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Archive through September 14, 2001

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To all Families, Friends, Co-Workers, Business Associates, and Tourist of the NYC World Trade Center Diaster, and American people of our great nation.

Our prayers and Blessings go out to you and your love-ones that have deceased, or are missing and unaccounted for in this attack on America.

Please keep the faith as the NYPD., NY Firemen, Volunteeers, EMS., Doctors., and Nurses from and around New York are our Hero's and our angels! They will do whatever it takes to find our love ones.

NY, NJ, CT and the rest of the country are with you in our prayers.

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i am deeply sadden by this horriable event. i hope us fellow americans stick together in the sad time but we are strong and nothing can keep us down. GOD BLESS THE FAMILIES WHO HAVE LOST A LOVE ONE ILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS!

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Is there a list of firefighters who didn't make it. If anyone knows of such a list please contact me at
Bob hilker looking for firefighter Tim Westhall

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I'm a 33 year-old woman from Turkey and am deeply saddened and angered by this tragedy. I have lived all over in US for 8 years and consider this country my second home. I have seen nothing but kindness from Americans, made a lot of good friends and always look upon my time in US as a wonderful experience. I want to express my condolences to the families and friends of the victims and want you to know that a lot of us here are thinking of you and that you are in our prayers. Yesterday, nobody at work could concentrate on anything. Everyone was asking why, following the non-stop news coverage on TV, many crying. The flags here were at half-mast and the victims were remembered in many places.
As for the perpetrators of this despicable act, I am ashamed to belong to the same species - that human-beings can actually invoke so much pain on one another. I have no sympathy for whatever twisted justification they might have had in their minds. There is no justification for terrorism, period. I hope the perpetrators and whoever are behind them will be caught and brought to justice. I hope that can alleviate some of your pain. I hope there will be more survivors. Keep strong and know that there are many people all over the world thinking of you.

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Desperately seeking any information at all about NYFF Tommy(Thomas) Roche please e-mail Thank you and keeping all affected by this in my prayers. God bless all of these brave heroes.

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I just needed to express my grief and sorrow to our American friends. I cried tears for every family, and person whos lives have been forever changed by all this. I'm in Northwestern Ontario, but watching it unfold on TV made it feel very close to home. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I wish I could help, but if I can only help by expressing my grief and concern from here, than I hope it helps.

Every prayer helps!!


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I want to pass along my condolences and prayers to anyone who might have lost a loved one or a friend in the VICIOUS attack on our country a few days ago. To those of you who are awaiting news on
someone who is still considered missing I pray for
their safety and my thoughts are with you. I want to thank all those who have sent messages of hope and prayers from all over the world. It is such a
wonderful feeling to know that people from places all over this planet care. God Bless you all!! I also want to encourage as many of you as possible
to give blood or donate money to help out and to display our American Flag!! Oh, my parents are from New York so if there is any word on anyone with the last name of Mistretta please email me at

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I have always loved my country, but never so much as now. Right now I can see so clearly what the images that created The Star Spangled Banner must have been like. But I have always had faith in this country, and I am not surprised at the bravery and good will that has come out of this. What I love to see is the reactions of other countries all over the world. I have never felt so close to the rest of the world either. Every so often I am reminded how alike we really all are, even when it doesn't seem so. I pray to God more then anything that we never forget that.

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I have always loved my country, but never so much as now. Right now I can see so clearly what the images that created The Star Spangled Banner must have been like. But I have always had faith in this country, and I am not surprised at the bravery and good will that has come out of this. What I love to see is the reactions of other countries all over the world. I have never felt so close to the rest of the world either. Every so often I am reminded how alike we really all are, even when it doesn't seem so. I pray to God more then anything that we never forget that.

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to everyone that has a loved one missing. i just want you all to know my heart is with you all. i know theres nothing i can do or say to make the pain go away, but i will tell you this my heart and my prayers go with you a long way. please hang in there and keep praying. god bless you all and everyone.... we all need it,specially in a time like this...

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Toutes mes condoléances aux familles endeuillées par un acte si deshumanisé.

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On behalf of all in Houston Texas, I would like to express deep sympathy for those who have missing or lost loved ones. We feel your pain and we will continue to keep you in our prayers.


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i am searching for my uncle, THOMAS DOWD. He is employeed by Cantor Fitzgerald and i believe works on the 102nd floor. If anyone has any infor please e-mail"> thanks.

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My heart just aches for the unbelieveable tragedy our fellow countryman have endured. Because I believe God is in control of all that happens, it is hard to understand WHY? I also know that God has a purpose in everything. What can we as a people learn from this? What can we learn as a world? Along with so many I am and will continue to pray for those who have lost loved ones to be comforted and those still seeking, to find them alive. After reading the many notes of kindness and concern, I would like to say there is one way we all can help to have this never happen again.
We fellow Americans must and I repeat must help in any way to find and rid our nation of those who would participate in such atrocities. For our many friends in other countries, encourage all those in leadership of your country to join with the United States in this crusade against terrorism. As we are many nations, we can be united as one people against this evil. What an encouragement to me to hear of your heartfult concern for our people. May our God use us all to further His will and defeat this evil. A Cincinnatian.
Jeremiah 29:11

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I met Patrick last Nov. when I was visiting from CA. I have lost touch with him in the last few months and I would REALLY like to know that he is o.k. He worked in Manhattan but I don't know which precinct. If you know Patrick, please tell him to call or email me as soon as possible!

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