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Archive through September 13, 2001

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What those of us who are crying for war fail to
realize is that we lack one of the required
ingredients for a war: two opposing sides!
Many have made comparisons to WWI or
WWII. Those two situations presented us with
an advantage that this situation does not: a
clear enemy. We do not (as of yet) know
exactly who was behind these attacks.

Don't you think that if our president knew
exactly who and what and where to strike
back, he would have done so already?
Chances are, there will never be a clear
answer to this mystery. Extremist terrorist
factions are notorious for keeping their
numbers small and easy to dismantle. You
can bet your Friday paycheck that immediately
following an attack of this magnitude, the
group responsible (or the surviving members)
scattered with the wind, to every corner of the
earth. What should we do then? Bomb and/or
attack the entire planet? Doesn't sound very
smart. Heck, as extreme as this group
obviously is, maybe they all took poison
capsules following the event, satisfied at
having completed their task? Isn't it possible?

I realize it's frustrating not to have a clear
enemy to strike back at, and how easy it is to
point fingers, or to try to substitute words like
"the Arabs" or "Muslims" or "Afghanistan" for
"the enemy" but, as much as some of us
would like to believe, this is not a black and
white issue, with clear cut lines. We must rely
on the intelligence-gathering capabilities of
our government to unravel this mystery piece
by piece. And, as unpalatable as it may seem,
we must prepare ourselves for the possibility
that the mystery will never be solved.

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Making sure that Mark Frederickson an New York fireman and a very good friend. And praying for all that is involved. Thank You">

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God Bless each and everyone in the USA. Our prayers are with each and everyone that has been struck by this horrible, horrible ordeal.

In God We Trust,

The Kitchels
Atlanta, Georgia

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Looking for Mary Wieman works for Aon on 102 floor of WTC #2. Has anyone seen her? Contact Family or friends. 947-985-1747

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Looking for JOHN (ROB) LENOIR. He's 6'4", 230 lbs., dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was posted as "okay" on the website but his family has not heard from him. Please e-mail with any information at or call 513-761-9554. thanks

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If anyone has any information regarding the status of employees of Marsh/CAPS. (100th floor of WTC1) Specifically the following people: Danielle Delie, Jean DePalma, Mike Zinzi, Ana Centeno, Carl DiFranco, Jennifer Kane, Dorota Kopiczko, David Tengelin, Chris Desimone, & Ramzi Doany, please call 215 923 8800 or email with any information available.

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My name is Ashly and i live in Scotland!I have
been so saddened and distraught by this national
disaster i wish so much i could do something to
help.My eyes have not been away from the Tv
looking and hoping for a slight glint of life in
the rubble.If anybody knows how i could help,
short of flying out there please contact me


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THIERRY SAADA Cantor Fitzgerald 104th Floor, if you have any news email or call 33142770284

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found listed as fine on but no other word or sign of him anywhere. please if you have seen him or know where he is contact">

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I Live on staten Island. If there is anything I can do to help anyone such as making phone calls or searching the "net" anything at all, please call Ken at 718 273 7737 or email me at

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I live in Boston, and am willing to take in anyone who is stranded there due to the airport situation. I am also willing to drop my work and head to NY if I can be of any use at all. I'd really like to help out at one of the shelters open in the city to victims. I don't have the money to donate, but I will donate my hands, ears, home to those in need. Whatever I can do...please contact me. I can be reached at 508-335-4326 any time of day. Or by email anytime as well. Stay safe.

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Looking for my friend, Maryann Burns. She worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor. Any information would be very much appreciated. Please e-mail Thank you.

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SEARCHING for: JOAO AGUIAR working with KBW at WTC 2 on the 89th floor. After 1 st attack he managed to get down 11 flights to an elevator, but was not able to get on. Last time seen or heard from. Please email me with any information if anyone has seen him or heard from him - Thank-you

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Looking for Rob Mace of Cantor Fitzgerald 104th floor, Legal dept. 6'2", slim build, brown hair, receding hair line, born 1958. Lives in Upper East Side. If you can provide any info please contact Nancy at 917-817-4304.

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There are no words to express the sorrow I feel for everyone involved in these horrific terrorist acts.My heart goes out to everyone who has been a victim,lost a loved one, or can't find a loved one. If there is anything I can do to help out from Tennessee, please let me know and I'll do my best to help you. If your trying to reach someone here, I can relay messages or help search the survivor list or just listen to you if you need to talk to someone. Email me at
God Bless--

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