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Archive through September 14, 2001

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We would like to know the current location of Cecile CAGUICLA. Someone posted her condition as 'critical' but did not say where she is. PLEASE HELP US.

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I am also wondering how many people can be so violant, prejudice and blood - thirsty.
I have written some thoughts yesterday, expressing my feelings of sorrow and compassion.
But now when I am reading some of your messages, I am shocked as well... with BOTH SIDES. - with the ones like "american jackass" and with the others, who write:"let kill their children, let kill them all".
What has happened is awful and unexplainable. But PEOPLE just read what are you writing?!!
You are condemming the terrorist and I guess everyone who is different from you right now. And your anger is understandable. But don't you SEE that you are even using the same phraising as terrorist. (kill them all; there are no innocent people...) You do not understand them, but right now you are acting the SAME WAY.
To "innocence" and "american jackass". That is right. I am addressing this to both of you (and others who think the same): what gives you right to say that "there are no innocent people in the Middle East" and "Americans are bastards" etc.
I have never been in America nether in the Middle East and I do not know if it is true or not. Nether DO BOTH OF YOU! How may you use word ALL. Do you PERSONALLY know ALL people from Middle East and America. Otherwise how dare you make such statement?!
To STEELHORSE: I am very glad that there are some persons like you. You were right about the statement that after reading this forum it could seem that americans are ignorant, blood-thirsty etc. I did not think this way yesterday. Now... it really seems this way. Although it is vitally to remember that not everything is what it seems to be. I am trying to explain the pure hate of some of you to myself. The fear is the reason for that and it is understandable. But there should be the end of this. Don't let your fear and hate think instead of yourself.
I am happy that there are few people who are able to think clearly. But this doen't mean that they don't care or they are not in pain. They are just strong enough.
Finally, noone knows who is RESPONSIBLE for this horrible attack still. The actions should be taken only after it becomes clear and PROOVED. What is going to happen if there will be mistake?! Are you going to say :"We are sorry. We just killed the wrong people?!"
Americans and other people in the world want to find the guilty ones and make them take responsibility for their actions. Just do not forget that everyone is responsible for its own actions. Are you ready to take responsibility for your actions?!

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Looking for Liam Colhoun (might be mis-spelled as Calhoun) and Michael Curry. Email me at . Thanks muchly.

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This is an update for an earlier entry. Laura (Laurie) Haffner of Guy Carpenter has been located. She is fine. God blessed her with a few more good years. She worked from home that day! My thoughts and prayers go out to the individuals not yet found. It saddens me deeply to think of the stress and saddness of those who are still wondering where their loved ones are. God Bless all of you!

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From shocked Spain, I have to say that we feel very close to all those who have lost somebody and I would like to send all my love to those who will never be the same after those terrifying images. God bless you. God bless America. God bless the World.

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The American troops will be playing "ALL GUNS BLAZING" By Judas Priest, as they kick MOther Fuckin Taliban ass on those fuckin dirty smelly terrorists!

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To all the people.
Watching on the news is hard enough. I am sure i am talking not just for myself. Rescue workers of all descriptions, when this is finally over, the images we see in our own homes will never be forgotten. From here in England, i would like to pay tribute to you all for the work you are all doing. You are all undescribably wonderfull.
Thank you

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I'm looking for:


She is a japanese female, about 5'4", 21 years old, with blondish dyed hair. She was on her way to the Pre Toy Fair which was 2 blocks away from the WTC. Please email me or contact me if you have any information on her.


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i would loke to express my deepest sympathy to those lives that were lost in the tragic terroist act and to the families of those that are missing my prayers with you and all of us in delaware, ohio we love you all and justice will be served

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This is very difficult,words fail me,how can a group of human beings! create so much pain,grief and disbelief and suffering to fellow human beings ? i do not understand the world we live in any more,if this is how they believe they can bring peace or correct a political wrongdoing they are very much mistaken!
The hearts of my wife and myself and my whole family go out to all Americans especialy those unfortunate to be directly affected by this total disregard for human life.
Life is not a rehersal,this is it and no-one person has the right to wreak this sort of havoc and make decisions for us.

God Bless you all

Nevil & Sally Clark and family (United Kingdom)

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My wife & I are absolutely devastated by your plight.
We live in Wellington New Zealand and would like to offer free accomodation to any New Yorkers wishing to esacape this mahem.
Please email me.
Philip & Linda Morton

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I'll pray for you all, for people who've lost friends, brothers, sisters, relatives, and so on, we'll make 3 minutes silence today 14.09.2001 , 12am. Rome local time.
I'm with you.

with all my love
(Rome, Italy)
If I can do something for you my e-mail is:

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I am lookin for JENNIFER IVANCIU

i am very worried that no news of jennifer, my last contact with jennifer last monday, i am from australia, she live and worked in area of manhattan, i am not sure what company she work but she do sale rep, she only 31 yrs old, if u heard or seen Jennifer, i want to know if she is alive but i felt insane and worry i dont want to give up my hope on jennifer, well let the prayers and GOD BLESS AMERICA, this is very tragic happen to NY people and Pentagon, i never forget seen NY and i dont know if i would ever foot in NY again it too painful, let our prayers if u seen or heard of Jennifer Ivanciu please contact me on

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I pray for you all, for people who've lost friends, brothers, sisters, relatives, and so on, we'll make 3 minutes silence today 14.09.2001 , 12am. Rome local time.
I'm with you.

with all my love
(Rome, Italy)
If I can do something for you my e-mail is:

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I am lookin for my sister Dr. Aruna J. Mehta.
ph-8457350950. Anyone having any info please contact me immediately.
If anyone from New York can do the needful please help me track her.I will be highly obliged to you
Asha Sharma

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