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Archive through September 13, 2001

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This is coming from Paris,France from an American from miami.....sending my deepest regards to all the families who have lost their loved ones. I have cried and kept my eyes glued to the tv, however my tears havent been completly tears of sadness or rage but also of relief for those survivors and firefighters being found little by little. You must have hope and faith. The world is watching, the world is by your side, they will help us get through it. May God bless each and everyone of you.

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Harry Ramos is listed okay at:

god bless

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My personnal feeling on the subject is that this is not only an act of war, but a criminal act as well. I feel that all Americans should take an active role in the justice of this event. I think a bounty for these criminals should be placed on thier heads. A "dead or alive" bounty of money raised and paid by Americans will give no safe haven for these criminals. I know I would pay money to see that the head of this incident be brought forth to answer to the American public. As an American I feel we each owe it to those who are dead and injured to seek justice. A global bounty on all known terrorist who wage war on Americans will give them the fear of no where to run, no where to hide.

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Hi I'm an italian girl and i live in Rome.....i wish i could help and give my shelter to the families of the victims....all i can say GOD BLESS YOU ALL.and America do not give up.....NEVER

May all your loved ones may rest in peace in the arms of GOD

Love you all

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I just wanted to say that I can't believe that this happened. But I am just as saddened by this event as anyone else. I don't know if any of my friends were on those planes. I want to reach out to those that know that their loved ones have passed away. When I saw the plane crash into the second World Trade Center, tears just rolled down my face. I was shocked! I got a really bad headache after I found out what happened and I just wanted to help everyone so bad. I'm only 19 years old but I feel like it's my turn to help and if this is the only way
~ by letting everyone know that I am here and that I feel your pain and grief ~
then that makes me feel at least a little bit better. So to everyone I send this prayer:


To everyone involved and all of us who have been affected, WE WILL SURVIVE! TERRORISM WILL NOT GET THE BEST OF US. GOD BLESS YOU and GOD BLESS AMERICA...

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Everyday we are hearing and seeing the news whats happend by you in New York, Washington and in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. It is terrible. I can not believe it. I hope, that God give you all de hope in this hard time. We will never forget all the victims died there. Only God nows who will punished.

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Calvin Gooding of Cantor Fitzgerald from the 104 floor, Tower 1 has been missing since Tuesday. His wife is currently 8 months pregnant with a 1 1/2 year old daughter waiting to hear anything. Calvin Gooding is African-American - dark complexion, 5' 10" and 185 lbs, scars on both knees and no other visible marks. He is wearing his platinum wedding band and a silver Hammelton black face watch. He is also wearing black pants and a dark blue shirt with a black belt and black shoes. Please email with any info to"> or">

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to the person looking for james nelson

james nelson okay (15541 Thu Sep 13
13:06:21 2001)

This was posted within the last hour on

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Will you help during a time of need?

As we try to comprehend the scope of Tuesday's tragedy, America's
collective thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.

Here's what you can do to help:

American Red Cross needs financial and blood donations. Call your
local Red Cross chapter or 1-800-GIVE-LIFE. The Red Cross web
site has been down periodically due to a large volume of concerned
netizens, but may be accessible at:

They are currently most in need of types O and RH negative blood.

Additional information:


As a reminder, the toll-free phone number for families in the US
to call is 1-800-932-8555. International toll-free numbers are
listed below.

Belgium: 027133646
China: 10800110008
France: 0169199659
Germany: 06966985407
Italy: 024829813
Japan: 00531114487
United Kingdom: 08458444777 or 02088227766
The Netherlands: 0202013708


Customers who wish to receive information about
relatives should call American’s response number
at 1-800-245-0999.


* FBI - *

The ultimate goal is bringing to justice the individuals or
organizations responsible for these horrific criminal acts.
We encourage anyone with any information or tips to
immediately contact the FBI at

* RED CROSS - ****

The Red Cross also has advice posted on their website that can help
people deal with their feelings brought about by the terrorist attack.
Among recommendations for coping:

Talk about feelings
Ask for help - strong feelings can last for weeks
Listen to other people and be kind
Spend time with family and return to the usual routine
Look away from graphic news videos
Reassure children that parents will protect them and take every
precaution to keep them safe
Recall other fearful times that did not last forever
Do something that could help others

Let us pull together as a nation to demonstrate our compassion
and strength in this time of great sorrow.

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Just checking to see if a friend is ok -- I've forgotten her married name, know her as NANCY PORTLOCK. I'm not positive she even worked in the WTC, but i know she works for an investment company. If you get this message, Nancy - or if anyone that knows her can let me know if she's o.k., please do so. My thoughts are with all of you who have been affected by this horrible event. Thank you.

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I don't know their last names or where they worked. All I know is that they were stock brokers in NY. They are 3 friends that I met in Hawaii in June. If anyone knows them or anything, please contact me.

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Links to find people -

World Trade Center Survivor Database (now over 16000 names):

'I'm OK' message center:

Friends and Family Status Database (Very Slow):

these links are from:
Good luck and God bless

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I am in Tampa Florida.. Far it seems from NY.. if anyone out there needs an ear to bend or just a friend in this time of sorrow Please email me at">
If anyone is stranded in Tampa and waiting to get home and needs a place to stay or a meal or a shower whatever.. Email us.. McCain said it best today.. God may show you (the terrorists) mercy. The US will not. The prayers and hopes are with the Families, Victims, Rescuers and volunteers. God Bless America

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I am looking for my cousin George Palladino who is a NYC Firefighter. I am in South Carolina and it is very difficult to reach anyone. I pray that everyone searching for a loved one is blessed with news. If you have any information please e/mail me at My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who has been struck by this nightmare.

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Please, if anyone knows of a survivor list from Marsh Mc let me know. We are searching for our cousin Francis Feely who works on the 98th floor.

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