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Archive through September 13, 2001

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I'm posting this on behalf of the family and friends of Eugene Lazar. He worked for Cantor Fitzgerald, on the 102nd Floor of One World Trade Center, the first tower to get hit. He is about 5'6", blond hair, blue eyes. He wears glasses. He's 27 years old. If any of his collegues read this, please let me know any information that you may have, at 617 666-0478 or email me.
Thank you.

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I am looking for any news of a family friend of ours, Mrs. Jean Okore, and her son, Oro.

They both live in the Manhattan area, but I have not been able to raise either of them on the phone, or at their last email addresses.

If they are OK, please let me know.

All of us here are praying for our fellow New Yorkers, for the people who worked in the Pentagon, all of the victims of the hijackings, the various police and firefighters who risked (and lost) their lives to help others, and for all of us.

God bless America!

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Good bless you all.

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God bless you all and all of the victim's families.

We are looking for Sean Booker, black male, 36 that worked on the 90th floor of WTC1 for Xerox. Anyone with any information, please call his family at 973-297-0518/9. Thank you, thank you, and again God bless.

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God bless you all and all of the victim's families.

We are looking for Sean Booker, black male, 36 that worked on the 90th floor of WTC1 for Xerox. Anyone with any information, please call his family at 973-297-0518/9. Thank you, thank you, and again God bless.

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Three firefighters were just pulled out of the rubble in NYC - alive.

There is still hope.

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Three firefighters were just pulled out of the rubble in NYC - alive.

There is still hope.

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I'd just like to say that everyone here in Daytona Beach Florida, are in constant prayer for all the famlies involved in this horrific terrorist act. God Be whith you all, and for the leaders of our counrty, God be with you as you make the decesions that need to be made to stop this kind of cowardly violence. We are the "United States of America" "United we Stand, and for those who stoop down to this level, divided they must fall!" We have all been effected by this, and I just wanted to say..God Bless each and everyone of you!!!

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looking for emily topolsky?

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I am looking for Lance Tumulty. He works for Euro Brokers on the 84th floor of Tower 2. A picture and additional information can be found at If you have any information at all regarding Lance please contact Patty at 917-934-9967 or e-mail the information to"> God Bless.

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I'm looking for Carmen Alicia Rivera
33 years old, blue eyes
worked on the 96 floor for feduciary trust company

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I am looking for my cousin. His name is Rex Posadas. I have not heard from him in years but I just would to know that he is at least okay. Please e-mail me if anyone as any information on him at . Thank you very much.

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My name is Paulo Estevinha and I'm a portuguese teacher. Such as a cristian and a teacher I have to condamned an act of terror and human brutality like this. At this moment I'm with the american people and specially the families and friends of the victims. Here in Portugal we pray for you and the recover of America. God bless you.

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we are all thinking about you all at this terrible time our prayers are with you all we send you our love and hope and bless all the inocent men women and children who are caught up in these terrible events and tragedys that happen in todays wars and happenings all over the world we should all learn from the innocence of our children around the world who are honest and could teach us adults how to live peacefully love dawn newcastle united kingdom

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I don't know how to get the webmaster to remove the offensive postings, but I asked a person that knows how to do these things if he can.

It is a shame that mentally deranged individuals will be drawn to make these kinds of postings.

This particular individual clearly belongs in a locked mental facility. He is clearly medically insane, with a mind full of evil and depraved delusions.

He is blatently full of a vicious and unrelenting hate for HIMSELF and probably is too much of a coward to face himself and get immediate help from a psychiatrist.

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