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Archive through September 13, 2001

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God bless everyone in these difficult times. I'm looking for my cousin Edward Murphy. he worked for Cantor and Fitzgerald on the top 100's floor of the WTC building. Any information that can be given would be very helpful. My e mail address is
Thank you

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ANNA WILLIAMS ALLISON, formerly from Richmond VA, and recently from somewhere in Massachusetts. Someone with your name and of the correct age was aboard AA flight 11. Your cousin Margery (my Mom) is worried, and is away from home without her address book, so she can't call her uncle Richard. I phoned American Airlines last night, and the bio on the passenger Anna Williams Allison did not match yours, so Mom was able to sleep. Please contact me by email by responding to this post.
Hoping that this incedent will prove to be the low point in the history of humanity ... it MUST get better from here.
Madge Ludwig

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My thoughts and prayers are with everyone .. as Americans we are all deeply affected by this horrible tragedy! I pray that we can all find the strength to continue on as a great country and that we never forget those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. Those who have perished, will forever be heroes! In reading all these postings, it blesses my heart to read all the outpourings of condolences and blessings that people from all over the world are sending. God bless America .. and the countries who are backing the U.S. during these times of tragedy.


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Please Do the Yellow and Blue Ribbons as well as your flags.. People here we are asking that you get yellow and blue ribbons the yellow is for the Victims and their families and the BLUE ribbons are for the Military, Goverment. Police, Fire fighters and all other rescuers.. Please do pass this along to all friends families, co workers , schools and new teams....
Show our pride and our spirit through ribbons and flags...

Our Herats go out to all..

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Hi everyone,

I know that we are all looking for friends and family members and I pray that your searches lead you to those that you seek.

I, too, am looking for someone. I was wondering if anyone has heard any information about survivors from Cantor Fitzgerald? We are searching for a dear friend of ours, Joe Corbett, and no one has heard from him. I know that the offices of Cantor Fitzgerald were badly damaged, but we are keeping our hopes up.

If anyone has any information whatsoever, or knows employees from Cantor Fitzgerald that survived, please let me know. His wife, Felicia, would appreciate any information.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Everyone is in my thoughts...

denine m. anderson

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Please Do the Yellow and Blue Ribbons as well as your flags.. People here we are asking that you get yellow and blue ribbons the yellow is for the Victims and their families and the BLUE ribbons are for the Military, Goverment. Police, Fire fighters and all other rescuers.. Please do pass this along to all friends families, co workers , schools and new teams....
Show our pride and our spirit through ribbons and flags...

Our Hearts go out to all..

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James Roux was on flight 11, I belive he was listed from Portland, Maine. Sorry for your the loss. Check the Airlines list he is on one of them.

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Searching for Felix Vale of Cantor Fitz. If anyone
has any information please contact.">

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The McGilberry and Csizmadia familes of Bordentown, NJ send our prayers out to all of the victims and their families in this awful tragedy. We are praying for our nation as a whole. We are praying that we come together outside of policital and ethnic boundaries and unite as "Americans". We know it is difficult to see now, but God will see us through this. We are all affected, whether we know any of the people or not. This hurts, but we believe that God is the healer of all hurt. We must hold fast to our faith. God Bless America!!!!

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Searching for Felix Vale of Cantor Fitz. If anyone
has any information please contact.">

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Navdeep (neenu), if you or anybody see this, please let us know the well being of Navdeep Dhillon of New Jersey.
from jp@chandigarh

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Any information about William Esposito or any Cantor employees please contact Nicole at Thank You

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"For here we do not have a an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come. Through Jesus, therefore, let us continueally offer to God a sacrifice of praise."
Hebrews 13:14,15
I was praying that the Lord would give me something up lifting in your time of need.
God loves you all very much. I will continue too pray for everyone envolved.
With love from Athens, TX

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Looking For Simon Dhanani Vice President AON RE Corp. 99th Floor Building 2. Anyone who has any information about him at all, please call Shervin at (603)526-9876 or Email at">
Thank you

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Posting this message for Walter Robinson, NYC Transit Policeman. He has been located and is OK.

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