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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I would like to help in any way that I can. I live in San Diego and feel helpless. I know there are alot of people stranded at airports or in nearby hotels, please contact me if I can be of any assitance to you. I am willing to drive reasonable distances if you are trying to get home.

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i am looking for another number to call I would like to voulenteer I am an emt and trained in disater relief my name is amy jablonski I am from pa and new york is not far from me thank you

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Dear God,
Please don't give up on us.

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I want to help by using my company for those who would like a website related to this tragedy, and/or PHP/MySQL capability.

If you wish to get a completely free website with these capabilities, please contact me by e-mail at Our main site is at and you can either direct your own .com domain to our servers or get a subdomain such as

If you think there's anything else we can do to help, please send a message to us detailing your idea and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Jack Lindsay
CTO & Founder

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To all who have lost loved ones, please take comfort in knowing that so many people from all across the world are with you. I am from Nebraska and although I am so far away from this tragedy, I feel so much sympathy for what each of you must be going through. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your families. May the Lord help ease the pain of your loss!

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we're looking for MARISA DiNARDO, working for Cantor Fitzgerald on 105 fl. Someone, perhaps a co-worker, posted her name as a survivor in critical condition on Sep.
12/ 22:30 hrs. Haven't found her in any hospitals yet. ANY INFO PLEASE email, or call 845-564-0782 / 906-483-8134. thanks and prayers to you all

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We do not generally assist during these such disaster's.

I work for a utility company in Vermont who would like to send a crew of
linemen, electricians and any body else that we can provide.

Please contact me at 1-802-655-8446 when and if you need assistance. We
have a number of employees who have been trying to offer help.

Our prayers are with you.

Jennifer Hurlbut
Human Resources Generalist

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My heart goes out to all of you....I hope you soon will hear from the people you love....the people in Norway are thinking of you.

Take care of yu'r selves, I can't ecspress sorry I am for your loss...

Kristin from Norway

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We are looking for our friend Bill Martin who works for Cantor Fitz Building 1 101-105th floor (not sure which floor) Any info would be appreciated. Please e mail or call 203-269-3560.
Thank you and our prayers are with everyone.

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Melbourne Australia

May God bless the families and friends of the victims of this numbing tragedy. May their souls rest in peace. We pray for all the hearts and lives that this tragedy has affected...
God Bless...

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The prayers of the world are with you in this time of sadness. I wipe a tear from my eyes as I write this, the thought of your great loss. be strong and know that God is with you and those who were lost are with him. The people of Britain share some of your grief for those we have lost also. Special thoughts go to those emergancy services at the scene, our thoughts are with you and we thankyou for what you do.

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I will let the people know that I and all of my friends are also in deap shock....
we hope you find the strenght to survive this drama.

Gurtie, Rotterdam, Netherlands

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I need a ride to Manhattan from Indiana area. I just can't stand by and watch this on TV any longer. I have to go help dig out survivors. I'm ex-military and I have experience in this type work. I'm 32, single, no kids, so I can leave at a moments notice. My sister lives there in the city so I have a place to stay. I don't have to have a ride back per se. I would drive my car, but I don't trust it to make it. I can help with gas and driving for anyone who is going that way or feels that they want to just to see this for themselves. Thanks, Mark Burton

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My prayers go out to all the victims and their families right now. This is a terrible, terrible tragedy. I have a friend, who I believe is working in New York as a stock broker, by the name of Nick Atkinson. He grew up in Brisbane, Australia. If anyone knows of his whereabouts and status, I'd be grateful to hear from you.

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