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Archive through September 13, 2001

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My husband was on the 57th floor of WTC2 when the second plane hit,did not hear he was okay until 2pm on tuesday, was already planning on what i was telling my children, one can only imagine the relief when i knew he was alright.HE WAS ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES.My heart goes out too all that are still waiting too hear.GOD BLESS

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I am looking for Michael Tamuccio, my son - who
was in the WTC on Tuesday, September 11th
somewhere between the 93rd and l07th floors -
please advice if anyone knows ANYTHING!!! -
also with him might have been Emeric (Rick)
Harvey and Thomas Sullivan - please advise if
anyone knows anything with regard to them and
their locations and conditions.....thank you -
please keep them all in your prayers, as are

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All our thoughts and love goes to America, it's a total shock and infamy that will not stay unpunished. From the bottom of our heart, we wish to all of you to find strengh and courage to go through this tragic event. We all think of the victims and their family and support all the Americans. God bless all of you. Beatrice from Paris, France.

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With regard to my previous message - we are
in Europe - please get any information to
Dana Tamuccio - 973-517-3177 - thank you again...

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Former very worried employee of Windows On The World. Had many friends and would like some info. I already know quite a bit if anyone out there is in need of talking. Would like to know of the whereabouts of Doris Eng, Charlie Maurro, Jules Roinell, Ramsey Smith, Ivan Ruis, Christine from the bar, and any WTC Club Members. I pray you are all trapped in the basement waiting to be saved. Jerome Nedd is aslo a priority. His wife is desperatly waiting for him to come home.
Please God, help the 107th team.

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His name is Charles (Chuck) H Karczewski - he is an employee of AON Consulting in the World Trade Center building 2 on the 102nd floor. He is 34
years old, 190 lbs. 5 ' 9, brown hair, brown eyes, wears glasses. When he went to work on Tuesday he was wearing olive green pants, a striped green shirt and black shoes. I last heard from him the morning of the crash - after
the first plane crashed into tower 1. He called me from his office at that time! I have not been able to locate him or find anyone with any information!


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Looking for Frank sweeney....Firefighter in Manhattan. We think he was among the first on scene and may have been in the building when it fell. Frank call me or call Mom....Nick

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here in scotland we are all thinking of you at this painful time lets hope and pray the people who did this think are drough to justice fast and punish with the full weight of the law .iam family all wish you the best and hope can come through your sad loss in the midst of hell there is hope god bless you all

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Our prayers and thoughts are with you all!!

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All Camarilla members in NYC and DC are alive and well, including Rique Torres who was on the 80th floor of WTC1, and Quan Do, who worked nearby. Rique has a sprained ankle and is understandably shaken. Judith Conly is fine, and was not near the WTC at the time of attack.

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I am looking for my dads friend Charlie Crowley. He worked on the 104 floor of tower 2 for Sandler O'Neil and associates. If you have heard from him or seen him, or even can tell me if he is dead, PLEASE contact me. This is very important. Charlie, if you read this, Please call my dad as he is frantic. Please tell me you were on a business trip or out for coffee.....If anyone wishes to add something to the Memorial at Winder Barrow High School in Winder, Georgia, feel free to contact me also. Charlie, get your butt home- we miss you!
E-mail my dad at with any info on Charlies whereabouts.
thank you...I'll let anyone know about their loved ones if i hear anything.
-kate zaiger

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From Wales so far but yet so close, we feel you'r pain and send our love and prayers to you all. Don't give up!
we'll back you up all the way

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SCUDDER any member of family. Looking for adult children of Leona Scudder. Please contact Chicago relative now living in Texas,">

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MICHAEL BOKINA - Well being check - worked in wtc.
Am checking for my daughter, "Kelly Hood" - her and Mike are good friends.

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Linval Johnson. Family in England would like news of you please.

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