Ham) , brother-in-law (Sai Kit Ham) and 2 boy children, ages 12 & 6 y.o.(Kok Yew and Kok Weng) They left Kuala Limpur, Malaysia to arrive in Newark, NJ on 9/9/01 and visit NYC on a tour package. They then were to visit DC. Any information would be appreciated! We have not heard from them! I can be reached at (720) 922-3631. Thank you and God Bless!
Shannon Liew

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It was Nicole Carter not Nicole Miller...Who worked for CCL. So don't worry...

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To all in need,
Words can not express the sadness and loss...
Let our thoughts and prayers be with you all.
Love and Light from Australia

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I just learned that my cousin -- Elaine Greenberg -- was giving a computer (Compac) presentation on floor 104 or 106 of WTC bldg. 1. It was supposed to be a breakfast meeting, and she arrived around 8:30 or so. If anyone attended the session or knows what happened to Elaine, please contact me at

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hi i have a laptop and am willing to travel to maspeth, middle village, elmurst, ridgewood and glendale to help any family i can without internet service, if you know anyone who lives neear you and needs my help email me at"> , or if you know a nieghbor who has a missing person i help search for them on my computer on this site .

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If anyone has any information on Felix please contact.">


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Looking for Eric Smith, my brother. He is in his thirties, 6 foot 2 inches tall, afro- american. Worked for Sun Guard in the second tower on the 97th floor. His very good friends called him George. Please contact via e-mail with any bit of information. Not sleeping.

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In addition...
I think it is COMPLETELY inhumane of ANYONE who laughed/danced/celebrated this occasion... the image of Palistinian CHILDREN doing that sickened me to the core... However, I do believe that many have mostly been brainwashed by their government and politics and media and rumors... and they lack in education. They've lived a miserable life and are probably hoping we'll be put in misery too... They probably feel like we don't care when their people's lives are taken so they don't care if ours are... But to CELEBRATE it... to feel *happiness* towards ANYONE'S life being taken is far beyond words... I just have to say... some smirks need to be wiped off some people's faces.

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By AHEPA Beba ( - on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 12:18 pm :

We have not heard from either of these people, we are looking for them and very concerned. Please let us know. They are last known to be in NYC, one in the WTC. Please email us or call (202)232-6300 with any news you may have.

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I am trying to locate a friend Joseph(Bob) Webber who works for us customs in the wtc anyone who may know if he is ok please let me know.

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anyone stranded in Michigan needing transportation or a place to stay please let us know. We will do what we can. We are located 30 min from metro. Please call 734-461-6392

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