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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Joy Shepherd of San Diego is alive and well and looking for ground transportation from New York to San Diego. Her husband has already been contacted.

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I am looking for news of my cousin, Dennis M Dwyer, in the Navy and stationed at the Pentagon. If you know of his status, please e-mail us at

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To all of you
Thank you very much for your support. Freddie and Altagracia Fong from Puerto Rico are OK and have communicated with their family. May God be with you at all times.

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Thomas Farino, Capt., Missing since Tuesday am, one of the first one there, Engine Co. 26. Please any information would be very helpful.

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I live in Sydney and Australia, and my heart goes out to all of the victims and the families involved in the tragedy that occured on Tuesday, 11 September 2001.

I hold hope for more people to be found alive amongst the wreckage of what use to be the WTC twin towers, and the Pentagon.

Let's also hope that the evil demons who organised the death of so many innocent lives are found and brought to justice. I know that this terror has affected the US, but would like to let you know that whether we had loved ones there or not, we are affected as human beings. The humanity in us all will get the US, and the world, through this awful time.

Wishing all the best to everyone in the USA and around the world. As we get through the awful torment of the images we have all seen, but never thought possible.

All the best from the Sfetsos family - Yolanda, Eugene, and Cassandra. 14/9/2001.

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I am in the U.K. unable to do anything to help you all. I am not particularly religious, but I have been praying for you all since Tuesday. I have a candle lit here for you and your loved ones.

I wish I could do something constructive, I hope my prayers will help you all.

My heart goes out to you ! I pray you will all have good news.

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-America Attacked-
This is totally wacked!
Twin Towers are down
Many people unfound
Revenge in the air
Does anyone care?
How many more lives will we lose?
All result of what we hear on the news
Fight for our Freedom
Who's taking the blame?
Question in our minds
Will we ever be the same?
Inflation will soon
take over our nation
Hanging onto every word
We listen for the news
Everyone has a story to tell
They all want to share their blues
So smile for the camera
In your few moments of fame
Just remenmber to stick together
To fight as 1 for our AMERICAN NAME...L.A.P.

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Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 2

-America Attacked-
This is totally wacked!
Twin Towers are down
Many people unfound
Revenge in the air
Does anyone care?
How many more lives will we lose?
All result of what we hear on the news
Fight for our Freedom
Who's taking the blame?
Question in our minds
Will we ever be the same?
Inflation will soon
take over our nation
Hanging onto every word
We listen for the news
Everyone has a story to tell
They all want to share their blues
So smile for the camera
In your few moments of fame
Just remenmber to stick together
To fight as 1 for our AMERICAN NAME...L.A.P.

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I am looking for a friend's father. His name is Ulf Ericson, and he worked in one of the Towers. Please email me at if you know of his whereabouts.
Thank you,


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Our love and prayers go out to all of the families who have lost a loved one. This was a horrific act of violence that will always haunt us forever. We are all mourning your losses.

Osgoode, Ontario Canada
Biscope Family

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We have not been able to find a photo database for missing persons, and are making available free. dotPhoto is self-organizing; anyone can open a free account, upload photos, and the search on the front page will find photos that include the words "missing person." We're hoping this is useful to medical and rescue personnel, and to people outside of the New York and Washington, D.C. areas who want to make photos available to medical and rescue personnel. Glenn Paul,

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Admelinda Rubio is alive and safe.

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I am looking for Jason McMillan He was in Hawaii in the Navy until '97/98. Last I heard, he was a hopeful for FDNY. We lost touch awhile back and I am hoping he is alright. Please contact me if anyone has information.

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Looking for any information about William R. Wood of MSDW. Thank you and our prayers are with you all. Email at

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My heart goes out to all the children who have lost their mothers and fathers in this terrible tragedy. I am a single mother of 3 children and cannot imagine what life would be like for them right now. A very dear friend of mine is a F.F. in Ontario, Canada and I know the pain that the men and women F.F.'s in Canada are feeling. To Norm, love you always and forever. Gund

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