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Archive through September 13, 2001

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To "Americans",

I write this as a half apology. I apoligise for being rash enough to bash your patriotism and willingness to do what is right. I do not take back what I have said, but rather shall attempt to clarify it.

This makes my forth post. In my first I think I made 2 things clear, 1st, if I was not placed here I would be in NYC doing my best to help in EVERY way possible. And, 2nd that I was (and still am) ready to request immediate activation. I AM willing to give my EVERYTHING for this nation, as I feel you are to. To that end I would share no greater pleasure than serving by your side if called to do so.

What I meant with my calls for reason, my quoting of philosophers and scientists, my calls to remember the past was a simple point. I have not yet found a CO that wants to go into something half-cocked. I know thats the quickest way to get my unit wasted. I think that our leaders understand this (especially President Bush, and Secetary Powell) and I think that this nation should punish only those necesssary, not carry out mass genocide (although I still know that a military unit is never 100% percise, the fewer civilian causilties, the better). I DO in all aspects want ALL parties responsible, in any way, punished.

Back to what I was talking about. I truly speak to the point that, should the need come, I will be happy to serve by your side "Americans" and any other person's side as well. Come what may let us all say Semper Fi, for our great nation, and all of us ready to put that rank back on out shoulders and fight to protect all we love. Our friends, family, loved ones, those we will meet in the future, and those we will never know. All of us ready to defend that which is good and great, ready to defend America.

May God bless us all. What deeds may come, may he hold us still in his hand and protect us.

So remember these words: "E PLURIBUS UNUM" "ANNUIT COEPTIS" "United, we shall never fall" "Semper Fi"

Cadet "Recruit at Training"
Gary Owen Batallion
Roswell, NM

PS - To the idiot who calls him/her-self "HITLER" I pity your stupidity. Those numbers in the parenthesis next to your name are called an IP address, and exact way to associate that message with one and only one computer in the world. As well as one and only one internet account username. It took me five minutes to track down the phone number of your internet service provider, and if a person was to call the FBI right now, that would be considered a terroristic threat and you would be tracked down on a Highly Wanted list. I won't do anything becasue I give people a chance to screw up. But don't do it again.

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Looking for Mark Hindy from Cantor Fitzgerald, 102 floor Tower#1.

Please post/call or email
Steve Swierczek
609-731-0659 cell
973-228-9322 home

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Can you post a message for info on John Walker of Memphis TN...He's a flight attendant that flies New York route regularly. I don't believe he was in the air. I believe he is or was probably stranded at the airport, but have heard nothing from him....He's my sister's ex husband, but still a good friend of the family.

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looking for rajiv mahehwari (bidoo),
mail me ASAP.

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Hi - looking for Paula P - from Freehold NJ - worked in NYC - not in the Towers, but not sure if she is safe (Maria Q is asking). Also Eddie - police officer from Bronx - not sure if he is covering the area (remember me from Queens - Anne J's friend). Hope everyone gets word soon.

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Regarding the September 11 attack on our Nation:

I have two sons, one of which is a three-year-old boy and I have paying very close attention to the coverage by all stations trying to find out the latest (especially when they catch these horrible people and crucify them), but my three-year-old also watches and, of course, does not understand what is happening. I have to just look at him with my tearful eyes knowing that one day I will have to explain to him this evil act and just say, "I'm sorry" because I know I will not have the words to explain that some don't believe in the same values as we do.

My family and I had just gotten back from traveling up East and my husband had said that he wanted to go to New York City and I had told him,"No because NYC is too much of a zoo." I guess maybe we should have because that would have been the last time we would see the "complete New York skyline" that is on postcards and television.

My deepest heartfelt sympathy goes out to ALL because we are all effected in some way or another. I find it very hard to understand why other countries hate us that much to do such awful things to our innocent people but try to say to myself that they are only mad because we are so "organized" and "free". We believe in a God but he is a God that does not kill harmless and innocent victims.

I can't begin to fathom the news about gas gouging because I feel that is Americans raping Americans and is unjust. I also can't begin to fathom the fact that there are people (my fellow Texans and Americans) that would distress their hatred in the same fashion as these horrible men (Mosque vandalism). These people are our friends - not our enemies. They, too, escaped their nations of disgust, violence, and hatred to be FREE. I thought that was what WE were about.

Our family sends out our thoughts and prayers to everyone in hope that this will end one day soon. At a time of sympathy, I look up to the sky and know the wings of THEIR angels are looking over.

Reading these posts are very sad but also uplifting because we have others throughout the world that share our grief.

