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Archive through September 13, 2001

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FEGAN,SEAN - MISSING - Sean Fegan, male, 34 yrs old 5'9 190lbs, dark blonde hair, blue eyes, Irish American, wearing Rolex watch. PLEASE CONTACT PARENTS 845-359-2319 or 845-359-7389. email @CS.COM">FEGANT1@CS.COM
from ROCKLAND COUNTY works at FRED ALGER, 92nd Floor Tower 1.

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looking for Lonnie Stone 97th floor WTC, any
information welcome

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looking for Harry Blanding, AON employee working in WTC Tower 2 at the time of attacks. Please post any info you may have...

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I would like to know if FREDERIC BLIN is OK. If you have any info,
please e-mail me at

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As I sat and watched the horror on the television take place, all I could do was kneel down and pray, for all the children and their families. I don't consider myself a prejudice person by any means. People are taught hate and love, as children grow to be adults, they live what they are taught, whether it was hate for a specific ethnic group, or for mankind itself. I feel for those children in the Middle East as well as many other countries where there is a major hate for mankind. I also feel for the Arab-Americans in America, I am sure there are some from this group who are sincerely devestated by this tradjedy. However, I am also concerned because there are obviously some from this group who do hate America. Who can we trust? That is what it comes down to. These attacks were carried out by some who came here just like the others, how could we know whether they were here to begin a new life or end many. My condolences & May God Bless America and Mankind Always!

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I need information on HELEN MELNICK, she was on 92 floor in the North tower.

In God We Trust,

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Since I am so far away in Wisconsin, and a mom of two little ones, I cannot offer anything but my email address to someone who is suffering and needs someone to talk to. If you have lost a loved one or are still in limbo waiting to hear and you feel alone, please">

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As I sat and watched the horror on the television take place, all I could do was kneel down and pray, for all the children and their families. I don't consider myself a prejudice person by any means. People are taught hate and love, as children grow to be adults, they live what they are taught, whether it was hate for a specific ethnic group, or for mankind itself. I feel for those children in the Middle East as well as many other countries where there is a major hate for mankind. I also feel for the Arab-Americans in America, I am sure there are some from this group who are sincerely devestated by this tradjedy. However, I am also concerned because there are obviously some from this group who do hate America. Who can we trust? That is what it comes down to. These attacks were carried out by some who came here just like the others, how could we know whether they were here to begin a new life or end many. My condolences & May God Bless America and Mankind Always!

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All of us in Salem,Oregon are thinking of you.

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The tragic events of September 11th has left an indelible stain in my memory.
I walked into my office just as the second plane was hitting the south Tower.
We knew at this time that what happen to the first tower was deliberate.

And although, we might be miles away from each other
the shout of "oh my god no" was in unision with the people of NY as the tower collapsed shortly after.

Then word of the Pentagon suffering and attack, and another plane going down. We were all afraid and wondering what's next.

Needless to say no work was done that day. Staff gathered around the T.V. in utter disbelief I remember someone saying that it was if they were watching Independence Day at the theather, no way could this be a reality. Then there were the frantic calls to all those who we knew worked and lived around the financial district of New York City and across the river in New Jersey.
Thank God everyone was alright.
We are a bit relieved, but our hearts ache with the realization that many persons did not make it out of those towers.

Many mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers,friends did not make it home that night. We can only imagine the turmoil in the hearts of many.

The events of that day happened quickly, no one in any of those bulidings or aircrafts involved, had any idea what they were in for when they awoke that morning.
Going about there every day tasks, lives have been shattered forever.
Our most sincerest condolences and deepest sympathy goes out to the family and friends of all of those, who are victims and survivors of this incredulous and horrific act of inhumanity on innocent American People.
America ( New York) we are praying for you, Praying that you will get through this tragedy and rise like a Phoenix from the ashes shaking of the opression of this act designed to disturb the very core of America's
freedom and the choice of one's destiny. May God Speed your recovery.
We like many Nations, each in their own way, are depending on you.
God Bless
Staff of: Caledonia Corp. Grp - Nassau, The Bahamas

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I am looking for my friend's father Yang Der Lee (Robert Lee), employee of Windows on the World. He is Chinese, 64 years old, about 130 lbs, 5'5". If anyone knows ANYTHING about him, please contact his family at 718-316-5492 or pager number 866-856-4167.
Thank you

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Since I am so far away in Wisconsin, and a mom of two little ones, I cannot offer anything but my email address to someone who is suffering and needs someone to talk to. If you have lost a loved one or are still in limbo waiting to hear and you feel alone, please">

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I am looking for my brother Chip (Charles) Chan. He is an employee of Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor, he is part of the currency brokerage group. My brother is 24 years old, 5'9", 150lbs, brown hair, caucasion. If anyone can provide any information about Chip please contact me at:

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My sympathy and PRAYERS go out to everyone affected by this tragedy. My name is Myiesha Garrett (21 yrs old) and I live in Oklahoma. I know EXACTLY what you are going through. I know what it feels like to search for someone but don't know where to look. I know what it feels like to keep watching the news and feel like it's not saying what I need to hear. I know what it feel like to wait and wait and wait and then be heart broken. I KNOW what you are feeling. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. The only thing that we can do is PRAY and ask God for help. I have been praying every and all day to bless everyone with the strength and patience to get through this. I know what you are going through because I felt all of your pain in 1995 when we couldn't find my baby cousin in the debris from the bomb. I know what you are going through because I've waited and waited (for days) only to find that he was dead. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH. I've felt this pain before and now I'm feeling it again. I am only 21 and have seen and been through so much hurt and pain and tragedy. I hope this will never happen again. Once again my heart and prayers go out to you. I feel so bad because you have to go through this.

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I`m scared these days to watch the news,
It seems the recent events will make you blue.
How could someone just not care?
And how come our government was not aware?
My heart goes out to those most affected,
But in some way we are all connected.
So lets just help however we can,
And make sure we pray for our fellowman.

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