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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Looking for information on Jamie Hennessey at the Pentagon. His wife Christine and two little girls just moved from Brandon, Florida. Many friends from the MOMS Club of Valrico are concerned.

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looking for Larry gonzallis and family (fresh air child)
looking for all of the James.F Baker family
Charley,Jimmy and Bertilla Baker
(parents kathleen and James F Baker)
looking for Naomi Silverman and family
and Jimmy Zampone

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This act of terrorism is beyond words. Watching it unfold all the way here in Singapore,I was filled with horror.I cannot begin to imagine how US citizens are really feeling right now. To all the families of victims and every grieving person, I hope that the following extracts from the book "The Wheel Of Life" by renowned Psychiatrist - Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross,M.D. can provide comfort, like it did to me. It discusses her lifetime of research on death, dying and life after death, proven by over 20 000 people and her own near-death experience.

"This was long before anyone had written about near-death experiences or life after death, so we knew our findings would be subjected to skepticism, flat-out disbelief and ridicule. But one case alone convinced me. A twelve-year-old girl told me that she had hidden her death experience from her mother. It had, she explained, been such a pleasant experience that she did not want to come back. 'I don't want to tell my mommy that there is a nicer home than ours,'she said.
Eventually she told her father all the details, including how she had been lovingly held by her brother. That shocked him. Until then, when he admitted as much, she had never known that she actually did have a brother. He had died a few months before she was born."

"...after 'we have done all the work we were sent to Earth to do, we are allowed to shed our body, which imprisons our soul like a cocoon encloses the future butterfly,'and...well, then a person had the greatest experience of his life. It did not matter if the cause of death was a car accident or cancer(though someone who died in a plane crash or a similarly sudden, unexpected incident might not know right away he is dead),at death there was no pain,fear,anxiety or sorrow. Only the warmth and calm of a transformation into a butterfly.
According to the interviews I compiled, death occurs in several distinct phases.
PHASE ONE:In the first phase, people floated out of their bodies. No matter if someone flat-lined in an operating room or died in a car wreck or committed suicide, everybody reported being totally aware of the scene he or she had left. They floated out of their bodies like butterflies leaving their cocoon. They assumed an ethereal shape. They knew what was happening, heard discussions other people were having, counted the number of doctors working on them or saw the effort being made to free them from mangled vehicles. One man reported the license plate number of the hit-and-run car that smashed into him. Others recounted what their relatives had said at their bedside at the time of death.
In this first phase, they also experience a wholeness. For instance, if somebody had been blind, his sight returned. If they had been paralyzed, they now moved effortlessly and joyously. One woman told how she had enjoyed dancing above her hospital room so much that she had been severely depressed when she had to come back. Indeed, the only complaint from the people I spoke to was that they did not stay dead."

"PHASE TWO:At this point, people had left their bodies behind and reported being in a state of life after death that can only be defined as spirit and energy. They were comforted to discover that no human being ever dies alone. No matter where or how they died, they were able to go anywhere with the speed of thought. Some reported thinking of how upset their family members were going to be by their death and then, zoom, they were with them, even if they were halfway around the world. Others who had been in ambulances remembered visiting with friends at work.
I found this phase to be the most comforting to people who had to grieve over the death of a loved one, especially a sudden, tragic death. It is one thing for someone to wither away over a long period of time from cancer. Everyone-patient and family-has time to prepare for the eventuality of death. A plane crash is not easy. Those who die are as confused as their families and in this phase they get time to figure out what happened. For instance, I am positive those who died aboard TWA flight 800 were with their families at the memorial service on the beach.
Everyone I interviewed remembered this phase for also being when they met their guardian angels, guides, or-as children often referred to them-playmates. They described their angels as being like guides, comforting them with love and introducing them to the presence of previously deceased parents, grandparents, relatives or friends. It was remembered as a time of cheerful reunion, sharing, catching up and hugs."

"PHASE THREE:Guided by their guardian angel, my subjects then proceeded into the third phase, be entering what has commonly been described as a tunnel, or a transitional gate, though people
recounted a variety of different images-a bridge, a mountain pass, a pretty stream-basically whatever was most comfortable to them. They created it with psychic energy, and at the end they saw a bright light.
As their guides tool them closer, they felt the light radiating intense warmth, energy, spirit and love. Love most of all. Unconditional love. People reported that its force was overwhelming. They felt excitement, peace, tranquility and the anticipation of finally going home. The light, they said, was the ultimate source of the universe's energy. Some called it God. Others said it was Christ or Buddha. But everyone agreed on one thing-they were enveloped by overwhelming love. It was the purest of all love, unconditional love. After listening to thousands and thousands of people describe this same journey I understood why none of them wanted to return to their physical bodies.
But those who did come back reported that it had the same profound effect on their lives. It had been like a religious experience. Some had been given great knowledge. Some had come back with prophetic warnings. Others had new insight. But everyone experience that same epiphany of thought-that seeing the light had taught them there is only one explanation for the meaning of life, and that is love."

