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Archive through September 14, 2001

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September 11th,2001 will remain in our minds for years to come.
Shock, terror, fear.
The attack on America has happened, it is here.
8:45a.m. a hijacked plane collided with tower one.
Was it an accident or was it intended to be done?
Fifteen minutes later tower two was struck as well
Not long after the World Trade Center was gone;
it had fell.
The Pentagon is where the third plane went down.
What will be next: the white house, Airforce one or my own home town?
A field in Pennsylvania is where the final plane hit.
Is it over? Are they finished? Will they ever quit?
Thousands of Americans may have lost their lives.
Could it be our children, our parents, our husbands, or our wives?
Many people are missing; their families just pray.
Will their loved ones be pulled from the rubble today?
The question we all ask is who has done this and why?
We will find them; we will fight them; our strength will never die.
These terrorist attacks were on our freedom loving land.
But our nation will remain strong and united we shall stand.
The shock will wear off; the fear will go away,
and a new life will form in th US of A!!!!!

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Sorry Campkin, but a general sweep would be the only way to get out the rifraff. Of course your hubby had to prove a lot before he was allowed to stay here, he's from the Mother Country.I'm sure you'd have to jump through the same hoops if you wanted to move to the UK. I'm not a prejudiced person and I don't hate, but we as American-Americans are getting to be a minority in our own country and it is because of that, that our freedom, security and democratic rights are being threatened and negatively impacted. Everyone, no matter who they are, where they come from, of what cultural,religious,economic or political persausion they are, have as many, if not more rights and freedoms then we do and don't appreciate it cuz they haven't figured it out. Instead they want to destroy what we have selfishly believing that will bring them peace and properity. After all, we have to work for everything we have attained, at least I know I do. So why should I have to sacrifice because they willingly left there own country to come here and destroy what I have just because they don't think I deserveit? Nope, sorry. Doesn't work that way. You want what I have, stay in your own country and work for it. I can't go to another country and live and work with as many rights as their own citizens have. So, why should it be different here? Lady Liberty needs to come into the 21st century and take care of her own tired and poor.

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I am In Michigan and would like anyone who is still missing someone from all three sites to please contact me. I am putting a site together and would like to put a list of those missing with their picture is possible. I am not doing this for anyone but for everyone. There are alot of us out here praying with you for those who are mssing or passed on in this tragedy.

Please send an email to
I am serious and please only those who are truely missing.
Elizabeth in Michigan

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CHUCK ROBERTS Anyone knowing the whereabouts or any information for CHUCK ROBERTS please contact me at @aol">mihp2000@aol. I am an old friend and worried about him and his family in Long Island.
My prayers to all families and their loved ones.

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I am looking for my brother. His name is Min Sung. He also goes by Mason. He works for American Express on building 7. I just want to make sure that you are okay. Please e-mail me.

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To our American friends, all Australians are
shocked, angry, upset and bewildered at what
has happend. Our hearts, thoughts and
prayers go out to the victims and families
affected from this horrific attack. We hold onto
hope that alot more survivors will be
uncovered and ask all to pray and not loose
hope. To the families of victims our hearts go
out to you in what will be a long road to
recovery and forgivness. The world needs to
unite as one. God bless.

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September 11th,2001 will remain in our minds for years to come.
Shock, terror, fear.
The attack on America has happened, it is here.
8:45a.m. a hijacked plane collided with tower one.
Was it an accident or was it intended to be done?
Fifteen minutes later tower two was struck as well
Not long after the World Trade Center was gone;
it had fell.
The Pentagon is where the third plane went down.
What will be next: the white house, Airforce one or my own home town?
A field in Pennsylvania is where the final plane hit.
Is it over? Are they finished? Will they ever quit?
Thousands of Americans may have lost their lives.
Could it be our children, our parents, our husbands, or our wives?
Many people are missing; their families just pray.
Will their loved ones be pulled from the rubble today?
The question we all ask is who has done this and why?
We will find them; we will fight them; our strength will never die.
These terrorist attacks were on our freedom loving land.
But our nation will remain strong and united we shall stand.
The shock will wear off; the fear will go away,
and a new life will form in th US of A!!!!!

My family and I would like to offer our prayers and condolences to those families who have loved ones missing or deciesed. Also our extraordinary gratitude to the many firefighters, policemen, and volunteers who are risking their lives to save others. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!

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I am looking for pictures and names of those who either perished or are missing in what was the most hideous act anyone could have inflicted on anyone. I am putting together a website and would like this for it. I would be happy to show it if you think this is a hoax.

Please email me at

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I am looking for pictures and names of those who either perished or are missing in what was the most hideous act anyone could have inflicted on anyone. I am putting together a website and would like this for it. I would be happy to show it if you think this is a hoax.

Please email me at

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Indonesian Tears & Prayers

We cry and pray out loud for you, America ...
Despite the distance, we feel what all Americans feel at the very moment. Your sorrow is our sorrow. Our prayers and best wishes to all the affected ones. We also hope for more survivors and less victims to come out. Our thoughts and hearts go out for all of you there, as we need you, America, to help build the world, and enforce the liberty, democracy, and freedom.
The virtue will prevail. God bless America!

We Love You All,


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Please people Be carefull putting your names and phone numbers online like this.... try to just stick with other ways. I deeply hope that you all find the imfo for all your loved ones. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! GOD WILL PREVALE AND SO WILL HIS COUNTRY!!!

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Looking for MARINA AND RAYMOND BARON from Westbury 11590.

Please mail at if you have any info or call Moscow +7(095)479-51-16

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Has anyone seen Sneha. She lives two bloacks from WTC She has been missing since yesterday

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War doesnt bring halt to terrorism.Now that Pakistan talking about helping US for attacks and if US thinks that , pakistan is helping, that will be the height of ignorance. All the Islamic Groups have already migrated to Pakistan now and Hitting at Afganistan is like killing a dead man. All the millitants will be safe elsewhere. In return to Pakistan's Great Help to US, US will sell them Arms and this will lead to increased terrorism in the other regions. So its a vicious loop and all the developed countries are responsble for this growth. So please think twice before you hit.

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To all the grieving families. i wish to express my condolences to the victims of the attack. Hope you will stay strong and brave through all obstacles. i will be behind all the Americans all the time and give my support to you! God bless all of you and take great care of yourself.

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