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Archive through September 14, 2001

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We are looking for our co-worker and friend Lucy Vale husband Ivan Vale who worked for cantor fitzgerald/E-Speed . Please call with any information. (718) 235-9409 or 917 752-1003 beeper

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Re: Lt Frank Dwyer, please contact me at Thanks, Governor Burke

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To Our American Brothers & Sisters. The events of Tuesday September 11th will forever be burned into the memories of all Americans, Canadians and indeed all those who believe and strive for freedom and justice in this world.

Words cannot erase what has happened here. My heart goes out to all the men, women and children who have so tragically lost their lives to this madness and terror. I wish I were able to help those still searching, for we cannot give up hope prematurely, we owe all the victims that much at least. Canadians have and will continue to do whatever is asked of us in this crisis for our American friends.

This unprovoked and cowardly act of terrorism cannot and WILL not be tolerated. I have never considered myself as an especially brave man, but my heart fell at the sight of the second plane plunging into the WTC. At that moment, the need for vengence was incited in me like never before.

Should the need go out for volunteers to enlist and strike back at these cowards, rest assured that the men and women of Canada will stand beside our American brothers and once again fight to defend freedom, our citizens, and our way of life.

God Bless America!

William LeMasurier
Age 32
Toronto, Ontario

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5 firefighters found alive.
does anyone have info on who they are or what houses they are from ???
Please email
thank you and God bless

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Looking for DENNIS McHUGH of Morgan Stanley - last heard from the morning of 9/11 from Tower 2 - possibly last seen by a co-worker while evacuating -family distraught - any information helpful...

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On this site

We encourage all the American People to recognize and petition their United States Government Representatives for national recognition of honor for all of the brave Pilots, Attendants and Passengers on board American Airlines flights 11 and 77 and United Airlines flights 93 and 175. These are all American Heroes.

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I am looking for information on Firefighter Steve DiMaggio from the 50 company (?) in the Bronx. Also, is anyone aware of a web site that lists the names of the firefighters that are currently on a missing list? Please email

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DENNIS McHUGH MISSING - Family Distraught. Please help, any info appreciated,last heard from 9/11 Tower 2 early am.,last seen possibly by co-worker while">

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God bless the USA in this time of hurt and despair. My heart goes out to those families who have lost loved ones...the innocent victims and the heros that lost their lives in this tragic attack on America. Thank you to the "HEROS" of the flight that went down outside of Pittsburgh. They should all be honored and remembered as American heros as they sacraficed their lives in order to save many others! Thank you to the fire fighters, police officers, EMT's and all of the other heros that have lost their lives saving others! And to those still digging, searching and hoping...may God give you strength as you face such a horrible task! Americans will unite and overcome. God bless each and everyone of us.
Lisa-A fellow American in Parsons, Kansas

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God bless the USA in this time of hurt and despair. My heart goes out to those families who have lost loved ones...the innocent victims and the heros that lost their lives in this tragic attack on America. Thank you to the "HEROS" of the flight that went down outside of Pittsburgh. They should all be honored and remembered as American heros as they sacraficed their lives in order to save many others! Thank you to the fire fighters, police officers, EMT's and all of the other heros that have lost their lives saving others! And to those still digging, searching and hoping...may God give you strength as you face such a horrible task! Americans will unite and overcome. God bless each and everyone of us.
Lisa-A fellow American in Parsons, Kansas

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Instead of going down through the top to recue the trapped people,
dig a tunnel next to the building and cut through the concret wall to get
into the basement.

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Looking for information on NYFF Kevin Cassidy....

God Bless;

respond to

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NY Fireman Scott Farrington

- He lives in my Co-op in Pt.Chester - my daughter calls him "Scotch" and he's always willing to help me out - if anyone knows if he's okay PLEASE send an e-mail. Thx!!!!

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I am looking for names of people (firefighters, emerency personel, passengers of any of the flights, people in the towers)and their addresses so I may send one of my healing angels to each of the families. THankyou for your help.. you can write to me at"> or visit my website at
God Bless you all.

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I am looking for information about Paul McGee. He was on active duty at the Pentagon. We have not heard from him.

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