"PHASE FOUR:In this phase, people reported being in the presence of the Highest Source. Some called it God. Others reported simply knowing they were surrounded by every bit of knowledge there was, past, present and future. It was nonjudgemental and loving. Those who arrived here no longer need their ethereal shape. They become spiritual energy, the form human beings assume between lives and when they finish their destiny. They experience a oneness, a completeness of existence.
In this state, people went through a life review, a process in which they confronted their totality of their lives. They went over every action, word and thought of their lives. They were made to understand the reasons for every decision, thought and action they had in life. They saw how their actions affected other people, including strangers. They saw what their lives could have been like, the potential they had. They were shown that everybody's life is intertwinedm that every thought and action has a kind of ripple effect on every other living thing on the planet.
I interpreted this as being heaven or hell. Maybe both.
The greatest gift God gave man was free choice. But that requires responsibility-the responsibility to make the right, the best and the most thoughtful, respectful choices, choices that benefit the world, choices that improve mankind. In this phase, people reported being asked,'What service have you rendered?' It was the hardest question to answer. It demanded that people confront whether or not they had made the highest choices in life. They found out whether or not they learned the lessons they were supposed to learn, the ultimate being unconditional love.
The basic conclusion I drew, and one that has remained unchanged, is that human beings, whether rich or poor, American or Russian, have similar needs, wants and concerns. In fact, I have never met a person whose greatest need was anything other than love.
Real unconditional love."
"Every person goes through the same struggles in life. Some are great and some do not seem so important. But they are lessons we have to learn. We do that through choice."
"Life is a responsibility." "Ultimately, each person chooses whether he comes out of the tumbler crushed or polished."

"...Manny(Dr.Ross's ex-husband), who had survived a triple bypass operation, was greatly weakened when his heart began to fail....Long past any grudge about the way our marriage ended, I dropped by whenever I could and filled his fridge with home-cooked meals. Manny sure loved to eat my Swiss meals.....Even though he was weakening, his mood improved when we brought him home. Just a few short days before he died, I had to fly to Los Angeles for a conference on hospices. Knowing dying patients have the greatest insight into how much time is actually left, I suggested sticking around, but Manny said that he wanted some private time with other family members.....A half hour before leaving for the airport, I remembered the deal I wanted to make with Manny in case he died while I was in California. If all my research about life after death was correct, I wanted him to send me a signal after he died. If it was not valid, then he would not do anything and I would continue my research. Manny procrastinated.'What kind of signal?'he asked.'Something far out,'I said.'I don't know exactly, but something that I'll know could only be from you.'.....It was the last time I saw him alive.....I had made my peace with Manny and was happy that he no longer had to suffer. As we stood around the gravesite, it started to snow heavily. I noticed dozens of roses strewn on the ground and could not stand seeing them go to waste lying there in the snow....The last one I gave to Barbara because she was a papa's girl. I remembered the conversation I'd had with Manny when she was about ten years old. We'd been having one of those dicussions about my theories of life after death, and he turned to Barbara and said,'Okay, if what your mother says is true, then the first snowfall after I die, there'll be red roses blooming in the snow.'Over the years, this wager had become a kind of family joke, but now it was truth.
I was bowled over with joy, and my smile showed it. I looked upward. The gray sky was full of swirling snow that looked to me like celebratory confetti. Manny was up there. Ah, the two of them, my two greatest skeptics. Now they were laughing together. And so was I.
'Thanks,' I said, looking up at Manny. 'Thanks for confirming it.' "

I hope the above has provided consolation to you who has read it. If it has comforted you, pass it on to someone else who needs it to. Lastly, I would like to end with a few more extracts from Dr.Ross's book.

"When we have passed the tests we were sent to Earth to learn, we are allowed to graduate. We are allowed to shed our body, which imprisons our sould the way a cocoon encloses the future butterfly, and when the time is right we can let go of it. Then we will be free of pain, free of fears and free of as a beautiful butterfly returning home to God...which is a place where we are never alone, where we continue to grow and to sing and to dance, where we are with those we loved, and where we are surrounded with more love than we can ever imagine."

"What I loved about working with children was their honesty. They cut through all the phony baloney. Dougy was a perfect example of that. One day I received a letter from him. It said:
Dear Dr. Ross,
I have only one more question left: What is life and what is death and why do little children have to die?
Love, Dougy
Taking some felt-tipped markers, I created a colourful booklet that drew on all my years of work with dying patients. In simple language, I described life as a gamble, similar to the scattering of seeds in a windstorm, covered by earth and warmed by the sun, whose rays were God's love shining down on us. Everyone had a lesson to learn, a purpose to his or her life, and I wanted to tell Dougy, who would die three years later and was trying to figure out why, that he was no exception.

Some flowers bloom only for a few days-everybody admires and loves them as a sign of spring and hope. Then they die-but they have done what they needed to do...

There have been many thousands of people who have been helped by that letter. But it is Dougy who deserves all the credit."

"All the hardships that come to you in life, all the tribulations and nightmares, all the things you see as punishments from God, are in reality like gifts. They are an opportunity to grow, which is the sole purpose of life.
You cannot heal the world without healing yourself first."

"Dying is nothing to fear. It can be the most wonderful experience of your life. It all depends on how you have lived.
Death is but a transition from this life to another existence where there is no more pain and anguish.
Everything is bearable when there is love."

