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Archive through September 13, 2001

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My brother Frank Isdell, is alive and well, thank God!!

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I am a healthy female who resides about a 14 hour drive from new york. I am very willing and ready to leave with the next set of volunteers at any time to help the clean-up from this disaster or what ever they may need help with. At this point i am paralized with the thought of what has happened and want nothing else but to be able to lend a helping hand. My name is Christiana Offerman and currentlly live in Michigan. My phone number is810-664-4708

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As a Canadian it hurts to see my American friends hurt like this. These cowards will be found out and punished. As always, we stand beside you and support you.
Bod Bless America. God Bless my American friends and neighbors.

Mike, Ontario, Canada

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Looking for David Powers,49,last known to be working in the Wall Street district. David,let your family know that you are okay.


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I have been keeping everyone and their families and the workers helping. I am so sad for all that are directly effected by this. I dont have money to help but I can give my email address to those who need someone to talk to. My address is I wish i could fly there and help out and give all of ny, dc, and penn. Please if you need someones ear to listen write me. May god answer your prayers and watch over you and your hearts.

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just a note of condolence to the people of america you are all in our hearts and our thoughts,scotland is saddened by the tradgedy with im sure the rest of the world .may god be with you all .shine on and stay strong

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Please let the people of America know that if we had flights to Los Angeles from Australia right now - I would be on one. My normal life has come to a stop as at 11:15pm, Wednesday the 11th of September 2001.

I have been watching the biggest tragedy in America's history on television for 39 of the 42 hours so far from my home in Brisbane Australia. I been viewing 8 channels of unbelievable heart wrenching footage as I cannot sleep. I have been crying for everyone that has been affected by the callous attack on innocent civilians and their families and friends.

I will never forget the faces and names of the victims and their families shown on television as a result of this terrorist attack. You will ALWAYS have a place in my heart. Watching the events live has burnt images in my mind forever.

Although I am so many miles away, please know that I am giving my heart to you - America and all my thoughts are with you - every minute of every day.

Melita Black
Brisbane, Australia

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This message is from bedwas high school who feel the horror of this tragdy with the people of America. This is to say that we all feel deeply horrified at the results of one mans attempet at try to put out the American light but have a hope America for god is with u and will bring justice to the people who have done this terrible thing. our harts go out to the many families of the workers who were lost because of the unknown, also to the families of the firemen, policemen and also the hospiutal workers who while trying to help other lifes in danger lost thier own. This message is to all those people who have lost thier lives and all those who have been injuried god and us are with you. may god bless u and keep u forever!!!

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This message is from bedwas high school who feel the horror of this tragdy with the people of America. This is to say that we all feel deeply horrified at the results of one mans attempet at try to put out the American light but have a hope America for god is with u and will bring justice to the people who have done this terrible thing. our harts go out to the many families of the workers who were lost because of the unknown, also to the families of the firemen, policemen and also the hospital workers who while trying to help other lifes in danger lost thier own. This message is to all those people who have lost thier lives and all those who have been injuried god and us are with you. may god bless u and keep u forever!!!

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Looking for Jami Britton. Worked for brokerage firm called Tradition which I believe to have been in one of the World Trade Center towers. Jami, please let me know that you are ok.

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To the victims and their deepest heartfelt sympathies and all my prayers. To my fellow American thoughts. To our ANGER. And finally to President support.
We must all STAND TALL.. STAND PROUD..STAND FREE..STAND WITHOUT FEAR..STAND UNITED...MAY GOD BLESS US ALL IN THESE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Make peace with our God and then rain the hellfires down on all those responsible.

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Searching for Adam Arias, 37 yuears old, 5'7", brown hair, brown eyes, 160 lbs., wearing black slacks and navy blazer, denim button down shirt, plain gold wedding band, split thumbnail on left thumb. Call 212-777-7997, 908-202-2399.

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Searching for Lisa Surace. Please call your mother or your brother (860) 632-5150

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I cannot believe what has happened.
My everyday life broken by thoughts of the disaster.
The greatest fear is what awaits those of us who live on.
The world we once knew gone for ever.
We all awaken to a new, evil world.
To the victims and their loved who have to cope with two losses my thoughts are with you.
God bless us all.

Luton, England.

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Looking for a good family friend's daughter
VANESSA KOLPAK she is 22 years old and I believe she was working on the 81st floor of WTC #2.

Last heard from after the first building was hit.

Let us know anything her parents are already in NY searching.

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