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Archive through September 13, 2001

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If someone has info on Rick Kinally please let me know. Thank you and God Bless.

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Our hearts go out to all that have been affected by this horrrible tragedy. So many innocent lives taken and families and friends suffering fom the loss. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all. May God bless each and everyone of you.

In God We Trust,

The Bruners (Texas)
The Stewarts (North Carolina)

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I am looking for my friend Rebecca Myles-Purcell (married to Bill). She is originally from UK, I'm an old friend from London. Can anyone confirm that either she or Bill (ideally both) are alive and well? Thanks.

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Looking for NORMA TADDEI, employee of Marsh & McLennan. If you have any information, please call Mary Taddei at 718-392-6987 or e-mail

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My prayers are with you all.
God Bless
Susie from N.C.

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You say you see no hope.
You say you see no reason we should dream
That the world would ever change
You're saying love is foolish to believe
'Cause there'll always be some crazy
with an Army or a Knife
To wake you from your daydream
Put the fear back in your life...

Look, if someone wrote a play
Just to glorify what's stronger than hate
Would they not arrange the stage
To look as if the hero came too late?
As if he's almost in defeat
And it's looking like the Evil side will win?
So on the edge of every seat
From the moment that the whole thing begins...

It is Love who mixed the mortar
And it's love who stacked these stones
And it's love who made the stage here
Although it feels like we're alone
In this scene set in shadows
Like the night is here to stay
There is Evil cast around us
But it's Love that wrote the play...
For in this darkness love can show the way

So now the stage is set.
You feel your own heart beating In your chest.
This life's not over yet,
So we get up on our feet and do our best.
We play against the Fear.
We play against the reasons not to try.
We're playing for the tears
Burning in the happy angel's eyes,

For it's Love who mixed the mortar
And it's Love who stacks these stones
And it's Love who makes the stage here
Although it looks like we're alone
In this scene set in shadows
Like the night is here to stay
There is Evil cast around us
But it's Love who wrote this play...
For in this darkness--
In this World we live in--
In this darkness Love can show the way.

~Words and Music by David Wilcox
©1993 Irving Music Inc./ Midnight Ocean Bonfire Music (BMI)

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If anyone from the Fairfield/Southport, CT area who has missing family members needs free assistance doing errands, walking pets, etc. in the evening or this weekend, please email me and I will do all I can to help out those who respond first. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Philip Murphy
Southport, CT

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How does one find the list of missing NYC firefighters?

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I am looking for Sean Largotta to make sure he is safe. He worked for Lehman Brothers. Please let me know any information anyone might have.">
Shannon V

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I am a concerned friend who used to work at Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield in the Legal Dept. before they moved to 1 WTC. I would live to hear if anyone made it out safely. Thanks for any information. With love and concern from: Karen Brown, Nita Daniel and Clorita Jones, we all used to work there.

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Looking for Marisa DiNardo - 105th Floor WTC
please call 761-2840 or e-mail with any information as the list reports her as okay but family members are unable to find her whereabouts.

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I need information on JAMES CARSON, he was on the 101st floor in tower #1, I think.

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I am looking for Lori Campanella. She is in the Army and works at the Pentagon. I would appreciate it if anyone could let me know how she is. Thanks.

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Searching for five friends known to have been in NYC at one point. Many TAGgers would like to know if you're OK. Please email
Searching for:
Jennifer Bartsch-Allen and Sean (fiancee)
Micah Gaugh
Jeremy Zoller
Justin Green
Samara Khaja

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Looking for my cousin, Josh Rosenthal. He worked in Tower 2 of WTC, on one of the floors in the 90's. His company is Fiduciary Trust, which is owned by Franklin Templeton. Please call if any info. 516-606-7599. 6'. Brown Hair. Slim.

Thank you.

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