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Archive through September 13, 2001

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 ? Friends and family who wish to check on passengers and flights may call:
    American Airlines, 1-800-245-0999
    United Airlines, 1-800-932-8555

World Trade Center businesses:
 ? Emergency number for Morgan Stanley: 1-888-883-4391
 ? Emergency number for Carr Futures: 1-800-755-7620
 ? Emergency number for Cantor Fitzgerald: 1-866-326-3188

Pentagon personnel:
 ? Pentagon employees only are asked to check in by calling 1-877-663-6772

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I live in the Washington D.C. area and we are willing to take in people who are stranded because the airports are shut down. Though I imagine Social services will have this well in hand we would also consider taking in children who have lost their families in this tragedy. I can be reached at">

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I am hoping that Mark Hernandez, graduate of Stanford in 1991 is ok. If anyone does know he's fine, please email me. The last I heard he was still working in the Silicon Alley area. Thanks.

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I am flying my flag on my truck and will be there to help on Thursday. Our prayers are with you!
Brian EMT-P Flight Paramedic

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I live in the Washington D.C. area and we are willing to take in people who are stranded because the airports are shut down. Though I imagine Social services will have this well in hand we would also consider taking in children who have lost their families in this tragedy. I can be reached at">

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I am looking for my cousin LLOYD ROSENBERG who works forCANTOR FITZGERALD.
If you know where heis or the whereabouts of anyone from CANTOR FITZGERALD
contact me immediately.

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My name is Jo Anne Lindner & i am from Texas. I am so devisataded of this terrible tragedy. I just think how can people be so cruel but if u think about it, they don't even care about their own people. So why would they care about us. My heart goes out to the familys & friends of everyone who was in this horrible tragedy. I pray for the search & rescue workers & policeman,firefighters,nurses & whoever else thats risking their life in this. But u gotta keep going because we know theres still people prob. alive underneath all this. (GOD BLESS)

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I am looking for a near and dear childhood friend of mine. she left for work tuesday morning for cantor and fitzgerald at the wtc. if anyone has seen or heard anything from wendy small please contact us as soon as possible. we love her dearly and miss her and need to get her home to her son. my heart goes out to all who have lost family and friends.

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I am Alla Fast. I am looking for Richard Todd. He lived in Manhattan. I cannot get ahold neither of him nor his parents in NJ. Please, if anyone knows any information about him send me e-mail:

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We are looking for Guy Maiden. He is stationed at the Pentagon with the Navy. If anyone has information about him please notify me at or or Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who are still waiting on word about their loved ones, may our prayers be answered.
Dana M. Pekarchick-Keeton

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I am hoping that Mark Hernandez, graduate of Stanford University and Watsonville High School is all right. Haven't seen his names on any of the lists, and I just wanted to make sure. If anyone knows he's ok, let me know via email. Thanks.

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Living in Australia, I'm not too sure about what I could do to help the victims of this horrendous crime. However all of my thoughts and prayers go out to those involved. I hope that you find some peace in knowing that this tragedy will be avenged and will not go of unheard. We will make sure those who have done this, will be punished and although it cannot take the hurt and anger away, remember that all Australian's are with you and we're behind you 100%. We love you all. May god love and protect you.
Love Mahalia

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my prayers go to the people of the u s a, especially to the people in ny and washington i say all my love to u and the best wishes from the dutch people,we stand behind u all.

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We employee;s from Business Trends Johor Bahru Malaysia would like to express
our condolences to everyone across America on the tragedy. This so evil and
and uncalled for .This we call coward attack.Eventhough we don'T belong in
one community but we all humans and not animals and even animal are much
more civilised than this bastards. We feel very sad and shocked over the attacks.
We hope this will be a lesson to everyone that killing and having wars can make things worst and not better. If someone's else is more powerful than you , it because
they earn it and if you are not then work hard for it and not fight for it. If you are
powerfull don't bully the weak ones because they will become powerfull when you are weak. so learn to love each other and not hate . We all created by God and evils
The evil created by ourselves by having wrong thoughts.

Our prayers to everyone across America and the lost ones .May God bless their
souls as God does't want them to see any worst especially the children.

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