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Archive through September 13, 2001

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My sympathy and PRAYERS go out to everyone affected by this tragedy. My name is Myiesha Garrett (21 yrs old) and I live in Oklahoma. I know EXACTLY what you are going through. I know what it feels like to search for someone but don't know where to look. I know what it feels like to keep watching the news and feel like it's not saying what I need to hear. I know what it feel like to wait and wait and wait and then be heart broken. I KNOW what you are feeling. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. The only thing that we can do is PRAY and ask God for help. I have been praying every and all day to bless everyone with the strength and patience to get through this. I know what you are going through because I felt all of your pain in 1995 when we couldn't find my baby cousin in the debris from the bomb. I know what you are going through because I've waited and waited (for days) only to find that he was dead. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH. I've felt this pain before and now I'm feeling it again. I am only 21 and have seen and been through so much hurt and pain and tragedy. I hope this will never happen again. Once again my heart and prayers go out to you. I feel so bad because you have to go through this.

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I am looking for Darryl L. McKinney, an associate at Cantor&Fitzgerald. His family has not heard any news from him. He works on the 104th floor and is 6'2", 180lbs., Brown Eyes/Hair, Tatto on left arm says "Mr.D", scar on the back of his head. Please if you hear anything call these numbers (845)838-2721.

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I am looking for any information about a young lady named MONICA OLIVEIRA. If anyone has any information on her whereabouts please let me know.

God Bless America!

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Name: Officer James Authur Nelson
Age: 40
Address: Avenue Clark, NJ 07066
Phone: 908-709-6721 or 908-337-1681
Description: Sandy Brown Hair, 5 ft 11 in, 230
Last seen: On the 27th floor with Officer Fernandez in South building had a mask and oxygen
Please call with any information and God Bless everyone involved in this tradedy.

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Hello, i am looking for my mother.
I seen her name on the World Trade Center survivor list, but im not sure if the information is correct.
My mothers name is Jakubiak Maria. She worked on the 96th floor in the first building for Marsh U.S.
Please, the person who put my moms name on the list can u please contact me and my family. The number is (718)386-9118

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Looking for Doug Protuck, who is a police officer somewhere in New York, currently MIA.

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Carlos Segarra, Brooklyn, NY - Please help us find any information on Carlos Segarra, Brooklyn, NY. He worked on the 46th floor for First Union. Please call 718-745-2137.

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please accept my deepest sympathy to those who have lost a family member,or someone near and dear to them

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Money possible for all families on the planes of this horror. Please remember that if they used a credit card to purchase ticket they may be able to collect on the 1/2 Million Air Insurance available on most credit card purchases of air tickets.

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CHRISTOPHER CAFARO-I'm looking for my dear friend. he was working across the street at a new job. He was last seen running to tower 1, and then seen again carrying a woman out. I'm very concerned, and worried. please any info call 6176236600 or email me .

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CHRISTOPHER CAFARO-I'm looking for my dear friend. he was working across the street at a new job. He was last seen running to tower 1, and then seen again carrying a woman out. I'm very concerned, and worried. please any info call 6176236600 or email me .

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Everyone aggrees this is an act of war! We need to stop this once and for all. They have pushed us around far to long. I think we need to take care of True american's, those country's not on our side and helping us to terminate the evil that exists and has done this must nolong recieve our support in any way and those here in the US with green cards and those with out green cards need to go back to those country's. We should not support these country's any more and those against freedom and would peice must be removed. We can not just act as we have in the past with a do gooder attitude. We are behind you Mr President and we pray for the safty our our men and women in all forms of the service and thank them for all that they have done and those that have lost there lives for this wonderful country. Let us pray that we can put an ened to the evil in the wourld once and for all. God bless us and grant us the peice.

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Any information on Robert Coll last seen near 84th floor please email

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Kristi Irvine? Maybe under her married name Kristi Ryan?

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I would just like to say that my prayers are with the victims and their families during this horrible tragedy. Let's hope that we will never see such a disaster again.

God bless America!

S.C. from Pennsylvania.

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