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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I am a twenty three year veteran R.N. with many
years of ER experience; former EMT and Paramedic instructor. I reside in R.I., currently
employed per diem and can at the drop of the hat
come to NY and help out where needed. Contact
me at if I can be of help.

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Looking for Nino Gargano. He has black hair - ceaser hair cut. About 5'7 or 5'8, medium to small build. Family desperately searching. Please email me at"> if you have information about him or any Cantor Fitzgerald employees. Thank you. Our heart goes out to all.

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What can I say at a time like this except to say that England is grieving with the people of America and the world. I hope that this horrific act is not in vain and that this will turn the hearts of terrorists all over the world. I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling and I am one of many feeling totally helpless at this time. My thoughts are with the brave rescue workers, they will face much horror in the days and weeks to come and I hope that they get all the love and support they will need to cope. As for the families of those who have lost loved ones, we have no way of consoling you but we cry with you, we share your pain and grief. To those who have lost their lives, we will not forget you. I hope that you all sleep peacefully. Good night and God Bless. Tracey and family, UK

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i am looking for any information on christopher racaniello (cantor-fitzgerald) and glenn travers sr. (forrest electric). they were believed to be on the 102 and 104 floor of tower 1. any information would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

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I am looking for Mr. Gregory W. Young, flight attendant with United, San Francisco CA. Greg please, call me in Germany or drop me an e-mail.

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My condolonces to everyone who has lost someone, or is missing someone in this tragedy. The hopes and wishes of myself, my family and friends are with all of you at this devastating time.

God bless,

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My prayers are with all the victims, their loved ones and with the US. It is very simple. The forces who are behind this are not impressed by discussion and negotiations. The answer has to be fast, sharp and severe. I'm convinced that if the free world shows (finally) its strength, the result will be a remarkable co-operation and preparedness for peace from all those who support and/or tolerate the existence of terrorism. Look how (former) terrorists were shaking on tv and publicly giving blood. See how fast the ayatollahs with condemning this act of terrorism, How 'Kabul' asked not to attack them, and declaring that they would be prepared to hand over bin laden. They are shitting in their pants! Because they know: 'This is serious'.
I hope that there will not be too much talking, talking, talking. These are a sad days. Horrible events happend. But it is also an opportunity to show those idiots 'we do not tolerate this kind of behaviour anymore'. And if it has to be i am fully prepared to pack my things, and risk (and maybe loose) my life, to defend a freedom which cannot (yet) be found in the part of the world where this attack has its roots.
Since i'm Dutch, i'm very happy that NATO declared its full support to the US, and as said, i will be only happy to contribute to this with my personal support.

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I am posting this message for a friend in New Zealand. Anyone who knows the wereabouts of Heather Malai Ho a pastry chef at windows on the World, please contact
They are very worried about her.

My heart goes out to all the W.O.W staff, I know you will be found.

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i live in australia
but i dont know what i can do from so far away
i really would love to help in this horrible time please let me know if myself and the people of my extremly shocked and supportive nation can help in any way!

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So sorry, Nottingham UK.

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I'm looking for my cousin, RICHARD MYHRE, who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 101st floor of the North building. His family in NY is deperately searching for him. If you have any information to his where abouts, please contact his aunt (Ingeborg McCarroll) at (631) 265-9702.

He is 36 years old, glasses, red hair.

Reading, PA

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Hello, my family and his family and paul's family are searching for Nicholas Pietrunti and Paul Nimbley and they were working on 104th floor.

Nicholas is deaf and he has a pager which vibrates and he 5'6 tall, has black hair and he's a big guy. Paul is is his coworker and our famlies are searching for them so bad. Please contact us by emailing us:"> or Nicky's cousin:"> We are very close to them and we are so worried to death about them.

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I´m looking for Firefighter Michael Ryan - this is his daughter from Germany-

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I am a full time fire fighter of 11 years. I have been watching the TV since this tradjedy has unfolded. I know I speak for all the fire fighters in Australia when I say that our thoughts are with you . I am a proud fire fighter but I am humbled to see the outstanding and courageous efforts of all emergency workers that are involved with the rescue efforts at the World trade centre and the pentagon. i met a NY firefighter recently while competing in the World police and fire games in Indianapolis,he was a nice person,happy to speak with a complete stranger. I do not recall his name and will never know his fate.The worlds firefighters are watching and wish we were all there helping to save our fallen comrades,I know I wish I was there helping you all. Love and prayers for you all..Goodbye , goodluck and God bless you all.

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Please post info about your loved ones for others to see at:


Official Cantor Disaster Site:

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