To the families of the "Missing":
I wish you all the best and hope that your loved ones will return to your loving arms soon.

To the families of the deceased:
I cannot begin to imagine the sorrow in your hearts and please know that your loved ones are now in a safer and better place.

To the families of those few that fought off the hijackers on the Pittsburgh crash:
They are heroes and should be thought of as that. They could have saved so many lives by their actions.

With all our love and sympathy,
God Bless All,
The Hays Family in Arlington, Texas

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looking for rajiv mahehwari (bidoo),
mail me ASAP.

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My name is Marissa and I am devistated by the attack on 9112001. I will keep all the families who lost loved ones in my prayers. God is with all of you! We will stay strong and be dominant! God Bless America!

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I talked briefly yesterday about the possibilty of the use of Nuclear weapons and I still stand firm on that issue. We do not know if any of those responsible have anything of importance, other than that of cowardice or pure disrespect towards the American people in general. I still think that we should go after the people that were responsible, and those ONLY. Back in the 1800's we had our own first organized crime/terrorist group here in the U.S., it has been portrayed in many movies and books. The group was called the "Cowboys" most will remember the movie Tombstone or possibly a book that they read in the past. What did we do back then to curb the violence spread to send fear to many, so that they could gain stature and power over people. Sure, alot of it was the Hollywood aspect of life and history, but we hunted each and every on of the members down and destroyed their way of life, so that they could never do things of that nature again. I do believe that America's Armed Forces, when called will be able to do that task, eventually. I do believe that we should hunt down those responsible and get vengeance for the American people. We will get vengeance, but like I said eventually. You always, whether or not this is a new day and age, have to look back at history so that we do not repeat the mistakes made. In all the battles that have ravaged the country of Afghanistan, they were not short of death, destruction, or time. We should go after the groups and people that were totally repsonsible for these acts of terror. I fully support that option. But I will also stand by the individuals that are making the decisions in the White House. They are the ones that have the final say, because they have all the information, not us, we only get bits and peices from news and from the he-said, she-said conversations. Freedom is not free by any means, but freedom is freedom, never the less. So so boycotting stores owned and operated by people from Arab nations or with Arab backgrounds, why should that happen. When the bomb went off in Oklahoma City and they dragged a White Christian that was born in the United States, could have been plenty of peoples' friend or neighbor, did we kick all white christians out of the U.S. or boycot their stores. NO, we did not. It's not that different of a situation, other than that of fatalities. I understand the fact that everybody is upset and/or "pissed-off", but didn't we have the same attitude of disbelief and anger at Oklahoma? I know I did, so why wasn't there this Facism/Nazi/Communist belief system brought around then? Because he was a White Christian or fellow American born here? There are plenty of people that were and still are born here in the United States that have Arab backgrounds, so, by the Freedom that this country was founded on, they deserve every right to be here and live a great and free life. I believe that each and every one of us needs to look in the mirror and ask ourselves are "WE" a true American or has this come about because of what happened. Don't bitch, moan, or complain of what the government did, does, or will do. The American people put each and every one of the people holding office there for a reason. They believed in that individuals belief system. So I think every one should actually grasp at the fact for just one minute of what might or will happen if we do go to War with the Arab nation. Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical Warfare, any one of those could happen. They are not going to just lay down there weapons and let us finish a quick war like in Iraq, which most of us were witness to. Go talk to a Vietnam Vet, Korean War Vet, or WWII Vet and ask them if their enemy just layed down for them. I doubt that they will say they did. If we do go to war, it will cost us dearly. That is fine, it should be dealt with accordingly. Just realize who we will be fighting and try not to place every Arab in the category as a terrorist, because I highly doubt that they are. So, in turn, you will have your opinion, and that is what America is about. Go right ahead and be that arm chair quarterback, but when the time comes let us that are in the Military and Government do the job that needs to be done. You are not a militant by any means. You are an American. So act like one.

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Thinking about all who have been affected by this terrible disaster. You are in our thoughts.

All our love.

Joanne & Christine
Sheffield (England)

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ANY INFO PLEASE CALL 1-800-368-4154

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I'm trying to tell how Germany feels about the catastrophy, but I feel words are not enough, even tears are not enough for this tragedy.
We are in mourning for the victims of the attacks, for all those innocent people.
Members of our human family have been killed, and they will be missed profoundly.
You are in our hearts!

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I am trying to locate Christian "Chris" DiSimone. He worked at Tower 1 on the 98th floor for Marsh. If anyone has seen him, or has heard anything on his whereabouts please contact me at His family has not heard from him and we are desperate for any information. Thank You!

You may also contact the Sloat Family at

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