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Archive through September 13, 2001

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We the vol firefighters of Alabama send our love and prayers to the families of the New York firefighters.

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I am looking for Nereida DeJesus,employee for AON.She is 5'7" and has black hair.Sheis 120lbs. and worked on the 98th flr. WTC #2.Anyone that has info., please contact Rosa at 212-353-2991 or e-mail Chuck ( Bless America! Thankyou.

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+61 3 87040797
+61 425 750 797

Please be ok love.. please..

Jason Fox

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Thank goodness, I have heard from the moderators they have taken care of the horribly offensive messages. Hard to comprehend what happened, even harder to comprehend the minds of such people who can express their feelings like that!
GOD BLESS AMERICA, They will not destroy us!
My sympathies to everyone who have lost loved ones.

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We are three girs from Verona in Italy,
we are so far but also so near to all of you.
What has happened it's terrible and we realy can't understand how some people can be so cruel with human people.
All Italy is sorry for you and we pray every day for all the innocent victims.
Lots of love from us.

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I would like to help, I am a respiratory therapist in Pa. I have four years exp. If there are any medical personal that need time off to rest or to attend a loved ones funeral in the coming days or weeks please contact me at I have a wonderful boss who I am sure would cover for me. I currently work night shift but I can work any shift. I am used to working 12 hour shifts and can work 24 God Bless all of you and God Bless Amercia we will not let this act of coward break us down!

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Cheryl Monyak- looking for Cheryl, employee on 96th floor of Marsh USA. Blond hair, 5'3". Please contact me if anyone knows Cheryl or knows of others that surived from Marsh on floors 94 - 101. Thanks.

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We are looking for and information on Teresa Adorno 38 yrs old, d.o.b 4-18-63.ANy information that can be given would be greatl;y appreciated please email us at">

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Tuesday My Cousin Harry Ramos Works for the U.S. stock exchanges,
MAY DAVIS GROUP on 87th floor He's Missing,
following the deadly air attack that destroyed the
World Trade Center in Manhattan's,
Regroup and rescue workers scoured the debris of
the collapsed World Trade Center's twin towers for survivors,
My Cousin was on the 87th floor.
Please pray for my cousin and family.

Thanks for being there and
thanks for caring for him.
Please Call Mikki Ramos at Home #973-484-8982 OR
John Morales
DME TPS Hardware Eng.- CASS Offload Program

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On this site

We encourage all the American People to recognize and petition their United States Government Representatives for national recognition of honor for all of the brave Pilots, Attendants and Passengers on board American Airlines flights 11 and 77 and United Airlines flights 93 and 175. These are all American Heroes.

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We're looking for Daisako and Megumi Masuno. They live in the Manhattan area. Daisako works in the financial district...
Please let us know if you're okay.

Our hearts go out to all those affected by this horryfying terror attack, and we pray for the families of the wictims.

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Please, does anyone know anything about Scott Hazelcorn. He worked on (or about)the 104 Fl. of Tower 1. His family and friends havent heard from him.

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I have family & Friends in NYC & I live in Arizona for the last 1 1/2 years, I moved here from Brooklyn, NY. I feel so helpless because I am so far away. Some of my friends & family are still missig. Some have been found & are ok others are less fortunate & did not make it. I want to help any way that I can. Whatever I can do just let me know. I will be coming to NY as soon as I can get there & will help out there once I get to NY. Please know there are so many people praying for you all & that we are all pulling for you. Whatever I can do please email me. Thank you!"> or">

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I am looking for Brian Halmers on NYFD, I don't even know if he was back home yet 🙁

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I just want to say to all that have lost a Loved One, a Friend, or a colleague in this horrific tragidy. I have put you on my prayer list and I pray that God will envelope you in his love and carry you through all of this. I also pray that he will provide you with all of your needs physically and emotionally. My condolences to you and yours for your loss. From one small voice in South Carolina.

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