In times like these, family members around you need all the support. Support each other, and believe that your loved ones are happy in heaven with all the unconditional love.

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From Malaysia,
Deepest condolences from Malaysia and we know the pain and feeling the familes are facing .
If need help pls.let me know and I shall do the best I can,Needed to contact any one in Malaysia
pls. e-mail me

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America, we love you and we are praying for you. God bless you all.

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I'm an English man who loves to spend time in the USA, I love the place and the people, these terrible acts have deeply upset me. I pray for the poor souls who have lost their lives and for the people who have lost loved ones. God be with the rescue teams, and lets see the animals who carried out these sick acts and all those who sympathize removed from our world.

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I'm looking for any information on those who worked at Marsh, USA in Tower 1, especially those on the 97th floor in the Tech Training & Support group. I used to manage the team of 50 people 1 1/2 years ago and am very concerned.

My prayers are with you all!

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To all americans.
I sincerly hope you all will cope with this situation in one or another way. All our prayers in Europe goes to you, your families and your love one´s. We can´t find words to discribe how we feel. It is impossible to find the right words.
We pray for you.

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If any information on Joseph Mistrulli Please call (516)826-0629 . Look further down for rest of message. God bless everyone may they find their loved ones.

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First of all I’d like to say that this attack has shocked not only American people but everyone around the world. We all feel like sorry for those people who has been killed in this senseless act of hate and their families and friends.
I have read part of your comments and this made me worry. What has happened is awful, but I fully agree with Pixie, a Muslim, Stella Magdalen, Steelhorse and others.
I understand the anger of person (people) called himself Americans, but the mind and soul are what distinguish us from animals. THINK what are you going to do.
According many official’s opinions this terrorist attack was made by people who do not understand the consequences of their actions. I pray that America will have enough wisdom and clear mind not to make the same mistakes.
I was shocked, I was angry, as all of you. But I agree with people who think that only GUILTY ones should be punished. Some of you calls for killing all Arab people, to declare war to all Islams. Then my question is: isn’t this making you just the same people?! Something horrible has happened, you realize that and condemn it and now you want to do the same. PUNISH THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE BUT NOT THE INNOCENT ONES.
Following some your logic, such country like Germany should be eliminated and the war against germans should be started. This is nonsense.

I have never been in the USA, but I have heard a lot about your democracy and freedom. Reading some of your comments I had such feeling that American freedom and democracy is granted only for Americans. You are speaking only about AMERICAN freedom, AMERICAN democracy and AMERICAN innocent people. Does it mean that other innocent people are not good enough to have right for freedom, democracy and live and they are ALLOWED to be eliminated ???

I do not neglect this tragedy, I am just saying that killing more innocent people won’t help, won’t ease the pain, and I agree with Stella Magdalen that “The world end won’t make anyone feel better”.
There is something I believed ever since I remember myself: all people are equal – I don’t care about nationality, sex, race, religion and color of skin- is it white or black, or yellow, or red or even green. The ONLY THING what is important and makes people different is their HEART, SOUL and MIND.
I agree with the Steelhorse that “not all men are rapists and not all muslims are terrorists.”
I feel angry as all of you, but what I am standing for is JUSTICE, not blind REVENGE.

P.S. I guess I owe apology to animals. They are not killing each other because of the pure hate.

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To all American Citizens

We at Hatfield Catering in Derbyshire, England
would like to express our sympathy and condolences in the wake of your tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with. This atrocity has shocked the whole world and we can only imagine the pain you all feel. Once again you are in our prayers.

God Bless each and everyone of you.

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Oh say does that star spangled banner yet

{It does I saw it hung from the Pentagon!}

WAR is an sad!

WAR is hard!

WAR isn't easy!

WAR kills!

There are no two ways about it war is a
terrible thing. {BUT} WAR is needed at times
to protect and Defend!!

You cannot sit down and reason with
someone that has no reason. That is crazy.
You can't sit on the fence and go both
ways......what a terrible tragidy.......awww those
poor innocent people that harbor a terrorist
shouldn't suffer..."brake the chain" .......yea
right! The only thing those type of people
respect is death and bloodshed. So kill them
and you will have their respect. This is what I cannot reason with these people.
You also cannot let them get away with
horrible acts. No one wants to suffer loss of
their loved one ......well.......except
Bin Laden that is........

My father...My Great Great Grandfather {who
came from other countries} and many others
in my family have fought in WWI & WWII our
family has lost dearly and to their memories I
There is No Greater Love than to Lay ones
Life down for another....defending their
Country and protecting there loved ones....

They loved their families!
They loved their Country!

God Bless America.
God Bless President Bush & Mrs. Bush.
God Bless the Lost and their Families.
God Deal with the Terrorists.

To my hubby gone since 9/10...kick some a$$

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Looking for missing Lizie Martinez-Calderon. Worked on the 100th floor at second building. Last spotted on the 78th floor. Brother Antonio and family are concerned. Please help with any information. You may telephone Antonio Martinez at (845)528-4294. Thank you.

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i'm looking for Ramzi Doany works in the WTC northen tower 100th floor.

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