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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Looking for any information on Charles "Chuck" Karczewski. He worked for Aon Consulting on the 107th floor of the WTC. Tower 1. Please contact with any information

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To Whom It May Concern,
I am an EMT-IV trained in pre-hospital trauma life support. I have 13 years of emergency exp. Just wanted to find out if volunteers are needed from Tennessee.

Elizabeth McKelvey

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Please help us pass along the word that there are licensed, mental-health
clinicians available for providing emotional guidance and immediate grief
support, at:

God bless,
Daniel Strauss

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I must also say to milmember that you should
give yourself a break, you could not have
averted this tragedy or someone would have
done, but must also ask you, if you were not at
home protecting your family, in whose home
were you? I wonder what their feelings are
about you being there.

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America - please know that the hearts of all Australians are with you. We are all in shock at the barbaric attack launched against you on 11 Sept. Know that our hearts weep for your lost loved ones. Stay United.. remember, we are here for you.

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Henrico County Virginia, Mental Health (804-261-8484) located in Richmond
Virginia suburb has 9 mental health clinicians with CISD training who can
provide Crisis Intervention Debriefings. We are one and a half hours from
D.C. and are prepared to leave today. Please advise ASAP.

Donaldson-Bates, Sonya A []

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Macovhey Parker, NYC, has sustained some injuries, but is fine.

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My prayers and thoughts are with all the families that have lost their loved ones in this horrific tragedy. I know in my heart that they are safe with our Lord. He will take him into his loving arms and keep them safe until we meet with them again someday. I pray that he also bless all the families who have suffered such a tremendous loss and that through His love for us He shall comfort all of us through these darkest hours. God bless you and America.

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Darrell Benvenuto, CEO of Vision Entertainment, from the 46th Floor, is okay.

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>>>>> It´s deplorable and still unbilievable what happened in New York and Washinton D.C. I´d like to express here all my sadness about that tragedy. I´m praying for the victims and their families. I live in BRAZIL and, please, let me know if (and how) I can help you, even by internet. GOD BLESS ALL OF US.

ITANHAÉM (City) - SÃO PAULO (State) - BRAZIL (Country).

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As I type this message, I am in tears over the incredible outpouring of prayers and assistance being offered around the world. I feel the same as most of you, helpless to provide the assistance I would like to give and being too far away to feel like I can make any impact at all. I live in Los Angeles and as the many people before me, I offer whatever help I can provide. Also, there are some great ideas I have received from all of you that I will try to implement such as taking donations from colleagues in my office to send towards the relief efforts. The only tangible thing I can provide to those suffering are my prayers. If you have a specific prayer request for a loved one affected by this tragedy, comfort for your own grief or any other need, PLEASE email me at My thoughts and prayers go out to all the family and friends whose loved ones were lost or injured as a result of this horrific tragedy. May God have mercy on the United States and bring those responsible to justice.

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I am looking for Thomas Fitzpatrick. He worked on the 104th floor, tower 2. If you know or saw him please contact me. We miss you, god bless all.

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Jenny Low Wong
from Marsh Company located in Tower One 100th floor.

If anyone have jenny's news, pls contact me immeduately.

God Blessed you all


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If anyone has any information please contact:">

God Bless us all

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i am from mid michigan and i just wanted to tell everyone that has been directly and indirectly invovled with this tragedy that my thoughts and prayers are with you. i woke up yesterday and i thought i was having a horrible horrible dream , this kind of stuff isnt supposed to happen in a free country like ours. god bless the volunteers the ones who have lost their lifes and the people who are still trapped underneath the rubble. it is a travesty that other countries around the world are making lite and laughing about our loss of life, the only thing i can really say IS WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND... GOD BLESS AMERICA AND WE WILL PREVAIL... ALL OF MICHIGAN IS PRAYING FOR YOU....

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