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Archive through September 13, 2001

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Cindy From Arizona

To the Victims, their families and the Brave men and women working on rescue, are prayers are with you. We share your pain and anger. Sept. 11, 2001 We were reminded WE ARE AMERICANS. We are proud, our family members will never be forgotten. We will honor their lives. I speak for all Arizonans in saying these acts can not go unpunished.
We hope you will all find peace through the prayers of the world.
God Bless America

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Prayer from Tennessee!!!!!
My thoughts and prayers go out to all those family members and friends who had anyone in this terrorist attack or was affected some way. United States needs to come together and realize that we can't work alone we must work together in one nation under God. My condolences go out to all!

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These ppl wanted attention, Give it to them, Fight back

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Tom Farrelly listed as fine at

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Hi I'm a girl from Rome,Italy....i wish i was there to help you and give you al my comfort.... All i can do is pray to God... I send you all my love and that of my family. Those victims will always be in my prayers. Condolences to all of you who have lost a friend or a relative.....


Americans stay together and don't give up...NEVER.....

Love you much,

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Mr. Thomas Farrelly is listed in good health on the following website: God Bless!

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I'm writing from Toronto, Ontario, In Canada.
Re: The attack on America

I feel extremely bad, and all my sympathy goes out to America. What happened shouldn't have happened. But no one can stop what has to come.
There are certain things that we can stop. My concern is to my community and my brothers and sisters living in aAmerica and Canada. They are getting accused for being terrorist because we wear turbans and have beards. People don't understand, and don't see a difference between Sikh people and people such as Bin Laden. My grand father, a proper sikh senior, s walking towards a local mall in Long Island in US, and couple of guys (young students) rolled their windows and spit on him and called him horrible names. Yet my grand father was no harm to them. nor to anyone. We didn't do anything, why is our community under sttack all of a sudden.
A sikh student in Highschool got beaten, in confusion to being a muslim. from middle east. He proved his innocense by taking is turban off and showing his long hair. I find that very insulting and d-grading towards our religion.

Another incident happened in Toronto city, when 2 sardars got brutly beaten with base ball bats. the 2 sardars said that people were hitting them as if they were some evil creatures. They also said that people who were attacking them were saying " you muslims deserve to die... and your bin laden deserves to die." Now how ae thoes 2 innocent people related to Bin laden, or muslims when they are sikh. even some Muslim students and people are getting accused of what happened in America. why are we individuals getting invovled in a lie. We didn't do anything. Can't someone do something about this?

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MSNBC.Com reports that 5 firefighters were found alive Thursday afternoon, protected by a vehicle. No names in the article, sorry.....

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I am desperately searching for the following 2 people...Micah Melliano...worked in the WTT for one of the banks that handled Holocaust funds. I am also searching for Alex Buffa or Buffachloschevkay who worked for A1 courier at the bottom of the WTT. They both have family that live here in Florida and are desperately searching for word on them. Please contact me at if you have any information on these two people. God bless you

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Hi I am looking for a customer of mine from Hustler Casino in Gardena Ca. All I know is her first name( phyllis board name Lady PM ) Loves to play stud. I am worried about you PLEASE E-MAIL me at We miss you and
hope you & family are safe!!!!

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I am looking for my husband's niece, Monica Coburth. She worked in the World Trade Center and worked for Citicorp. We do not know if she is alive. Please let us know if any information is available.

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Any Windows on the World employee... Do you have any information on Jupiter Yambem. He was at the restaurant 106 fl N-WTC at 7:45 am. ANY one who is associated with Windows on the world, please contact me at

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We are looking for GEORGE ERIC SMITH. He was last noted to be on the 97th floor of the second WTC hit. GEORGE ERIC SMITH is a black male, approx seven feet tall and 225 LBS. Please send any info you have on GEORGE ERIC SMITH to us. We are praying for you Uncle Georgie! Rich, Nancy, Aliann and Sydney.

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So how come you seem to think YOU know all the answers zane?

What are you reasons for thinking that it is the civilised world that are fanatics?

If you want a discussion, then you won't get one from me, I've said my bit and I know the truth! It seems to me that you might have had some brain-washing yourself!

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Looking for information on Scott Rohner. He is listed as "okay" but family and friends have not heard from him. Please e-mail us with any info:">

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