I have a brother who lives and works in NYC. He is alive and well and I thank God. Our prayers are with all of the people whose lives were changed from this sad day.
I am trying to find my sister who was on the 102 floor of the south WTC
tower at the time of the attack.
Her name is Julie Zipper, height 5' 3", brown eyes, 120lbs, She is wearing a diamond and saphire wedding ring.
Any information please contact Lyssa Zipper (her sister) at
lzipper@optonline.net or call
Thank you very much
Anyone having information on the whereabouts or condition of Karrah Flores who works for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter please contact her mother at kntslady@optonline.net or melodyd@tfillc.com
Kim Fish, from Chisholm Minnesota. Your cousins Yvonne and John Fish are looking for you and believe you worked at the WTC. Please e-mail me.I am their mother Donna (Fish) Ashly.
I am looking for a friend who works in the
Pentagon. He is Deaf. He said he is a photograghy
analyst. His name is Steven Cole. Any one who have
seen him, please tell him to answer this message.
Cynthia Gl
We live in the Burlington, VT area. We understand the airport here will not be open until Saturday, September 15, at the earliest. We are willing to help those who are stranded or help people set up transportation to their home cities on the east coast. e-mail: {Blakely1@adelphia.net,Blakely1@adelphia.net}
Has anyone seen, or know anything about Daniel Crisman. He worked on the 97th floor of WTC2 for Marsh USA. His family is desparate for any information. He has not been seen or heard from since the disaster began. Please have him contact his Mom as soon as possible! Or, please email any information at all to angehome@epix.net.
Thank you and God Bless You All!
I am looking for my cousin, DONNIE SCHWIESOW. He lives in NYC and may live or work near or in the WTC/Manhatten Area. I only have his email address and have not heard a reply. I have been unable to find a phone number to reach him at.
Hi I am looking for Joel & lissette Fontanez, I try To call them at 212-795-8993 but I got nothing I am very concern and worried, last know address was 621 n 169th street apt 2-f manhattan,
please call me or email me I am praying for all of you and your families. 602-765-1638 home
602-534-1529 work Email mvelezricangirl@gateway.net (home)
@phoenix.gov">maribel.velez@phoenix.gov (work)
los quiere mucho Veronica Fontanez su Sobrina y ahijada, hija de Daniel Fontanez Molina y Maribel Velez.
I am looking for a NY Paramedic, Matthew K. Noonan. I don't know his current assignment or company. If anyone has any information please e-mail me as soon as possible. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the rescuers, police, fire department and victims. Matt, if you're reading this, this is your little sister....I love you. If anyone has seen him, Please e-mail me. If anyone knows his e-mail address, please let me know. Thank you.
My friend SARANYA SRINUAN also known as "SUZY" was on the 100-something floor of one the WTC towers, she worked for Cantor Fitzgerald. Noone has been in contact with her. If you know her or know of her whereabouts, PLEASE e-mail, msnyc@nyc.rr.com.
Thank you. God Bless.
She's okay (reported by a friend)
Dear Friends
I am so sorry for your enormous losses. As I sit at my desk trying to concentrate on work, I find that I cannot - my mind keeps going back to the horrific scenes witnessed on television and the horror of hearing about those poor people on the planes and in the buildings.
My thoughts and love are with you.