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Archive through September 14, 2001

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If anyone has any information on, or has heard anything about my friend Peter Frank. He worked at Fred Alger Management on the 93rd flr of Tower 1, the North tower and the first to be hit. He had a broken ankle, he recieved playing basketball. He is about 6ft tall and 185pds, with dark hair, that is slightly receeding. Please if anyone has any information contact me at 212-888-4856, or via email Thank you and God Bless.

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Martin Madeavan, Please if anyone has any information about this lovely friend of mine. I am out of my mind with worry. I know he worked for the Data Warehouse Team, and the name is his spoken shortened 'americanised' name. His real name is very long and unpronounceable and i dont know it. He is originally from India, Madras. Please contact me with any info on :
Please God may he be safe.
My prayers go to all that have been affected by this awful tragedy.
regards Bee in London

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MARTIN MADEAVAN, Please if anyone has any information about this lovely friend of mine. I am out of my mind with worry. I know he worked for the Data Warehouse Team, and the name is his spoken shortened 'americanised' name. His real name is very long and unpronounceable and i dont know it. He is originally from India, Madras. Please contact me with any info on :
Please God may he be safe.
My prayers go to all that have been affected by this awful tragedy.
regards Bee in London

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Anyone who knows if a LT Wayne Costello from NYPD, is alive and well, please email me at">

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I'm writing from Toronto, Ontario, In Canada.
Re: The attack on America

I feel extremely bad, and all my sympathy goes out to America. What happened shouldn't have happened. But no one can stop what has to come.
There are certain things that we can stop. My concern is to my community and my brothers and sisters living in aAmerica and Canada. They are getting accused for being terrorist because we wear turbans and have beards. People don't understand, and don't see a difference between Sikh people and people such as Bin Laden. My grand father, a proper sikh senior, s walking towards a local mall in Long Island in US, and couple of guys (young students) rolled their windows and spit on him and called him horrible names. Yet my grand father was no harm to them. nor to anyone. We didn't do anything, why is our community under sttack all of a sudden.
A sikh student in Highschool got beaten, in confusion to being a muslim. from middle east. He proved his innocense by taking is turban off and showing his long hair. I find that very insulting and d-grading towards our religion.

Another incident happened in Toronto city, when 2 sardars got brutly beaten with base ball bats. the 2 sardars said that people were hitting them as if they were some evil creatures. They also said that people who were attacking them were saying " you muslims deserve to die... and your bin laden deserves to die." Now how ae thoes 2 innocent people related to Bin laden, or muslims when they are sikh. even some Muslim students and people are getting accused of what happened in America. why are we individuals getting invovled in a lie. We didn't do anything. Can't someone do something about this?

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Looking for NIKOLAI DIMITROV. Please contact">

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I am looking for a police officer Michael Brodarick, I don't know his precint. I am an old friend. If anyone knows how he is or finds a list could you please email it to me. My heart goes out to the victims and their families and all people during this horrible time. I especially empathise with all of you who are waiting to hear about "missing family and friends", I hope you hear news/good news soon.

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I pray for all the people who have died and are suffering today as a result of what happened on Tuesday. We are having a day of mourning here in Ireland tomorrow and your country will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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My heart aches for the victims lost in this senseless tragedy and the many family members and friends left behind, especially the children of those who died. May God Bless our Leaders, President Bush and his Cabinet members in particular, May God Bless our Country our Citizens and May ALL of us turn our eyes to our Supreme Being and reach out to those around us. I happen to be a Christian, but I want others to know that our God loves you too. We are not an exclusive group of people and we need to remember that. Back during the Cuban Crisis when we felt in imminent danger, a co-worker naively told me that she was not going to prepare for WAR because no country could penetrate our borders. She was wrong then and even more so now. Hug your family members, reassure your friends and family that you love them and more than anything, be strong in your faith. Attend the Church or Synagogue of your choice and help the less fortunate find peace and love in this crazy world. Support our Armed Forces and the United States as we move forward eliminating the evil that brought this horrible tragedy on our shores. And, my prayer for you: God Bless America.

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Looking for Michele Lanza - she worked for Fiduciary Trust in the WTC. If you know where she is please email

Thank you and God Bless.

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What to say to all those people who lost loved ones I can't say enough But that I am sorry and that I pray for you each and every day I know we will surpasse this and our lifes will get some what back to normal! Tears roll down my face thinking of the horror all those people when threw, Though they are in a better place now it is still very hard to comprehend! My heart is with all who has suffered in this tragedy, and to all the familys who lost there loved ones I say I am so very sorry and that God is with us and will help us threw! Hang in there America!

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This summer, I had the opportunity to share a train trip across my country, Canada, with many of our neighbours from the States. They were stounded to learn that our current government thinks that our flag is a shameful symbol, andas a result, will not allow the politicians to place small Canadian flags on their desks in parliament. The reason: they do not want to make the French separatists feel uncomfortable! These American people were also shocked to learn that our immigration policy is so lax and dysfunctional that many of the Asians who landed in the rusted boats last year in Vancouver are unaccounted for, even though they have not even gone through the immigration process yet. Our immigration policy in Canada seems to work this way: ' Welcome to Canada, vote for the Liberal party and we won't ask any questions.' Sadly, this policy, yet again has affected the American people, in that it appears that more terrorists have made their way from their country to ours, and into the States to kill for their cause. Please accept my apology. I doubt you will get an apology from our arrogant little leader. My heart bleeds for you America. My tears are for the sorrow rising up from the dust in Washington, New York, and the blackened field in Pennsylania. However, I envy you as well because you can still unfurl your flag with pride amongst the rubble and ruin to show the world that you still believe in America and are loyal to it! Bless all of you! Steph

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I have set up a memorial site to honor all of those who lost their lives in this horrific
disaster. You can visit it at:

You may actively add memorials to loved ones there. -Oliver in Oregon

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I am paralyzed by such profound sadness, my support and prayers go out to all those who are left wondering at this time and who have lost someone. I am looking for NYPD Sgt. Tim Roy, he remains missing as of today, 9/13 and was near Bldg.#5 at the time of collapse. Any information would be appreciated, please contact me at

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LOUIS WILLIAMS - Was in WTC #2. Please e-mail any info to
Name: Louis Williams (Lou)
Age: 53, DOB 8-17-48
Race: White
Height: 5'11
Weight: 225lbs
Haircolor: Balding w/ gray,brown temples
Wire-framed glasses
Gold wedding band w/ "Happy 25th" engraved
Gold/Stainless Rolex watch

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