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Archive through September 13, 2001

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at 12.00pm the norwiegian people will have one minute silence in honor of the victims of the tragedy in New York......our thoughts are with you.....


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I am looking for any information on James Cartier-26yrs old. He was working on the 105th floor of the first building hit. He is an electrician for PE Stone. Please e-mail me at">
Any info would be appreciated.
Thank you and God bless.
Betty Toomey

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Hi I'm Looking For my friend Paul Bristow who was on the 106th Floor of the North Tower for a Risk Waters (Waters 2001 Conference). If any one knows please contact me!

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Cantor Fitz has posted a list of known survivors on their UK website at It is being updated constantly.

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Our prayers are with you all. We are all shocked and deeply saddened by this tragedy. Our hearts go out to everyone in NYC, Washington, Pittsburgh and the USA.
All our love
Leigh, Katy and Kate
Newcastle Upon Tyne UK

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To our beloved brothers in the U.S. Please know that Canada is completely on your side. We will back you in every way that we can. our condolences to the passengers and crew of American and United Airlines. Words cannot describe our heartfelt sympathy to the victims and thier families , of everyone concerned in this disaster including the peop;e in the WTC. fireman, police and rescue workers. From Canada, our hearts and thoughts are with you all the way.
May God bless you all- and remember, we are completely and unconditionally here for you!! A fellow Canadian Brother.

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We are with you all the way!!! Your cousins from CANADA. We will be behind you every step of the way to bring those monsters to justice!!! Trust us We'll squash them!!!. Your Canadian brother.
P.S. I don't really think they know who they're dealing with trust me!!!

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Who could give him a call for me to check that he's OK. The phone lines are not getting through from Paris (France) where I am.
his phone (212)929-5965 or his parents' (914) 472-9793
my email
Thank you

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What a tragedy, I can not find the words to express my utmost condolances to all who lost loved ones and those who are desperately seeking for their loved ones. My almost 3 years old son asked me why did those planes fly into the Twin Towers.....why? No sain person knows why. I pray together with my family that God may assist you in this nightmare, may He stand by your side and gide you through this unbelievable pain.
My family and I agree very much with the US governement that there must be actions taken against terrorists and those who support them. I hope that the whole world will understand that it will be a necessary evil to punish the ones who are responsible for the attacks wich caused the death of so many thousands of life. God Bless you all.
Love from The Netherlands, Heerenveen.

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I am looking for info on Noami Needham from Han-Pardon. Please email me at:
G-D Bless all.

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Writing from Denmark to let you know that we are thinking of you in your time of sorrow. This situation is so unbelivable, and I hope and pray that the ones who have lost will find the strenght to get through this somehow. Justice will come!

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Looking for information on Firefighter Richie (Richard) Naviasky - email

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Family and freinds in england are seeking news about Steven.
He was working on the 101st floor for AON and was last seen helping his female work colegues into the lift on the 57th floor. Any information please to Simon at

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I am looking for Olena Kutsevol.
AFAIK she lives in Manhatten. Im
failed to see her name in the list
of the survivors. Please, contact me


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Hi, I am a long time friend of the family trying to help look for Micheal Uliano. He worked for Cantor Fitzgerald. Please his wife & rest of the family are worried, so should any one know anything about Micheal please call (781) 828-0589 or e-mail me at - Thanx!

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