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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Looking for Jonathan Henry of the upper E. side & an MSDW employee.Youd better be drinking a cool martini & smoking stinky cigars somewhere safe(i pray!).

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Looking for James Coyle-he is a good friend of mine and is a New York Firefighter. Any info would be appreciated. My prayers are with all of you.

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I am looking for my dear friend
Michelle Goldstein. She worked at Aon WTC 2 92 Floor. If their is any information on her at all. Please e-mail me at Thank you for any help.

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From the UNITED States of America, we thank you for your kindness and prayers. We know that most of the world are not like the insane people who did this unspeakable act of terrorism, and would never cheer at a disaster like this (no matter what country it happened to). We know that most of the world is grateful for our help and compassion in times of disaster, in our humane treatment of prisoners in times of war, and for our efforts in keeping FREEDOM and Opportunity to Succeed ALIVE in as much of the world as we can. We constantly mourn (and try to help) the victims of poverty and ignorance, of zealot groups and governments, of religious persecution (which includes all the women of the world who are kept down with violence and kept from having an education, to make their own choices)etc., etc., etc. There is no reason to attack at us, and it is so silly to try, and think of it as a victory against us! We will not be broken! Many terrorist groups had their death warrant signed yesterday, whether they were a part of this or not. Rest assured that we are still UNITED, and will ALWAYS BE SO. We will not be cowed by this. We will forever work to eradicate anyone who might ever dare to commit this kind of cowardly and cruel deed. We are still, and will ALWAYS be "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave". Thank you once more.

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Let me say that what happened yesterday is such a tragedy as we all know. It seems surreal and today, it is still hard to believe. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you. I know now that I will wake up everyday and thank god for giving me another day to be with my children and for being alive. There are no words to truly express the way that this has made everyone across the globe feel. May God bless you and keep you safe and know that Canadians everywhere are with you in thought and in prayer.

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Let me say that what happened yesterday is such a tragedy as we all know. It seems surreal and today, it is still hard to believe. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you. I know now that I will wake up everyday and thank god for giving me another day to be with my children and for being alive. There are no words to truly express the way that this has made everyone across the globe feel. May God bless you and keep you safe and know that Canadians everywhere are with you in thought and in prayer.

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When I saw what happened it was like a scene from a movie, it seemed that it could not happen. There is nothing a person can say to make it better or go away, it makes alot of things that we take for granted seem insignificant in some ways. I pray for the families and the victims of this tragedy that should not have happened.

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Looking for Edward Bruehl - Morgan Stanley Dean Whitter - I am not even sure if he worked in the towers or not. I am a friend from his hometown in Thousand Oaks, CA. Please let me know.
My prayers go out to everybody and their families.
Sincerely - Trish Calcut-Murdoch -

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I am trying to locate my stepson's biological father. Edward (or Eddie) Lucas was working for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter in WTC2 at last contact. He was living in Brooklyn at the time. If anyone has any information, please contact

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Looking for information about Michael Mike) Morreale, Salvatore (Sal) Stincone, and Stephanie Gambino (Maiden name). Please e-mail">

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Looking for Harry Glenn Risk Management Dept. last seen on the 97th floor was out on Safe list but still no conact or confirmation of status please contact Sharon Glenn 732-287-3282

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My heart and all my prayers are with you now as you struggle to understand and to heal from the devesation that has happened in New York and across the States. It seems so unbelievable that this could happen.
I just want you to know that myself and my family and all of Canada will pray for you everyday and will help in any way we can.

God's blessings on you all.

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I am truly very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

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As a 16 year old high school student, most people would think that we..being teenagers would not care about what happened yesterday. But when I saw the Trade Centers towers fall one by one, my eyes filled with tears. I was too naive to think that anything like this would ever happen to our country. As I watched the television screen, watched the Pentagon rage in flames. I asked myself "who would do this to this wonderful country?" Today, as I celebrated my 16th birthday, I felt as if I didnt need to see another year. I felt as if I were bragging to these thousands of Americans that perished in this sickening event, bragging that I got to see another day of life, to live in this great, beautiful, wonderful country. And even though I am young, I might be naive, I can say that I would do anything to help anyone out. To help not only the people in need, but to help our country. I can say now that I have never felt so proud to be an American. Even though we are the victim, this is only a crutch that has been knocked from beneath us. We will prevail. This country is too strong, and proud.

Long Live The USA

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Our hearts, prayers, and thoughts are with you. With deepest sympathy and an abundance of love from Canada.

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