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Archive through September 14, 2001

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I am looking for my cousin Clyde Frazier Jr. WTC 2 86th Floor. Anyone with info, please call at 718 845 7411 or 718 723 6369
Thank you
Good luck to and God Bless all

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I am looking for a friend of mines daughter her name is LT. commander Melodie Starr she was suppose to be at the pentagon. He is very worried about her. thank you.

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WANT TO KNOW IF THE NEWTON FAMILY IS OKAY - ALONZO, LUJEANIA, LATOYA, TRINA, CALEB, AND THE REST. Lujeania worked in WTC when I last spoke with her some time back. CONTACT CAROLYN JOHNSON E-Mail: Work tel# in California (209) 953-7211 (voice mail). ANDREA, AMANDA & I ARE FINE!! GOD BE WITH YOU!!!

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As I sit here in my home in Tennessee, looking at my 4 month old son sleeping safely in his daddy's arms, I can't imagine what the families of the missing people in New York, and Washington must be going through. Not knowing where their loved ones are, and if they are safe. My heart breaks for them, and my soul aches. I just can't believe this has happened!! I see all the different nations, and countries lending their support,kind words, and prayers, and it makes me very proud! We will come together and will be stronger than ever. My heart and prayers goes to everyone in New York and Washington, God bless you all, and God Bless America.
Stephanie from Tennessee

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I am looking for my aunt, Connie Marie Jones.. she
was working at the Pentagon at the time of the
attack, and her family has been unable to contact
her. If anyone has any information on her, please
email at">

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To America’s people one and all
I hope that you will all recall
That Terrorist’s are an elite group
That have already flew the coup

Don’t take it out on friends and neighbors
Who help you with your toils and Labour’s?
Blame indeed the culprits who
Are a heinous, murderous crew

Don’t let them pull your world apart
Show them a nation with brave heart
Don’t lift a gun or fire a rock
Until the culprits have been caught

Innocent lives will not revenge
Only stain the soul, at the end
Let natural justice be the word
Ying and yang and back again

The lord will see their horrid souls
And send them to revenge ten-fold
So keep your hearts Americans all
Be strong, believe, be-bold, behold

From Elisabeth M Clark

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I received a phone call from a man by the name of Carlos Cruz. He said he was looking for Robert or Irene Howard, and says it's urgent to please call this phone#212-967-1214. I tried calling this number, and I get a message stating that services to this phone number are not working at this time. He called my cell#, and I believe he dialed my number by mistake, but if you know him, please call as he could be trying to get in touch with a loved one.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May we always remember the innocence we have all lost Tuesday and honour those who lost their lives and those who stay(ed) in the path of danger helping others. Canada is with you. Stay stay strong America.
St. CAtharines, ON Canada

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Looking for information on Heather Ho, Windows on the World Restaurant 106 & 107th Floor, World Trade Center #1. Conflicting reports on survior web sights. Any credible information would be of great comfort to her family, friends and collegues. Deepest Thanks. Tracy

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From our small town in Washington Court House, Ohio, we send our love and prayers to all of those whose lives have been torn apart in this inhumane tragedy. This is a time we all need to come together and fight for what we believe in. We need to let whoever is responsible know that this will not be tolerated in the United States. God bless you all.

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My family and Myself send our thoughts and prayers that this Nation will pull together and that the Nation will trust in God that He will help us deal with this horrible thing has happened. As soon as I heard about this sick thing was going on in THIS country I hit my knees and prayed for peace, love and that Gods hand would help these people invloved in the crashes. I hace faith that God will help us all through this. To anyone who may have a loved one missing ,hurt or God forbid dead that my family is and will be praying for you and your families. May God be with you and my your prayers be answered also and quickly.
My 8 year old ask if shecould help in any way that would truly matter and we told her that praying is the first thing we can do for anyone at this moment.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you all

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Email information about Heather Ho to Thank you.

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I don't know where exactly to begin or what exactly to say. I am stunned still...even days after. As I sit here and type this it is pouring down rain here in Ohio which makes me think of us...the American citizens, not just us, but many others. It makes me think of the tears that are flowing now. Even though I am not directly affected I have friends and family who are. I grieve at this time with the rest of the world. I hold all of you in my prayers who have lost a loved one and I hold those who were lost in my heart and thoghts forever.
To those men and women who helped and put their lives in danger: I admire you and to me you and all of our lost souls are heros to me.Godblees you all.
To those people who back us up: Thank you so much. You have no idea how much your kind words and thoughts help. Godbless you guys too.
And last, but not least to all the American citizens: We have been hurt as someone else has said, but we are not down. Right now we do grieve, but the one thing that came out good of this whole thing is we grieve a nation. I am proud to be an American. I am proud of us, and I know we can pull though this...we will pull through this. My heart and my prayers go out. On behalf of Ohio Godbless us all. We are going to make it and when we do those sick people will get what they deserve.When this isall over the American Citizens will hold their heads higher with more pride. Godbless all. love jackie

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Our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims,families and emergency workers. Our hats off to all the Ems, Firefighters, Police, Nurses and Doctors God be with you. We hope and Pray that there will be MANY MANY people found alive and that they will be back in the arms of loved ones soon.

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